Fields in Namelist file: NRUN: ID number of the run LVAL: The L-shell that is used to compute the grid LMIN: Minimum L-shell in the grid LMAX: Maximum L-shell in the grid NX: Number of points in L-shell direction NY: Number of points in longitudinal direction Z0: Altitude of ionospheric boundary (km) DS0: Minimum grid spacing along the field line (km) DSN: Maximum grid spacing along the field line (km) (Note that grid spacing near ionopshere is DS0, increasing gradually to DSN) RTOP: Not used, was maximum altitude (Re) in earlier version of the code COUR: Courant number TMAX: Duration of run (sec) DTPLOT: Interval between output files (sec) IDRIVE: Code for form of input of driver: 1 for sine wave, 2 for pulse, 3 for ramp, 4 for spectrum up to a freq to tdrive (20 waves), 5 for wave packet, 6 for damped oscillator, 7 to read time profile from data file (e.g, to use real data) TDRIVE: time scale for driver, depends on IDRIVE: IDRIVE=1, TDRIVE is period of since wave IDRIVE=2, TDRIVE is time to peak of pulse IDRIVE=3, TDRIVE is time to reach maximum IDRIVE=4, TDRIVE is time to turn on spectrum IDRIVE=5, TDRIVE is duration of wave packet IDRIVE=6, TDRIVE is damping time of oscillation IDRIVE=7, TDRIVE is time in data to start run FMAX: Maximum frequency for IDRIVE=4, Frequency for 5 or 6, Not used for other values DMAX: Frequency spacing, only for IDRIVE=4 LATDRIVE0: Latitude of peak of driver (degrees) DLATDRIVE: Width of driver in latitude (degrees) LONGDRIVE0: Longitude of peak of driver (degrees, measured from midnight DLONGDRIVE: Width of driver in longitude (degrees) BDRIVE0: Magnitude of driver (nT) MODD: Ionosphere model for dayside MODN: Ionosphere model for night side SUBSOL: Latitude of subsolar point DELZ: Width of transition between day and night ionospheres, in terms of the cosine of the solar zenith angle IXBC: Boundary condition in latitude direction: 0 for Dirichlet BC (for compressional B field) 1 for Neumann BC 2 for Neumann at inner boundary, Dirichlet at outer boundary 3 for Alfvenic boundary condition: reflecting on dayside and open on nightside IFFT: Flag for including FFT at ionosphere. If IFFT=0, a simplified boundary condition is used, IFFT=1 to use FFT to solve ionosphere boundary EDIF1, EDIF3: not used MODEFRAC: fraction of Fourier modes to retain; a value < 1 gives filtering of higher modes SIGPSCALE: Factor to scale Pedersen conductivity SIGHSCALE: Factor to scale Hall conductivity PSDEN: Plasmaspheric density PSSCALE: Exponential scale length for plasmasphere PPLMAX: Maximum L shell of plasmapause (at dusk) PPLMIN: Minimum L shell at plasmapause (at dawn). PPLMAX=PPLMIN for symmetric plasmapause, elliptical plasmapause boundary if not equal PPWIDTH: Width of plasmapause transition (Re) AURDEN: Density outside of plasmapause, assumed to fall off as 1/r NXATM: number of points to use in atmospheric solution