Description of data   The list of resulting jets is stored in both a JSON and a CSV format.  The .json has extra information from the aggregation, but the .csv file is enough to provide the overall properties of the solar jets for easy access for science analysis.   Both files contain the following information:

"sjh_ID”: Solar Jet Hunter ID for this jet (data and hour of event; last number denotes which event this was in that hour)
Date: Observation time of the start of the jet (format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
SOL_event: The coronal jet event name from HEK database where this jet was found in (multiple jets can be found in one coronal event)
Duration of the jet (minutes)
Basepoint_X: Basepoint of the jet in (Heliocentric solar X coordinates in arcsec)
Std_X: Standard deviation of the base point if there were multiple measurements of the base point (Heliocentric solar X coordinates in arcsec)
Basepoint_Y: Basepoint of the jet in (Heliocentric solar Y coordinates in arcsec)
Std_Y: Standard deviation of the base point if there were multiple measurements of the base point (Heliocentric solar Y coordinates in arcsec)
basepoint_X_longitude: Basepoint of the jet (longitude)
basepoint_Y_latitude: Basepoint of the jet (latitude)
max_height: Maximum height jet reaches (arcsec)
upper_H: Upper limit of the error height (arcsec)
lower_H: Lower limit of the error height (arcsec)
avg_width: Average width of the jet box (arcsec)
std_width: Standard deviation width (arcsec)
velocity: Velocity estimate (arcsec per sec)
sigma: Average sigma of the jet, (sigma= 1-IoU)
flag: Binary quality flags
flag 100 means the jet cluster has a duration of less than 6 minutes, which for many corresponds to a jet cluster found in one Zooniverse subject.
flag 010 means the velocity estimate could not be calculated because the maximum was reached in the first subject the jet was found in.
flag 001 means the basepoint has a Longitude of higher than 90 degrees meaning the base point was found to be (slightly) off limb.

The .json has all these properties, as well as properties on the individual subjects that compose each jet:   "subject”: Zooniverse subject ID
"sigma”: 1- IoU, the IoU is the intersection over union of all the boxes drawn by the volunteers
"time": start time of this jet subject
"solar_H": height of this subject in arc seconds
"solar_H_std": "upper": upper limit error bar on this estimate
"lower": lower limit error bar on this estimate "solar_W": width of this subject in arcseconds
"solar_start": "x": x coordinate of the base at the start in arcseconds
"y": y coordinate of the base at the start in arcseconds "solar_end": "x": x coordinate of the base at the end in arcseconds
"y": y coordinate of the base at the end in arcseconds "start": "x": x coordinate of the base at the start in pixels
"y": y coordinate of the base at the start in pixels "end": "x": x coordinate of the base at the end in pixels
"y": y coordinate of the base at the end in pixels "cluster_values": "x": average x coordinate of the jet base in pixels
"y": average y coordinate of the jet base in pixels
"h": height of the jet in pixels
"w": width of the base in pixels
"a”: Angle of the box with reference to the left lower corner