Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series—M-131 Aggregate Resource Potential of Itasca County, Minnesota Surficial Geology and Aggregate Endowment by Gary N. Meyer, Carrie Jennings, and Mark A. Jirsa 2004 The file itascovs.zip contains ArcInfo coverages in Arc export (e00)format for Itasca County. The mapping was done in three stages (Nw, Ne, and Se) over a three year period and released as three separate printed map sets showing surficial geology and aggregate endowment at a scale of 1:100 000. These paper maps are available from the MGS as M- 131 with 6 plates. Earlier versions of the data have been superceded by this release and are not provided herin. PDF versions of the six M-131 plates are subdivided into the Nw, Ne and Se sections of the county and represent surface geology (sg) and aggregate endowment (ag). The present data set comprises all of the county data wherein the previous data sets have been combined and edge-matched where appropriate into county-wide ArcInfo coverages. No county-wide base was created for the project and none is provided with this data set. For those in need of base material, the MnDOT web site: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/tda/basemap/index.html provides a variety of base data at county scales for download. Metadata is provided in the Metadata folder. The metadata is from the individual stages of the project and has not been altered from that released earlier, except for the file The projection of the data is UTM, zone 15, NAD83. Bedrock geology polygons are provided in the shapefile Itascabgpg. Some metadata for this shapefile is found in the metadata_sei file in the metadata folder. The following is a list of the export files provided: bgthkns.e00—polygon cover showing areas where depth to bedrock is less than 20' or greater than 20' itastpln—line cover showing topography of land surface, derived from USGS DEM data using ArcInfo, contour interval = 50 feet. cwipts.e00—point cover of well data and locations from the MGS County Well Index glstria.e00—point cover of glacial striations, dots only, rotation angle is given in table. gmln.e00—line cover of geomorphic linear features itasoc.e00—polygon cover showing locations and type of bedrock outcrop obspt.e00—point cover of field observation data locations papg.e00—polygon cover, outline of Itasca Co, from MnDOT 2004 data, particularly important where county border is adjacent or coincident with Mississippi river. papgne.e00—clipping polygon for the Ne Itasca data papgnw.e00—clipping polygon for the Nw Itasca data papgse.e00—clipping polygon for the Se Itasca data rspg.e00—polygon cover showing aggregate resource endowment rspt.e00—point cover showing locations of resource point data, primarily gravel pits sgpg.e00—polygon cover showing surficial geology features C4STR31.DBF—database file of stratigraphy from CWI, to accompany the CWI point file. Metadata, divided into Northeast, Southeast and Northwest documents representing the three phases of the project are provided in the metadata folder. No additional metadata has been generated for the compiled countywide coverages. Rspg.doc does contain some new information about the resource polygons. Associated Data Sets: Minnesota Department of Transportation Aggregate Source Information System (ASIS) can be accessed at: http://mnroad.dot.state.mn.us/geotechnical/aggregate/aggregate.asp Basemap GIS data for Itasca County can be obtained from the Minnesota Department of Transportation site: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/tda/basemap/index.html Any questions concerning the geological data should be directed to either: Gary Meyer: 612-627-4780, ext. 215 or Mark Jirsa: 612-627-4780, ext. 208 If you have any questions or problems with the digital data, please contact me at the following addresses: Richard Lively Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55114 (612) 627-4780, ext. 214 lively@umn.edu