SUMMARY: Results for a genetic association study of four smoking behaviour related traits PAPER: Erzurumluoglu, Liu, Jackson et al, 2019. Meta-analysis of up to 622,409 individuals identifies 40 novel smoking behaviour associated genetic loci. Molecular Psychiatry CORRESPONDENCE: Joanna Howson, University of Cambridge ( and Dajiang Liu, Penn State University ( TRAITS: SI: Smoking Initiation; CPD: Cigarettes per day; PY: Pack years; SC: Smoking cessation SAMPLE SIZE (discovery+replication samples): Total sample size for SI is up to 622,409 individuals for SNPs that are on both the Exome-chip and the UK Biobank Axiom chip (~40k overlapping SNPs). We removed variants with N < 40,000 for PY and N < 50,000 for SC, SI and CPD. Most SNPs will have a sample size of ~400k - as these will have been genotyped on the Axiom (or UK BiLEVE) array only. SOFTWARE: RAREMETAL ( FILE NAMES: Erzurumluoglu_et_al_2018_combined_meta-analysis_SI_results_02132019.txt.gz - gzipped text file with SI association results for 1,210,805 genetic variants (discovery+replication samples) Erzurumluoglu_et_al_2018_combined_meta-analysis_CPD_results_02132019.txt.gz - gzipped text file with CPD association results for 1,208,949 genetic variants (discovery+replication samples) Erzurumluoglu_et_al_2018_discovery-stage_meta-analysis_PY_results_02132019.txt.gz - gzipped text file with PY association results for 931,028 genetic variants (discovery samples only) Erzurumluoglu_et_al_2018_combined_meta-analysis_SC_results_02132019.txt.gz - gzipped text file with SC association results for 934,972 genetic variants (discovery+replication samples) OUTPUT LEGEND: CHROM: Chromosome Name POS: Variant Position (hg19 build 37) REF: Reference Allele ALT: Alternative Allele N: Sample size for SNP (this is currently problematic for some SNPs as Exome-chip SNPs that were not on the Axiom array were counted as monomorphic - when in reality they were not genotyped for those studies) ALT_ALLELE_FREQ: Frequency of variant in 1000G. (NA if unavailable) NUMBER_OF_STUDIES: Number of Studies that have contributed to this variant (similar issue with sample size where some were counted as contributing when it was actually monomorphic) EFFECT_SIZE: Alternative Allele Effect Size EFFECT_SIZE_SD: Standard error H2: SNP heritability estimate PVALUE: P-value GTEx_ID: Genotype-Tissue Expression ID rsID: Reference SNP cluster ID