Welcome to public health moment from the University of Minnesota. August is National Immunization Awareness Month. As kids head back to school, it's a good reminder for parents to make sure that their children are up to date with their vaccinations, says Joan Patterson, a University of Minnesota epidemiologist. There is a state law that requires that children have immunizations, a certain set of them, before they go to school, so they need to be in compliance with that law. It's really one of the major success stories of public health, and how so many diseases that used to take children's lives now are preventable by having children. Vaccinated parents can seek an exemption from the state law, and although there has been an increase in such exemptions, Patterson says, Minnesota still ranks above the national average in the percentage of children who are current with their immunizations. If you don't have health insurance or you'd like more information, contact your local public health agency or the Minnesota Department of Health. So if you're not sure about where to take your child for immunizations, you could contact the Minnesota Immunization Program at 1800657397 or if you live in the greater metropolitan area at 651-201-5503 Judge, with another public health moment, I'm John Finnegan.