Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment, RHA-5 Part A
Otter Tail Area, West-Central Minnesota
Ken Harris, project manager

All covers are in NAD83 projection.
Scale = 1:200,000

Digital products
The export (.e00) files for the Arc/Info coverages created for this
project are all contained in the .zip format file "". 
Included in the .zip archive is a textfile "index.txt" that lists and 
describes the coverages included.

Freeware versions of software to extract the zipped files are readily 
available for almost any platform (pc, Unix, Mac,..) for download via 
the web.

Metadata for the GIS products is included as a PDF file (portable document 
format) named "metadata.pdf" and is readable with Acrobat Reader software.

Pdf versions of the final plates are included in this directory as
"RHA5pl1.pdf"; Surficial geology and "RHA5pl2.pdf"; Quaternary stratigraphy. 
This pdf file is readable with Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher only.

Any questions concerning, or notification of problems relating to, the 
data should be directed to Tim Wahl or Rich Lively ( 
Questions concerning the geologic content of the maps or data should be
directed to Ken Harris ( or 612-627-4780 ext. 205).