Load libraries:


Load functions

img <- function(obj, nam) {
  image(1:length(obj), 1, as.matrix(1:length(obj)), col=obj, 
        main = nam, ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",  bty = "n")

color.bar <- function(lut, min, max=-min, nticks=11, ticks=seq(min, max, len=nticks), title='') {
  scale = (length(lut)-1)/(max-min)
  dev.new(width=1.75, height=5)
  plot(c(0,10), c(min,max), type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', xlab='', yaxt='n', ylab='', main=title)
  axis(2, ticks, las=1)
  for (i in 1:(length(lut)-1)) {
    y = (i-1)/scale + min
    rect(0,y,10,y+1/scale, col=lut[i], border=NA)

Load relevant files

#Load risk-factor rasters (standardized extent, resolution, etc.)
setwd("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/")

#set color ramp for raster plotting

color.bar(colorRampPalette(c("white","snow2","lightgray","snow3","gold","goldenrod1","hotpink","darkorchid1","darkorchid4"))(50), min=0, max=1)

#load deployment site shapefile
sites<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/DeploymentSites_4R.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/DeploymentSites_4R.shp", layer: "DeploymentSites_4R"
## with 28 features
## It has 11 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  n ngwFall nbwFall nhy ngwSpr nbwSpr
#housekeeping of site layer
sites<-spTransform(sites, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
breaks<-as.numeric(c(1, 2, 5, 17))
tags<-as.character(c(1, 2, 3))
sites@data$sitesizebwBINFall<-cut(sites@data$sitesizebwFall, breaks=breaks, label=tags, include.lowest=TRUE)
sites@data$sitesizegwBINFall<-cut(sites@data$sitesizegwFall, breaks=breaks, labels=tags, include.lowest=TRUE)
sites@data$sitesizebwBINSpr<-cut(sites@data$sitesizebwSpr, breaks=breaks, label=tags, include.lowest=TRUE)
sites@data$sitesizegwBINSpr<-cut(sites@data$sitesizegwSpr, breaks=breaks, labels=tags, include.lowest=TRUE)
trend.breaks<-as.numeric(c(-10, -5, -1.5, 1.5, 5, 100))
trend.tags<-as.character(c(-5, -1.5, 1.5, 5, 10))
sites@data$gwTrendBin<-cut(sites@data$sitetrendgw, breaks=trend.breaks, label=trend.tags, include.lowest=TRUE)
sites@data$bwTrendBin<-cut(sites@data$sitetrendbw, breaks=trend.breaks, label=trend.tags, include.lowest=TRUE)

#set colors based on population trends
sites@data$sitetrendgwCOL<-ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendgw< -5, "#7E1900", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendgw >= -5 & sites@data$sitetrendgw < -1.5, "#B48A2C", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendgw >= -1.5 & sites@data$sitetrendgw < 1.5, "#E5E598", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendgw >= 1.5 & sites@data$sitetrendgw < 5, "#8CDED9", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendgw >5, "#3F85BB", 0)))))
sites@data$sitetrendbwCOL<-ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendbw< -5, "#7E1900", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendbw >= -5 & sites@data$sitetrendbw < -1.5, "#B48A2C", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendbw >= -1.5 & sites@data$sitetrendbw < 1.5, "#E5E598", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendbw >= 1.5 & sites@data$sitetrendbw < 5, "#8CDED9", ifelse(sites@data$sitetrendbw >5, "#3F85BB", 0)))))

#assign sites to BCRs, assign colors based on BCR
sites@data$BCRbw<-c("BHT", "CH", "CH", "AM", "AM", "PHT", "PHT", "BHT", "AM", "AM", "AM", "BHT", "AM", "BHT", "BHT", "BHT", "BHT", "AM", "CH", "AM", "AM", "PHT", "AM", "OTHER","OTHER","OTHER","OTHER","OTHER")
sites@data$BCRgw<-c("BHT", "CH", "CH", "AM", "AM", "BHT", "BHT", "BHT", "AM", "AM", "BHT", "BHT", "AM", "BHT", "BHT", "BHT","BHT", "AM", "CH", "AM", "AM", "BHT", "AM", "OTHER","OTHER","OTHER","OTHER","OTHER")
sites@data$BCRcolBW<-ifelse(sites@data$BCRbw=="CH", rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), ifelse(sites@data$BCRbw=="PHT", rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1), ifelse(sites@data$BCRbw=="AM", rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255), "NA")))
sites@data$BCRcolGW<-ifelse(sites@data$BCRgw=="BHT", rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), ifelse(sites@data$BCRgw=="AM", rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255), "NA"))

#load in wintering grounds point shapefile data
bennetpts<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BennetBirdCoords4R.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BennetBirdCoords4R.shp", layer: "BennetBirdCoords4R"
## with 20 features
## It has 3 fields
bennetpts<-spTransform(bennetpts, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

bwcexlist<-subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0)
gwcexlist<-subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0)
## Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
## Coordinates:
##                  min     max
## coords.x1 -100.58100 -75.180
## coords.x2   10.21512  51.535
## Is projected: FALSE 
## proj4string : [+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs]
## Number of points: 19
## Data attributes:
##       lat             lon               sp                 n            
##  Min.   :10.22   Min.   :-100.58   Length:19          Length:19         
##  1st Qu.:25.83   1st Qu.: -93.55   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Median :43.95   Median : -86.03   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :36.54   Mean   : -87.33                                        
##  3rd Qu.:46.02   3rd Qu.: -81.95                                        
##  Max.   :51.53   Max.   : -75.18                                        
##    ngwFall            nbwFall              nhy               ngwSpr         
##  Length:19          Length:19          Length:19          Length:19         
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##     nbwSpr               gwtr             bwtr        sitesizegwFall  
##  Length:19          Min.   :-8.710   Min.   :-1.320   Min.   : 1.000  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:-7.620   1st Qu.:-1.050   1st Qu.: 1.000  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 0.370   Median : 1.055   Median : 2.000  
##                     Mean   : 1.873   Mean   : 1.817   Mean   : 3.316  
##                     3rd Qu.: 1.740   3rd Qu.: 3.922   3rd Qu.: 3.500  
##                     Max.   :20.100   Max.   : 6.480   Max.   :17.000  
##                     NA's   :5        NA's   :15                       
##  sitesizebwFall   sitesizebwBINFall sitesizegwBINFall sitesizegwSpr   
##  Min.   :0.0000   1   : 2           1:13              Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   2   : 2           2: 3              1st Qu.: 1.000  
##  Median :0.0000   3   : 0           3: 3              Median : 2.000  
##  Mean   :0.5263   NA's:15                             Mean   : 3.158  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000                                       3rd Qu.: 3.500  
##  Max.   :4.0000                                       Max.   :13.000  
##  sitesizebwSpr    sitesizebwBINSpr sitesizegwBINSpr  sitetrendgw    
##  Min.   :0.0000   1   : 2          1   :12          Min.   :-8.710  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   2   : 2          2   : 3          1st Qu.:-7.620  
##  Median :0.0000   3   : 0          3   : 3          Median : 0.370  
##  Mean   :0.5263   NA's:15          NA's: 1          Mean   : 1.873  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000                                     3rd Qu.: 1.740  
##  Max.   :4.0000                                     Max.   :20.100  
##                                                     NA's   :5       
##   sitetrendbw     gwTrendBin bwTrendBin sitetrendgwCOL     sitetrendbwCOL    
##  Min.   :-1.320   -5  :5     -5  : 0    Length:19          Length:19         
##  1st Qu.:-1.050   -1.5:0     -1.5: 0    Class :character   Class :character  
##  Median : 1.055   1.5 :3     1.5 : 2    Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   : 1.817   5   :3     5   : 1                                         
##  3rd Qu.: 3.922   10  :3     10  : 1                                         
##  Max.   : 6.480   NA's:5     NA's:15                                         
##  NA's   :15                                                                  
##     BCRbw              BCRgw             BCRcolBW           BCRcolGW        
##  Length:19          Length:19          Length:19          Length:19         
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
#shapefile layers are not critical for anlaysis. they are used for visualization purposes. geographic layers can be downloaded from many sources, bird range maps can be downloaded from BirdConservation International
setwd("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/")

canada<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/Canada.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/Canada.shp", layer: "Canada"
## with 13 features
## It has 2 fields
canada<-spTransform(canada, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

bwwaBR<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BWWA_range.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BWWA_range.shp", layer: "BWWA_range"
## with 2 features
## It has 17 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  OBJECTID_1 SISID PRESENCE ORIGIN SEASONAL
bwwaBR<-spTransform(bwwaBR, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

gwwaBR<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters//gwwa_new_range_28JUL11_final.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/gwwa_new_range_28JUL11_final.shp", layer: "gwwa_new_range_28JUL11_final"
## with 4 features
## It has 1 fields
gwwaBR<-spTransform(gwwaBR, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

bwwaNB<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BWNB_Dissolved.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BWNB_Dissolved.shp", layer: "BWNB_Dissolved"
## with 1 features
## It has 14 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  FID_bw_NB_ FID_Whemis POP2005
bwwaNB<-spTransform(bwwaNB, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

gwwaNB<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/NBchrysRange100km_proj.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/NBchrysRange100km_proj.shp", layer: "NBchrysRange100km_proj"
## with 25 features
## It has 12 fields
gwwaNB<-spTransform(gwwaNB, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

AM_BCR<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/AppMtn_BCR.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/AppMtn_BCR.shp", layer: "AppMtn_BCR"
## with 1 features
## It has 5 fields
AM_BCR<-spTransform(AM_BCR, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

BHT_BCR<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BHTrans_BCR.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/BHTrans_BCR.shp", layer: "BHTrans_BCR"
## with 1 features
## It has 5 fields
BHT_BCR<-spTransform(BHT_BCR, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

CH_BCR<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/CH_BCR.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/CH_BCR.shp", layer: "CH_BCR"
## with 1 features
## It has 5 fields
CH_BCR<-spTransform(CH_BCR, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

PH_BCR<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/PH_BCR.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/PH_BCR.shp", layer: "PH_BCR"
## with 1 features
## It has 5 fields
PH_BCR<-spTransform(PH_BCR, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

winterpts<-readOGR("/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/winterPopCoords.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/Users/gunnarkramer/Desktop/FINAL DATA FOR DRUM LAND ECOL/Rasters/winterPopCoords.shp", layer: "winterPopCoords"
## with 90 features
## It has 7 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  spr fall
winterpts<-spTransform(winterpts, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
#plot(winterpts, add=TRUE, pch=5, col="black")
winterpts@data$color<-ifelse(winterpts$pop=="PHT", rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1), ifelse(winterpts$pop=="CH", rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), ifelse(winterpts$pop=="bwAM"|winterpts$pop=="AM", rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1))))
winterpts@data$pch1<-ifelse(winterpts$seas=="wint", 4, 3)

rlist=list.files(getwd(), pattern="tif$", full.names=FALSE)
for(i in rlist) { assign(unlist(strsplit(i,"[.]"))[1], raster(i)) }



#colorblind friendly pallete
black<-rgb(0/255,0/255,0/255, 1)
darkgreen<-rgb(0/255,0/73,0/73, 1)
teal<-rgb(0/255,146/255,146/255, 1)
pink<-rgb(255/255,109/255,182/255, 1)
lightpink<-rgb(255/255,182/255,219/255, 1)
purple<-rgb(73/255,0/255,146/255, 1)
darkblue<-rgb(0/255,109/255,219/255, 1)
lightpurple<-rgb(182/255,109/255,255/255, 1)
lightblue<-rgb(109/255,182/255,255/255, 1)
paleblue<-rgb(182/255,219/255,255/255, 1)
maroon<-rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1)
brown<-rgb(146/255,73/255,0/255, 1)
orange<-rgb(219/255,109/255,0/255, 1)
green<-rgb(36/255,255/255,36/255, 1)
yellow<-rgb(255/255,255/255,109/255, 1)

####Fig 3 - Range maps with population trends and study sites

#png("BWWA_poptrendmap.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(1,1, pty="s", xlim=c(-116,-54), ylim=c(0,60), main="BWWA Sites", ylab="", xlab="", yaxs="i")
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", col="gray65", lwd=.75, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", col="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(CH_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
plot(AM_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
plot(PH_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1), col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0), pch=21, bg=c(bwtrendcolList), lwd=.5, col="gray20", cex=as.numeric(as.character(bwcexlist@data$sitesizebwBINFall)))
#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="BW"), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="BW"), lwd=1, cex=.5)


#png("GWWA_poptrendmapBCRgray_reduced_noBCR.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(1,1, pty="s", xlim=c(-116,-54), ylim=c(0,60), main="GWWA Sites", ylab="", xlab="", yaxs="i")
plot(gwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", col="gray65", lwd=.75, lty=1)
plot(gwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", col="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(AM_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
plot(BHT_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0), pch=21, bg=c(gwtrendcolList), lwd=.5, col="gray20", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data$sitesizegwBINFall)))

##  [1] "#3F85BB" NA        NA        NA        NA        "#7E1900" NA       
##  [8] "#8CDED9" NA        NA        "#E5E598" "#E5E598" "#7E1900" "#3F85BB"
## [15] "#8CDED9" "#3F85BB" "#8CDED9" NA        NA        "#7E1900" "#7E1900"
## [22] "#E5E598" "#7E1900" NA        NA        NA        NA        NA
#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="GW"), pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$sp=="GW"), col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="GW"), lwd=1, cex=.5)

Plot population-specific space use maps (based on Bird Conservation Regions)

Blue-winged warblers, PHT, Fall

BWWA.Fall.PHT<-(WIB05_fall_x2_clip + MIB02_fall_x2_clip+ MIB05_fall_x2_clip+ MIB12_fall_x2_clip+ MIB14_fall_x2_clip+ WIB11_2016_fall_x2_clip+ WIB11_2017_fall_x2_clip + WIB19_fall_x2_clip)
BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg<-aggregate(BWWA.Fall.PHT, fact=1.5)
BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg<-BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg/cellStats(BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg, sum)

#png("BW_PHT_Fall_BCRtrend.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="BWWA PHT Fall")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(PH_BCR, add=TRUE, border="black", lwd=.75, lty=1)
#plot(PH_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1), col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbw))>0 & lat>40 & lon< -80), pch=21, bg=gray(.3, .2), col="black", cex=.75)
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0 & lat>40 & lon< -80), pch=21, bg=c(bwtrendcolList[c(5,6,13)]), col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(bwcexlist@data[c(5,6,13),14])))
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0 & lat>40 & lon< -80), pch=21, bg=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1))

#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="PHT" & fall==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="PHT"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Blue-winged warbler, CH, fall

BWWA.Fall.CH<-(ILB04_fall_x2_clip + ILB06_fall_x2_clip+ ILB08_fall_x2_clip+ ILB18_fall_x2_clip + TNB09_fall_x2_clip)
BWWA.Fall.CH.agg<-aggregate(BWWA.Fall.CH, fact=1.5)
BWWA.Fall.CH.agg<-BWWA.Fall.CH.agg/cellStats(BWWA.Fall.CH.agg, sum)

#png("BW_CH_Fall_BCRtrend.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(BWWA.Fall.CH.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="BWWA CH Fall")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(CH_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0 & lat<40 & lon< -85), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="CH" & fall==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="CH"), lwd=1, cex=1)
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbw))>0 & lat<40 & lon< -85), pch=21, bg=gray(.3, .2), col="black", cex=.75)

Blue-winged warblers, AM, fall

BWWA.Fall.AM<-(TNB03_fall_x2_clip + KYB14_fall_x2_clip+ MAB05_fall_x2_clip+ MAB06_fall_x2_clip+ MAB09_fall_x2_clip+ MAB12_fall_x2_clip+ NCB01_spring_x2_clip+ ONB02_fall_x2_clip+ ONB05_fall_x2_clip+ PAB01_fall_x2_clip+ PAB03_fall_x2_clip+ PAB05_fall_x2_clip+ PAB07_fall_x2_clip)
BWWA.Fall.AM.agg<-aggregate(BWWA.Fall.AM, fact=1.5)
BWWA.Fall.AM.agg<-BWWA.Fall.AM.agg/cellStats(BWWA.Fall.AM.agg, sum)

#png("BW_AM_Fall_BCRtrend.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(BWWA.Fall.AM.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="BWWA AM Fall")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(AM_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0 & lat<40 & lon> -85), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col="black")
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0 & lon> -80), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="bwAM" & fall==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="bwAM"), lwd=1, cex=1)
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbw))>0 & lat<40 & lon< -85), pch=21, bg=gray(.3, .2), col="black", cex=.75)

Blue-winged warblers, PHT, spring

BWWA.Spring.PHT<-(WIB05_spring_x2_clip + MIB02_spring_x2_clip+ MIB12_spring_x2_clip+ MIB14_spring_x2_clip + WIB11_2016_spring_x2_clip+ WIB11_2017_spring_x2_clip + WIB19_spring_x2_clip)
BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg<-aggregate(BWWA.Spring.PHT, fact=1.5)
BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg<-BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg/cellStats(BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg, sum)

#png("BW_PHT_Spring_BCRtrend.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="BWWA PHT Spring")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(PH_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1), col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbw))>0 & lat>40 & lon< -80), pch=21, bg=gray(.3, .2), col="black", cex=.75)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwSpr))>0 & lat>40 & lon< -80), pch=21, bg=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="PHT" & spr==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="PHT"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Blue-winged warblers, CH, spring

BWWA.Spring.CH<-(ILB04_spring_x2_clip + ILB06_spring_x2_clip+ ILB08_spring_x2_clip+ ILB18_spring_x2_clip+ TNB09_spring_x2_clip)
BWWA.Spring.CH.agg<-aggregate(BWWA.Spring.CH, fact=1.5)
BWWA.Spring.CH.agg<-BWWA.Spring.CH.agg/cellStats(BWWA.Spring.CH.agg, sum)

#png("BW_CH_Spring_BCRtrend.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(BWWA.Spring.CH.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="BWWA CH Spring")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
#plot(CH_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwSpr))>0 & lat<40 & lon< -85), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="CH" & spr==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="CH"), lwd=1, cex=1)
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbw))>0 & lat<40 & lon< -85), pch=21, bg=gray(.3, .2), col="black", cex=.75)

Blue-winged warblers, AM, spring

#bw spring am
BWWA.Spring.AM<-(MAB05_spring_x2_clip+ MAB06_spring_x2_clip+ MAB09_spring_x2_clip+ MAB12_spring_x2_clip + NCB01_spring_x2_clip+ ONB02_spring_x2_clip+ ONB05_spring_x2_clip+ PAB01_spring_x2_clip+ PAB03_spring_x2_clip+ PAB05_spring_x2_clip+ PAB07_spring_x2_clip)
BWWA.Spring.AM.agg<-aggregate(BWWA.Spring.AM, fact=1.5)
BWWA.Spring.AM.agg<-BWWA.Spring.AM.agg/cellStats(BWWA.Spring.AM.agg, sum)

#png("BW_AM_Spring.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(BWWA.Spring.AM.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="BWWA AM Spring")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(AM_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwSpr))>0 & lat<40 & lon>-82), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col="black")
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwSpr))>0 & lon> -80), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="bwAM" & spr==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="bwAM"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Golden-winged warblers, BHT, fall

#gw gl fall
GWWA.Fall.GL<-(DMG03_fall_x2_clip + MIG01_fall_x2_clip + RLG12_fall_x2_clip + RLG19_fall_x2_clip + RLG18_fall_x2_clip + ONG03_fall_x2_clip + ONG05_fall_x2_clip + ONG10_fall_x2_clip + RLG16_fall_x2_clip + RLG23_fall_x2_clip + RLGF15_fall_x2_clip + RMG02_fall_x2_clip + SHG07_fall_x2_clip + SLG12_fall_x2_clip + SLG18_fall_x2_clip + TAG07_fall_x2_clip + TAG09_fall_x2_clip + TAG14_fall_x2_clip +  WIG01_fall_x2_clip + WIG02_fall_x2_clip + MN05_fall_x2_clip + MN06_fall_x2_clip + MN11_fall_x2_clip + MN12_fall_x2_clip + MN14_fall_x2_clip + MN15_fall_x2_clip + MN16_fall_x2_clip + MN20_fall_x2_clip + MN25_fall_x2_clip + MN29_fall_x2_clip + MN36_fall_x2_clip + B1_fall_x2_clip + B2_fall_x2_clip + B3_fall_x2_clip + B4_fall_x2_clip + B5_fall_x2_clip + B6_fall_x2_clip + B7_fall_x2_clip + B8_fall_x2_clip + B9_fall_x2_clip + B10_fall_x2_clip + B11_fall_x2_clip + B12_fall_x2_clip + B13_fall_x2_clip + B14_fall_x2_clip + B15_fall_x2_clip + B16_fall_x2_clip + B17_fall_x2_clip + B18_fall_x2_clip + B20_fall_x2_clip)
GWWA.Fall.GL.agg<-aggregate(GWWA.Fall.GL, fact=1.5)
GWWA.Fall.GL.agg<-GWWA.Fall.GL.agg/cellStats(GWWA.Fall.GL.agg, sum)
#png("GW_GL_Fall.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(GWWA.Fall.GL.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="GWWA GL Fall")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(bwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(bwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(BHT_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lat>43), pch=21, bg=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), col="black")
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lat<20), pch=21, bg=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1))

#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lon> -80), pch=21, bg=c(gwtrendcolList[c(4,8,9,10)]), col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data[c(4,8,9,10),15])))
#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="BHT" & fall==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="BHT"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Golden-winged warbler, AM, fall

#gw fall am
GWWA.Fall.AM<-(VAG01_fall_x2_clip + TNG13_fall_x2_clip + PAG12_fall_x2_clip + VAG02_fall_x2_clip + PA05_fall_x2_clip + PA11_fall_x2_clip + TN05_fall_x2_clip + TN06_fall_x2_clip + TN09_fall_x2_clip +TN10_fall_x2_clip + TN13_2015_fall_x2_clip + TN13_fall_x2_clip + TN16_fall_x2_clip)
GWWA.Fall.AM.agg<-aggregate(GWWA.Fall.AM, fact=1.5)
GWWA.Fall.AM.agg<-GWWA.Fall.AM.agg/cellStats(GWWA.Fall.AM.agg, sum)

#png("GW_AM_Fall.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(GWWA.Fall.AM.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="GWWA AM Fall")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(gwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(gwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(AM_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lat<43 & lat>25), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lat<20), pch=21, col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data[c(14:19),15])))
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lon> -80), pch=21, bg=c(gwtrendcolList[c(4,8,9,10)]), col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data[c(4,8,9,10),15])))
#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="AM" & fall==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="AM"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Golden-winged warbler, BHT, spring

GWWA.Spring.GL<-(MIG01_spring_x2_clip + RLG12_spring_x2_clip + RLG18_spring_x2_clip + ONG03_spring_x2_clip + ONG05_spring_x2_clip + ONG10_spring_x2_clip + RLG23_spring_x2_clip + RLGF15_spring_x2_clip + RMG02_spring_x2_clip + SHG07_spring_x2_clip + SLG12_spring_x2_clip + SLG18_spring_x2_clip + TAG07_spring_x2_clip + TAG09_spring_x2_clip + TAG14_spring_x2_clip +  WIG01_spring_x2_clip + WIG02_spring_x2_clip + MN05_spring_x2_clip + MN06_spring_x2_clip + MN11_spring_x2_clip + MN12_spring_x2_clip + MN16_spring_x2_clip + MN20_spring_x2_clip + MN25_spring_x2_clip + MN29_spring_x2_clip + MN36_spring_x2_clip + B1_spring_x2_clip + B2_spring_x2_clip + B3_spring_x2_clip + B4_spring_x2_clip + B5_spring_x2_clip + B6_spring_x2_clip + B7_spring_x2_clip + B8_spring_x2_clip + B9_spring_x2_clip + B10_spring_x2_clip + B11_spring_x2_clip + B12_spring_x2_clip + B13_spring_x2_clip + B14_spring_x2_clip + B15_spring_x2_clip + B16_spring_x2_clip + B17_spring_x2_clip + B18_spring_x2_clip + B19_spring_x2_clip + B20_spring_x2_clip)
GWWA.Spring.GL.agg<-aggregate(GWWA.Spring.GL, fact=1.5)
GWWA.Spring.GL.agg<-GWWA.Spring.GL.agg/cellStats(GWWA.Spring.GL.agg, sum)

#png("GW_GL_Spring.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(GWWA.Spring.GL.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="GWWA GL Spring")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(gwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(gwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
#plot(BHT_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr))>0 & lat>43), pch=21, bg=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), col="black")
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr))>0 & lat<20), pch=21, bg=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lon> -80), pch=21, bg=c(gwtrendcolList[c(4,8,9,10)]), col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data[c(4,8,9,10),15])))
#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="BHT" & spr==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="BHT"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Golden-winged warbler, AM, spring

GWWA.Spring.AM<-(TNG13_spring_x2_clip + VAG01_spring_x2_clip + PAG12_spring_x2_clip + VAG02_spring_x2_clip + PA05_spring_x2_clip + PA11_spring_x2_clip + TN05_spring_x2_clip + TN06_spring_x2_clip + TN09_spring_x2_clip +TN10_spring_x2_clip + TN13_2015_spring_x2_clip + TN13_spring_x2_clip + TN16_spring_x2_clip)
GWWA.Spring.AM.agg<-aggregate(GWWA.Spring.AM, fact=1.5)
GWWA.Spring.AM.agg<-GWWA.Spring.AM.agg/cellStats(GWWA.Spring.AM.agg, sum)

#png("GW_AM_Spring.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(GWWA.Spring.AM.agg, col=cramp1(50), main="GWWA AM Spring")
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(gwwaBR, add=TRUE, border="gray65", lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(gwwaNB, add=TRUE, border="gray45", lwd=1, lty=1)
maps::map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
#plot(AM_BCR, add=TRUE, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .3), lwd=.75, lty=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr))>0 & lat<43 & lat>25), pch=21, bg=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, 1), col="black")

#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lat<20), pch=21, col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data[c(14:19),15])))
#points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall))>0 & lon> -80), pch=21, bg=c(gwtrendcolList[c(4,8,9,10)]), col="black", cex=as.numeric(as.character(gwcexlist@data[c(4,8,9,10),15])))
#points(subset(winterpts, as.character(pop)=="AM" & spr==1), col="gray50", pch=subset(winterpts$pch1, winterpts$pop=="AM"), lwd=1, cex=1)

Extract top 25th percentile areas for each population/season

#TOP 5 & 10 & 25 % of each population/season overlain
pvec <- sort(getValues(BWWA.Fall.CH.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
BW.CH.FA.25 <- BWWA.Fall.CH.agg        # Initialize the output
BW.CH.FA.25[BWWA.Fall.CH.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
BW.CH.FA.25=BW.CH.FA.25/cellStats(BW.CH.FA.25, sum)

plot(BW.CH.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(BWWA.Spring.CH.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
BW.CH.SP.25 <- BWWA.Spring.CH.agg        # Initialize the output
BW.CH.SP.25[BWWA.Spring.CH.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
BW.CH.SP.25=BW.CH.SP.25/cellStats(BW.CH.SP.25, sum)
plot(BW.CH.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
BW.PH.FA.25 <- BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg        # Initialize the output
BW.PH.FA.25[BWWA.Fall.PHT.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
BW.PH.FA.25=BW.PH.FA.25/cellStats(BW.PH.FA.25, sum)
plot(BW.PH.FA.25, col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
BW.PH.SP.25 <- BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg        # Initialize the output
BW.PH.SP.25[BWWA.Spring.PHT.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
BW.PH.SP.25=BW.PH.SP.25/cellStats(BW.PH.SP.25, sum)
plot(BW.PH.SP.25, col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(BWWA.Fall.AM.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
BW.AM.FA.25 <- BWWA.Fall.AM.agg        # Initialize the output
BW.AM.FA.25[BWWA.Fall.AM.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
BW.AM.FA.25=BW.AM.FA.25/cellStats(BW.AM.FA.25, sum)
plot(BW.AM.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(BWWA.Spring.AM.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
BW.AM.SP.25 <- BWWA.Spring.AM.agg        # Initialize the output
BW.AM.SP.25[BWWA.Spring.AM.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
BW.AM.SP.25=BW.AM.SP.25/cellStats(BW.AM.SP.25, sum)
plot(BW.AM.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(GWWA.Fall.AM.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
GW.AM.FA.25 <- GWWA.Fall.AM.agg        # Initialize the output
GW.AM.FA.25[GWWA.Fall.AM.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
GW.AM.FA.25=GW.AM.FA.25/cellStats(GW.AM.FA.25, sum)
plot(GW.AM.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(GWWA.Spring.AM.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
GW.AM.SP.25 <- GWWA.Spring.AM.agg        # Initialize the output
GW.AM.SP.25[GWWA.Spring.AM.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
GW.AM.SP.25=GW.AM.SP.25/cellStats(GW.AM.SP.25, sum)
plot(GW.AM.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(GWWA.Fall.GL.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
GW.BH.FA.25 <- GWWA.Fall.GL.agg        # Initialize the output
GW.BH.FA.25[GWWA.Fall.GL.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
GW.BH.FA.25=GW.BH.FA.25/cellStats(GW.BH.FA.25, sum)
plot(GW.BH.FA.25, col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

pvec <- sort(getValues(GWWA.Spring.GL.agg), decreasing=TRUE) # The probabilities, sorted
d <- cumsum(pvec)                           # Cumulative probabilities
dpos <- d[d <= 0.25]                        # Position to stop
GW.BH.SP.25 <- GWWA.Spring.GL.agg        # Initialize the output
GW.BH.SP.25[GWWA.Spring.GL.agg < pvec[length(dpos)]] <- NA        # Exclude the last 25% of the probability
GW.BH.SP.25=GW.BH.SP.25/cellStats(GW.BH.SP.25, sum)
plot(GW.BH.SP.25, col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5))                                # Display the result
plot(wrld_simpl,add=T,  border = "grey70")

#individual plots of 5 10 and 20%
#png("BW_FALL_25perc_Aggregate.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="", xlab="", main="Blue-winged warbler, fall")
raster::plot(BW.PH.FA.25, col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
raster::plot(BW.AM.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
raster::plot(BW.CH.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
map(col = "grey70", lwd=.5, add=TRUE)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolBW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$nbwFall))>0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="BW" & fall==1), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="BW" & winterpts$fall==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)


#png("BW_SPRING_25perc_Aggregate.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="", xlab="", main="Blue-winged warbler, spring")
plot(BW.PH.SP.25, col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(BW.AM.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(BW.CH.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwSpr)) > 0), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolBW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$nbwSpr)) > 0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="BW" & spr==1), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="BW" & winterpts$spr==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)


#png("GW_FALL_25perc_Aggregate.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="", xlab="", main="Golden-winged warbler, fall")
plot(GW.AM.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(GW.BH.FA.25, col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall)) > 0), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolGW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$ngwFall)) > 0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="GW" & fall==1), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="GW" & winterpts$fall==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)


#png("GW_SPRING_25perc_Aggregate.png", width = 6.85039, height = 6.85039, units = 'in', res = 600)
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="", xlab="", main="Golden-winged warbler, spring")
plot(GW.AM.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(GW.BH.SP.25, col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr)) > 0 & lat>20), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolGW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$ngwSpr)) > 0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr)) > 0 & lat<20), pch=25, col="gray30", bg=sites@data$BCRcolGW[1], lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="GW" & spr==1), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="GW" & winterpts$spr==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)

###25 %ile shapefile conversion
BW.PH.FA.25.x<-BW.PH.FA.25 > -Inf
BW.PH.FA.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(BW.PH.FA.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

BW.PH.SP.25.x<-BW.PH.SP.25 > -Inf
BW.PH.SP.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(BW.PH.SP.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

BW.CH.FA.25.x<-BW.CH.FA.25 > -Inf
BW.CH.FA.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(BW.CH.FA.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

BW.CH.SP.25.x<-BW.CH.SP.25 > -Inf
BW.CH.SP.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(BW.CH.SP.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

BW.AM.FA.25.x<-BW.AM.FA.25 > -Inf
BW.AM.FA.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(BW.AM.FA.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

BW.AM.SP.25.x<-BW.AM.SP.25 > -Inf
BW.AM.SP.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(BW.AM.SP.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

GW.BH.FA.25.x<-GW.BH.FA.25 > -Inf
GW.BH.FA.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(GW.BH.FA.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

GW.BH.SP.25.x<-GW.BH.SP.25 > -Inf
GW.BH.SP.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(GW.BH.SP.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

GW.AM.FA.25.x<-GW.AM.FA.25 > -Inf
GW.AM.FA.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(GW.AM.FA.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

GW.AM.SP.25.x<-GW.AM.SP.25 > -Inf
GW.AM.SP.25.shp<-rasterToPolygons(GW.AM.SP.25.x, dissolve=TRUE)

####Putting it all together
#png("25perc_Aggregate_COMBINED_with75perc.png", width = (6.85039), height = (6.85039), units = 'in', res = 600)
par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")

#bw fall
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="Blue-wined warbler", xlab="", main="Autumn", cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.main=1.5)
raster::plot(BW.PH.FA.25, col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
raster::plot(BW.AM.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
raster::plot(BW.CH.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
# raster::plot(BW.PH.FA.75.shp, border=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
# raster::plot(BW.CH.FA.75.shp, border=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
# raster::plot(BW.AM.FA.75.shp, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
map(col = "grey70", lwd=.5, add=TRUE)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwFall))>0), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolBW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$nbwFall))>0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="BW" & fall==1), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="BW" & winterpts$fall==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)
legend(x=-120, y=10, bty='n', legend=c("Prairie-Hardwoods Transition BCR", "Central Hardwoods BCR", "Appalachian Mountain BCR"), pch=15, col=c(rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5),rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5),rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5)), cex=.75, pt.cex=1.5)


#bw spring
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="", xlab="", yaxt='n', xaxt='n', main= "Spring", cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.main=1.5)
plot(BW.PH.SP.25, col=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(BW.AM.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(BW.CH.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
# raster::plot(BW.PH.SP.75.shp, border=rgb(0/255, 146/255, 146/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
# raster::plot(BW.CH.SP.75.shp, border=rgb(255/255, 9/255, 231/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
# raster::plot(BW.AM.SP.75.shp, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=TRUE, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(nbwSpr)) > 0), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolBW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$nbwSpr)) > 0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="BW" & spr==1), pch=4, col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="BW" & winterpts$spr==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)
legend(x=-120, y=7, bty='n', legend=c("Geolocator deployment site", "Geolocator-derived nonbreeding site estimate"), pch=c(2,4), col="gray30", cex=.75, pt.cex=.75)

#gw fall
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="Golden-winged warbler", xlab="", yaxt='n', xaxt='n', cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.main=1.5)
plot(GW.AM.FA.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(GW.BH.FA.25, col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
# raster::plot(GW.BH.FA.75.shp, border=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
# raster::plot(GW.AM.FA.75.shp, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall)) > 0 & lat>20), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolGW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$ngwFall)) > 0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwFall)) > 0 & lat<20), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="GW" & fall==1), pch=subset(winterpts@data$pch1, winterpts@data$sp=="GW" & winterpts@data$fall==1), col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="GW" & winterpts$fall==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)
legend(x=-120, y=7, bty='n', legend=c("Boreal-Hardwoods Transition BCR", "Appalachian Mountain BCR"), pch=15, col=c(rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5), rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5)), cex=.75, pt.cex=1.5)

#gw spring
plot(1,1, type='n', xlim=c(-120,-60), ylim=c(0,60), ylab="", xlab="", yaxt='n', xaxt='n')
plot(GW.AM.SP.25, col=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
plot(GW.BH.SP.25, col=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .5), add=TRUE, legend=FALSE)
# raster::plot(GW.BH.SP.75.shp, border=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
# raster::plot(GW.AM.SP.75.shp, border=rgb(255/255, 157/255, 9/255, .2), add=TRUE, lwd=1, lty=1)
plot(wrld_simpl, add=T, border = "grey70", lwd=.5)
map('state', add=TRUE, col = "grey70", lwd=.5)
plot(canada, add=TRUE, border="grey70", lwd=.5)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr)) > 0 & lat>20), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=subset(sites@data$BCRcolGW, as.numeric(as.character(sites@data$ngwSpr)) > 0), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(sites, as.numeric(as.character(ngwSpr)) > 0 & lat<20), pch=24, col="gray30", bg=rgb(146/255,0/255,0/255, 1), lwd=.5, cex=1)
points(subset(winterpts, as.character(sp)=="GW" & spr==1), pch=subset(winterpts@data$pch1, winterpts@data$sp=="GW" & winterpts@data$spr==1), col=subset(winterpts$color, winterpts$sp=="GW" & winterpts$spr==1), lwd=.5, cex=1)
legend(x=-120, y=5, bty='n', legend=c("Geolocator-derived breeding site estimate"), pch=c(3), col="gray30", cex=.75, pt.cex=.75)

BW.PH.FA.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(BW.PH.FA.25, dissolve=TRUE)
BW.PH.SP.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(BW.PH.SP.25, dissolve=TRUE)
BW.CH.FA.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(BW.CH.FA.25, dissolve=TRUE)
BW.CH.SP.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(BW.CH.SP.25, dissolve=TRUE)
BW.AM.FA.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(BW.AM.FA.25, dissolve=TRUE)
BW.AM.SP.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(BW.AM.SP.25, dissolve=TRUE)
GW.AM.FA.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(GW.AM.FA.25, dissolve=TRUE)
GW.AM.SP.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(GW.AM.SP.25, dissolve=TRUE)
GW.BH.FA.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(GW.BH.FA.25, dissolve=TRUE)
GW.BH.SP.25.POLY<-rasterToPolygons(GW.BH.SP.25, dissolve=TRUE)






#intersect between populaitons




#int.bh.gwam.spr<-intersect(GW.BH.SP.25.POLY,GW.AM.SP.25.POLY) #No overlap 

#areaBH.gwAMspr<-sum(area(int.bh.gwam.spr)/1000000) #No overlap

#all verm combos


#int.bwam.gwam.spr<-intersect(BW.AM.SP.25.POLY,GW.AM.SP.25.POLY) #No overlap

#areabwAM.gwAMspr<-sum(area(int.bwam.gwam.spr)/1000000) #NO OVERLAP

#intersect same population -- different seasons
