Function that creates the calibration plots following Boyce et al. (2002) and Johnson et al. (2006)
importFrom = ggplot2
return = Dataframe with observed and expected number of points per bin
ecalrsf <- function(preds, y_test, nbins, do_plot=FALSE){
# Create bins of equal size
bins <- cut_number(preds, n=nbins)
# Determine mean(w(x_bin)) in each bin
wbins <- tapply(preds, bins, mean)
# Determine areas of each bin (should be ~equal sized bins,
# but may differ by an observation if
# n is not a multiple of the number of bins)
abins <- tapply(preds,bins,length)
# Determine U(x_bin) = wbins*Abins/sum(wbins*abins)
ux <- wbins*abins/sum(wbins*abins)
# Determine expected number of observations in each bin, N_bin = N*ux
Nx <- sum(y_test)*ux
# Count the number of 1's in each bin
nx <- tapply(y_test, bins, sum)
#plot results
plot(Nx, nx, xlab="Expected Number", ylab="Observed Number")
return(data.frame(Nx=Nx, nx=nx))
Boyce, M.S., Vernier, P.R., Nielsen, S.E. & Schmiegelow, F.K. (2002). Evaluating resource selection functions. Ecological Modelling, 157, 281–300.
Johnson, C.J., Nielsen, S.E., Merrill, E.H., McDonald, T.L. & Boyce, M.S. (2006). Resource selection functions based on use-availability data: Theoretical motivation and evaluation methods. Journal of Wildlife Management, 70, 347-357.
spun with ezspin(“examples/functions_not_in_uhcplots/ecalcrsf.R”, out_dir = “examples/output”, fig_dir=“figures”, keep_md=F)