================= Global CrIS isoprene dataset README file (v1) 05/25/2020 ================= The netcdf files 201301_CrIS_Isoprene.nc 201304_CrIS_Isoprene.nc 201307_CrIS_Isoprene.nc 201310_CrIS_Isoprene.nc contain monthly mean observations of atmospheric isoprene derived using observations from the CrIS satellite sensor. A full description of the measurement algorithm and data evaluation is given in the following manuscript: Wells, K.C., D.B. Millet, V.H. Payne, M.J. Deventer, K.H. Bates, J.A. de Gouw, M. Graus, C. Warneke, A. Wisthaler, and J.D. Fuentes (2020), Global space-based isoprene measurements constrain emissions and atmospheric oxidation, in review. CrIS is a Fourier transform spectrometer onboard the Suomi-NPP satellite, flying in a sun-synchronous orbit with 1330 LT daytime equator overpass. Information on the CrIS sensor is available from: Han, Y. et al. Suomi NPP CrIS measuremets, sensor data record algorithm, calibration and validation activities, and record data quality. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos. 118, 12734-12748, doi:10.1002/2013jd020344 (2013). Data provided here are available for use on a collaborative basis. We request that you contact us if using the data, and prior to including it in any presentations or publication. ================= Contact ================= Dylan Millet (dbm@umn.edu); Kelley Wells (kcw@umn.edu) ================= File description ================= Data are provided in netcdf format with missing values denoted as NaN. Results are monthly mean at the CrIS overpass time and are provided over land only. Variables included in the datafile are the following: Isop: isoprene columns in molec/cm2 as 2D [lat,lon] matrix dimension: [144,91] lat: decimal degree latitude dimension: [91] lon: decimal degree longitude dimension: [144]