Title: Cover Types for the UMN Cloquet Forestry Center Authors: UMN Cloquet Forestry Center and UMN Department of Forest Resources Description: The University of Minnesota (UMN) Cloquet Forestry Center is a field research and instructional station associated with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Sciences (CFANS). The original dataset (shapefile) inventorying forest cover types at the University of Minnesota Cloquet Forestry Center was an outcome of a 2005 Covertype Mapping Project produced by Brian C. Loeffelholz and Guthrie Zimmerman on behalf of the UMN Department of Forest Resources (https://hdl.handle.net/11299/120191). The data provided here represents episodic updates to the 2005 covertype shapefile since that time. Stand boundaries, stand attributes, and attribute fields have been modified by Cloquet Forestry Center staff through 2021. Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N (EPSG: 26915) Processing environment: Esri ArcGIS 10.7.1; Version 6.2 (Build 9200) - Attribute Table Field Name, General Descriptions, and Metrics - FID - Auto generated Shape - Auto generated STAND_ID - a unique identifying number for each vegetation polygon, some STAND_IDs have been retired ACRES - Polygon size (acres) LABEL - Mapping label that combines codes for C_TYPE, SIZE_CL, DENS_CL C_TYPE - Cover type classification determined by the tree species that comprises >0.666 of the basal area of the stand (single or double upper-case letter code) A - Aspen B - Paper Birch C - White Cedar D - Scotch Pine E - Bottomland Hardwoods F - Balsam Fir G - Grass H - Black Ash J - Jack Pine L - Lowland Brush M - Marsh N - Northern Hardwoods Q - Mixed Swamp Conifer R - Red Pine S - Black Spruce T - Tamarack W - White Pine U - Upland Brush AD - Administrative CO - Current Cutover HC - Mixed Hardwood/Conifer PX - Experimental Planting SX - Unforested Swamp UC - Upland Conifers WS - White Spruce SIZE_CL - mean tree diameter at breast height (DBH) (inches) (single lower-case letter code) a - < 1.0 b - 1.0 - 4.9 c - 5.0 - 8.9 d - 9.0 - 14.9 e - > 15.0 DENS_CL - stocking level, applies only to commercial tree species cover types 1 - understocked 2 - fullystocked 3 - overstocked Saplings stems per acre: 1: < 399 2: 400 - 749 3: > 750 Seedlings stems per acre: 1: < 799 2: 800 - 1399 3: > 1400 Poles and sawtimber: Refer to species-specific stocking charts AGE_CLASS - Stand age lumped into 10-year windows (e.g. 4 y.o stand = 0 year age class; 19 y.o. stand = 10 year age class; 21 y.o stand = 20 year age class) AGE_DIST - Number of distinct tree cohorts within the stand AGE - the mean age of dominant trees within a forest stand ORIGIN - calendar year of stand establishment ORIGIN_QC - stand origin quality check 0 - not addressed 1 - addressed 2 - to be field checked ID_HIST - Prior Stand_IDs associated with the stand NOTES - Information on attributes, source information, necessary updates, et cetera. CRUIS_DATE - Date of last cruise (originally called 'PLOT_DATE') (YYYYMMDD) BA_TOTAL - Mean basal area per acre of all trees in the stand. This number includes snags and non-merchantable species (square feet per acre) BA_CV - Coefficient of Variation, or standard error as percent of the mean, for BA (percent) VOL_TOTAL - Mean cubic feet per acre of wood volume across the stand for all species. This number includes snags and non-merchantable species (cubic feet per acre) VOL_CV - Coefficient of Variation, or standard error as percent of the mean, for VOL DBH_AVG - Quadratic mean diameter of all trees. This number includes all snags and non-merchantable species (inches) SPP_1 - Four letter species code for the most dominant, by basal area then by volume, species in the stand. The first two letters of the genus and species are used. For example, Pinus resinosa is recorded as "PIRE". If a genus is grouped, "sp" is used. For example, a combination of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandidentata is recorded as "POsp". (AAAA) SPP_2 - Four letter species code for the second most dominant, by basal area, species in the stand. The first two letters of the genus and species are used. For example, Pinus resinosa is recorded as "PIRE". If a genus is grouped, "sp" is used. For example, a combination of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandidentata is recorded as "POsp".(AAAA) SPP_3 - Four letter species code for the third most dominant, by basal area, species in the stand. The first two letters of the genus and species are used. For example, Pinus resinosa is recorded as "PIRE". If a genus is grouped, "sp" is used. For example, a combination of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandidentata is recorded as "POsp". BA_1 - Mean basal area per acre of SPP_1 (square feet per acre) BA_2 - Mean basal area per acre of SPP_2 (square feet per acre) BA_3 - Mean basal area per acre of SPP_3 (square feet per acre) VOL_1 - Mean volume per acre for SPP_1 (cubic feet per acre) VOL_2 - Mean volume per acre for SPP_2 (cubic feet per acre) VOL_3 - Mean volume per acre for SPP_3 (cubic feet per acre) DBH_1 - Quadratic mean diameter for SPP_1 (inches) DBH_2 - Quadratic mean diameter for SPP_2 (inches) DBH_3 - Quadratic mean diameter for SPP_3 (inches) SI - Site Index SI_SPP - Site Index Species REGEN_DATE - Date of last regeneration check (YYYYMMDD) REGEN_TOT - Mean number of tree seedlings and saplings measured per acre as determined through plot level sampling REGEN_CV - Coefficient of Variation, or standard error as percent of the mean, for REGEN_TOT (percent) REGSPP_1 - Four letter species code for the tree species with the most measured total regeneration. For example, Pinus resinosa is recorded as "PIRE". If a genus is grouped, "sp" is used. For example, a combination of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandidentata is recorded as "POsp" (AAAA) REGSPP_2 - Four letter species code for the tree species with the second most measured total regeneration. For example, Pinus resinosa is recorded as "PIRE". If a genus is grouped, "sp" is used. For example, a combination of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandidentata is recorded as "POsp" (AAAA) REGSPP_3 - Four letter species code for the tree species with the third most measured total regeneration. For example, Pinus resinosa is recorded as "PIRE". If a genus is grouped, "sp" is used. For example, a combination of Populus tremuloides and Populus grandidentata is recorded as "POsp" (AAAA) REGEN_1 - Mean number of trees per acre for the most abundant tree species within the stand REGEN_2 - Mean number of trees per acre for the second most abundant tree species within the stand REGEN_3 - Mean number of trees per acre for the third most abundant tree species within the stand LAST_EDIT - Date of last update to stand attributes (YYYYMMDD) License: Create Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/