Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-178 SURFICIAL GEOLOGY OF THE TWIN CITIES METROPOLITAN AREA, MINNESOTA Compiled By Gary N. Meyer 2007 This data and map area correspond to the area of the Twin Cities Bedrock geology map published previously as M-104 in 2000. GIS shapefiles are in the zipped folder m178.zip All files use UTM NAD83 Zone 15N projection data Shapefile listing: 7co_metropg -- polygon file of the seven county metropolitan area eol_snd_loess -- polygon file showing locations of eolian sands and loess gmln -- line file showing locations and types of surficial geomorphic features gmln.lyr -- ArcGIS 9.2 layer file to code gmln lines moland_overlay -- polygon file showing where Moland phase outwash underlies unit Qe_highrelief -- polygons showing where dune relief exceeds 30 feet sgpg -- polygon file of surficial geology units sgpg.lyr -- ArcGIS 9.2 layer file to color sgpg units terrace_bdrk -- polygons showing where terraces are within 10 feet of the bedrock surface m178.pdf -- pdf image of map plate with explanation of units and symbols.