Input parameters for alfioshear.f90 NRUN: number label of run LMIN: minimum L-shell LMAX: maximum L-shell NX: number of cells in x (L-shell) direction NY: number of cells in y (azimuthal) direction ZCEN: altitude (in km) of ionosphere DSION: cell spacing (in Rj) at ionosphere DSMAG: cell spacing (in Rj) in high-speed region DSEQ: cell spacing (in Rj) in plasma sheet LVAL: L value of reference field line (for grid setup) COUR: Courant number COUREPAR: Courant number for parallel electric field calculation TMAX: maximum time (in seconds) for run DTPLOT: time interval (in seconds) between data dumps LONGMIN: minimum longitude LONGMAX: maximum longitude IOTILTDEG: inclination of Io’s orbit in magnetic coordinates VIO: velocity of Io (in Rj/s) LONG0: initial longitude of Io SIGIO: Pedersen conducitivity of Io SIGEXP: exponent for falloff of conductivity in Io’s ionosphere ZATM: base of ionosphere (in km) (not used in this version) HATM: scale height of ionosphere (in km) (not used) HION: scale for expanding grid spacing at ionosphere HEQ: scale for expansion of grid in plasma sheet MODEL: density model TRAMP: ramp-up time for startup SIGPMHO: height-integrated conductance at Jupiter HIONIO: heigh of Io’s ionosphere NUSTAR0: effective collision frequency for Eparallel TE: effective electron temperature (in eV) for Eparallel calculation