This readme.txt file was generated on 20240604 by Kwangho Baek. Recommended citation for the data: Khani, A. 2024. Survey on Contactless Payment for Western Minnesota Rural Transit. ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Survey on Contactless Payment for Western Minnesota Rural Transit 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Dr. Alireza Khani Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Address: 500 Pillsbury Drive SE, Room 136, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-3091-4415 3. Date published or finalized for release: 20240604 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 20230201-20230324 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minnesota’s Clay County, Wilkin County, Otter Tail County, Stevens County, Morrison County, Mille Lacs County, Stearns County, Benton County, Sherburne County, Big Stone County, Swift County, Lac qui Parle County, Chippewa County, Yellow Medicine County, Kandiyohi County, Meeker County, Renville County, Lincoln County, Lyon County, Redwood County, Pipestone County, Murray County, Cottonwood County, Rock County, Jackson County 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Federal Transit Administration’s Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) Challenge Grant 7. Overview of the data (abstract): The survey focuses on access and demographic disparities in the use of contactless fare payment and comfort/discomfort in using it in rural areas. Questions about passenger acceptance of technology, biases, and monetary capability were included to assess the magnitude of these challenges. Specifically, survey questions were developed to assess transit usage patterns throughout the pandemic, attitudes about COVID-19-related safety concerns, and fare payment. The first section of the survey includes questions about the frequency of transit use for different periods. This is then followed by questions about access to a smartphone, mobile data plan, and internet, along with the questions asking for sociodemographic information of respondents. ------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution 4.0 International 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: DeBruin, H., Baek, K., Sok, S., Hardman, S., and Khani, A. 2024. "Western Minnesota Contactless Payment" Center for Transportation Studies research report Note: after publication, report will be available in 3. Was data derived from another source? No 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: survey.csv Short description: The responses of "Rural Transit and Fare Payment Survey" intended to analyze Western Minnesota rural area residents' attitude about public transit, transit health and safety measures, and fare payment methods before the deployment of contactless payment system. 2. Relationship between files: NA -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Surveys were distributed online (Qualtrics) and in paper format. Six western Minnesota transit agencies (City of Morris Transit, Transit Alternatives, Tri-Cap Transit Connection, Central Community Transit, Prairie Five Rides, and United Community Action Partnership) helped to distribute the Qualtrics link through their websites, social media posts, and QR code posters on vehicles. Agencies also received paper survey forms to distribute and collect inside transit vehicles, which they scanned and returned to the research team. 2. Methods for processing the data: online software was used to generate paper surveys, scan in, and digitize returned copies. The online survey (Qualtrics) is retrieved as a CSV file, which did not require additional processing. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: NA 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: 1) Filter by screening questions: There are survey questions that work as screening questions. Using the value of the responses for these, we ensured the participant is over 18 years old and whether they are actual transit users or residents of the Western Minnesota area 2) Handling response errors: All the paper forms can be considered valid and unique, but five were removed from the analysis because of incompleteness. However, there were many repeated responses in Qualtrics with identical multiple-choice selections within a day, which led the research team to believe they were invalid bot attacks. Many responses in Qualtrics also reported a non-Minnesotan zip code. We identified unique Qualtrics responses that reporting Minnesota zip codes and integrated only those into the above paper survey responses. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis, and/or submission: 1) People in charge of the survey distribution (by each transit agency) a. Prairie Five Riders: Paul Coyour b. City of Morris Transit: Beth Heinrich c. United Community Transit: Nick Leske d. Central Community Transit: Tiffany Collins, Donna Anderson e. Transit Alternatives: Kayla Sullivan f. Tri-Cap Transit Connection: Rhonda Torgersen 2) Processing: Hannah DeBruin 3) Analysis: Alireza Khani, Hannah DeBruin 4) Submission: Kwangho Baek ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: survey.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 40 2. Number of cases/rows: 564 3. Missing data codes: “” (blank): Missing response 4. Variable List A. Name: ID Description: Integer data ID B. Name: Qualtrics Description: Is the survey done in Qualtrics (online)? Value labels: yes, no C. Name: UsedTransitAgency Description: The response to the question "Which of the following public transit providers have you used most in the last year?" NOTE: This value was removed from the public use file. D. Name: FreqPrePandemic Description: The response to the question "Before the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you typically use demand-responsive public transit (dial-a-ride) service?" Value labels: Not at all, Less than one day a week, 1-2 days a week, 3-4 days a week, 5 or more days a week, Not Applicable E. Name: FreqDuringPandemic Description: The response to the question "During the COVID-19 pandemic before vaccines were widely available, how often did you typically use demand-responsive public transit (dial-a-ride) service?" Value labels: Not at all, Less than one day a week, 1-2 days a week, 3-4 days a week, 5 or more days a week, Not Applicable F. Name: FreqCurrent Description: The response to the question "How often do you currently use demand-responsive public transit (dial-a-ride) service?" Value labels: Not at all, Less than one day a week, 1-2 days a week, 3-4 days a week, 5 or more days a week, Not Applicable G. Name: FreqPreferred Description: The response to the question "If COVID-19 is no longer a threat, how often would you like to use demand-responsive public transit (dial-a-ride) service?" Value labels: Not at all, Less than one day a week, 1-2 days a week, 3-4 days a week, 5 or more days a week, Not Applicable H. Name: CovidSatisfaction Description: The response to the question "In general, how satisfied are you with the safety and cleanliness of transit vehicles in regards to COVID-19?" Value labels: Extremely dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Extremely satisfied I. Name: RelativeImportance Description: The response to the question "Overall, which is more important for increasing your use of public transit?" Value labels: Covid-19 safety measures are more important, General service improvements are more important, There is no difference in importance J. Name: CurrentFarePayment Description: The response to the question "How do you currently pay for your transit fare?" Value labels: Cash on board, Free rides through a social service, Monthly pass, Punch card on board purchased ahead of time, Tokens on board purchased ahead of time K. Name: FarePaymentSatisfaction Description: The response to the question "In general, how satisfied are you with how you pay your fare?" Value labels: Extremely dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Extremely satisfied L. Name: ContactlessImpact Description: The response to the question "How would a contactless fare payment method affect your decision to use public transit?" Value labels: Does not affect my decision, Makes me much less likely to use, Makes me much more likely to use, Makes me slightly less likely to use, Makes me slightly more likely to use M. Name: TripPlanningImpact Description: The response to the question "How would a trip planning tool affect your decision to use public transit?" Value labels: Does not affect my decision, Makes me much less likely to use, Makes me much more likely to use, Makes me slightly less likely to use, Makes me slightly more likely to use N. Name: OwnedCellPhoneType Description: Survey respondent's owned cell phone type Value labels: Smart phone, Non-smart phone, do not own a cell phone O. Name: DataConcern Description: The response to the question "How concerned are you about running out of monthly data on your phone" Value labels: Not Applicable, Not very concerned, Somewhat concerned, Very concerned P. Name: HomeInternet Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Home internet" is checked for the question "How do you typically access the internet?" Value labels: 0, 1 Q. Name: WorkInternet Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Work internet" is checked for the question "How do you typically access the internet?" Value labels: 0, 1 R. Name: LibraryInternet Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Library/other public hotspots" is checked for the question "How do you typically access the internet?" Value labels: 0, 1 S. Name: MobileInternet Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Mobile internet/cell phone data" is checked for the question "How do you typically access the internet?" Value labels: 0, 1 T. Name: NoInternet Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "No access to the internet" is checked for the question "How do you typically access the internet?" Value labels: 0, 1 U. Name: SavingsAccount Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Savings Account" is checked for the question "Which of the following do you have access to?" Value labels: 0, 1 V. Name: CheckingAccount Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Checking Account" is checked for the question "Which of the following do you have access to?" Value labels: 0, 1 W. Name: DebitCard Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Debit Card" is checked for the question "Which of the following do you have access to?" Value labels: 0, 1 X. Name: CreditCard Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Credit Card" is checked for the question "Which of the following do you have access to?" Value labels: 0, 1 Y. Name: GiftCard Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Prepaid/Gift Cards" is checked for the question "Which of the following do you have access to?" Value labels: 0, 1 Z. Name: MobilePayment Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Paypal, Venmo, Cash App, or some other mobile payment service" is checked for the question "Which of the following do you have access to?" Value labels: 0, 1 AA. Name: WebsitePaymentComfort Description: The response to the question "How comfortable are you with sharing your card or bank account information with the transit agency: Using your card on a website one time without allowing the website to store it" Value labels: Completely Uncomfortable, Slightly Uncomfortable, Slightly Comfortable, Completely Comfortable, Don't Know/Not Applicable AB. Name: StoringWebsiteComfort Description: The response to the question "How comfortable are you with sharing your card or bank account information with the transit agency: Storing your card in a website for regular payments" Value labels: Completely Uncomfortable, Slightly Uncomfortable, Slightly Comfortable, Completely Comfortable, Don't Know/Not Applicable AC. Name: StoringAppComfort Description: The response to the question "How comfortable are you with sharing your card or bank account information with the transit agency: Storing your card in a smartphone app for regular payments" Value labels: Completely Uncomfortable, Slightly Uncomfortable, Slightly Comfortable, Completely Comfortable, Don't Know/Not Applicable AD. Name: CardInfoOverPhoneComfort Description: The response to the question "How comfortable are you with sharing your card or bank account information with the transit agency: Giving your card information over the phone to the transit agency" Value labels: Completely Uncomfortable, Slightly Uncomfortable, Slightly Comfortable, Completely Comfortable, Don't Know/Not Applicable AE. Name: Age Description: The response to the question "What is your age" Value labels: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+ AF. Name: Disability Description: The response to the question "Do you have a disability or illness that affects your ability to travel In the region" Value labels: Yes, No AG. Name: AmericanIndian Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "American Indian or Alaskan Native" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AH. Name: Asian Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Asian" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AI. Name: Black Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Black or African American" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AJ. Name: Hispanic Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Hispanic" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AK. Name: NativeHawaiian Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AL. Name: White Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "White" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AM. Name: SomeOtherRace Description: Binary response indicator--1 if the box "Some other race" is checked for the question "What best describes your race or ethnicity?" Value labels: 0, 1 AN. Name: Gender Description: The response to the question "Do you have a disability or illness that affects your ability to travel In the region" Value labels: Woman, Man, Non-binary (no responses), Other (no responses)