------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Mountain pine beetle reproduction and development in novel eastern hosts 2. Author Information First Author Contact Information Name: Derek Rosenberger Institution: Olivet Nazarene University Address:One University Ave. Bourbonnais, Illinois 60914 Email:dwrosenberger@olivet.edu Co-investigator Contact Information Name:Robert Venette Institution: USDA Forest Service Address: 1561 Lindig Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Email: rvenette@fs.fed.us Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Brian Aukema Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 432 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Email: bhaukema@umn.edu 3. Date of data collection: 2013/08 - 2015/08 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Black Hills, South Dakota, USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This research was funded by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (Appropriation: M.L.2014 Chpt. 226, Sec. 2 subd.4e.) and supported by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the US Department of Agriculture-Forest Service (USDA-FS), Northern Research Station. ------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION ------------------- If no data is was collected on a certain variable "." is used as a placeholder WINTER DEVELOPMENT These data were collected from logs across two years that were infested with mountain pine beetle in the summer and then debarked in January. Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 week - A=first week, B=second week tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. species - species of pine tree location - novel=eastern white, red, jack and Scots. native=lodgepole, ponderosa phloem - phloem thickness in millimeters L1 - number in Larval instar 1 L2 - number in Larval instar 2 L3 - number in Larval instar 3 L4 - number in Larval instar 4 Pup - number in pupal stage Ad - number in adult stage sum - total number of beetles Dev stage index - L1 through adult are given values 1 through 6 respectively. Number of beetles in each stage are multiplied by their respective value and the total is divided by the total number of beetles providing an index. Brood per intro female - number of brood per female introduced to the bolt. Brood per cm - brood per cm of fertile gallery on the log JULIAN EMERGENCE These data shOW the julian day from insertation of mountain pine beetle into logs of 6 pine species to natural emergence from infested logs. Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 adj.julian - julian day starting from week introduced to day of 50% emergence species - species of pine - J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. week - A=first week, B=second week GALLERY LENGTH Mountain pine beetle was infested in logs of 6 different pine species and allowed to develop. Logs were debarked and gallery length measured. Debark - when debarked, s=summer, w=winter Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 week - A=first week, B=second week tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. bolt - the individual invested log. species - species of pine tree location - novel=eastern white, red, jack and Scots. native=lodgepole, ponderosa phloem - phloem thickness in millimeters gallery_status - U=unfertile, F=fertile gallery egg gallery. fertile were those with larval galleries extending from it. gallery_length - Length of gallery in cm. Lar gal per whole gal - Larval gallery per whole gallery. ie number of larval galleries per cm of egg gallery.If no data was collected for a certain factor "." is used as a placeholder ADULT SEX RATIO AND SIZE Mountain pine beetle was infested in logs of 6 different species and resulting brood were removed, sexed and pronotal width's were measured. Season - season adults were extracted Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 week - A=first week, B=second week from.em.start - days from start of emergence species - species of pine - J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. log - the individual invested log. location - novel=eastern white, red, jack and Scots. native=lodgepole, ponderosa Sex - sex of beetle, M=male, F=female Sexbionary - 0=male, 1=female Size - Pronotal width in mm. REPRODUCTION DATA Mountain pine beetle was infested in logs of 6 different species. Brood emerged naturally and were collected the following summer. Logs were debarked and unemerged dead adults counted. Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 week - A=first week, B=second week species - species of pine - J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. bolt - the individual invested log. host_type - novel=eastern white, red, jack and Scots. native=lodgepole, ponderosa pot brood per female - potential brood per female. ie total dead and alive brood counted in the log and emerged from the log divided by number of fertile egg galleries brood per intro female - live adults emerged from or found in log divided by number of fertile egg galleries WINTER VS. SUMMER Mountain pine beetle was infested in logs of 6 different species. Adults were counted from some logs in the winter and dead adults were counted from other logs from the same tree in the summer after emergence. species - species of pine - J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 wint_ad_per_fem - number of adults found in debarked logs in winter divided by number of fertile (with larval galleries present) galleries. summer_dead_ad_per_fem - number of dead adults found in log in the summer divided by the number of fertile egg galleries. LARVAL SIZE Mountain pine beetle was infested in logs of 6 different pine species and debarked in January.Stage was determined by doing a mixed distribution analysis of all larvae per pine species. Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 week - A=first week, B=second week species - species of pine - J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. bolt - the individual invested log. location - novel=eastern white, red, jack and Scots. native=lodgepole, ponderosa phloem - phloem thickness in millimeters diameter - diameter of bolt in cm width - headcapsule width in mm Larval stage - Larval stage based on distribution analysis for each pine species L1 - 1 if larval stage 1, 0 if other stage L2 - 1 if larval stage 2, 0 if other stage L3 - 1 if larval stage 3, 0 if other stage L4 - 1 if larval stage 4, 0 if other stage EMERGENCE Mountain pine beetle was infested in logs of 6 different species and allowed to emerge naturally. Year - A=2013-2014, B=2014-2015 date - date of emergence month/day/year host_type - novel=eastern white, red, jack and Scots. historic=lodgepole, ponderosa species - species of pine - J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. week - A=first week, B=second week tree - tree from which log was taken. Letter represents first letter common name of species, number represents individual trees. J=Jack pine, L=lodgepole, P=ponderosa, R=red, W=eastern white, S=Scots. bolt - the individual invested log. beetles - number of beetles emerged into emergence tube. TEMPERATURE Min/max Air temperature from data loggers recording every 10 minutes around the infested logs in the Black Hills Year - From summer to following summer Date - Day and month temperature was collected Day - Day from start MinC - Minimum air temperature for the day MaxC - Maximum air temperature for the day