Minnesota Geological Survey Southwestern Minnesota Regional Assessment; RHA-2 GIS data base. 1996 This index lists the significant covers used in the generatation of the plates for the Southwestern Minnesota Regional Assessment. Digital work was performed from summer of 1993 - winter 1995. The cover names include an identifing prefix of sw. Base layers (except township) modified from TIGER census data. Surficial geology linework by Carrie Patterson & other MGS staff with digital editing & cleanup by MGS GIS staff. All coverages were converted from single precision, UTM zone 15 - shifted, NAD27 to double precision, UTM zone 15, unshifted NAD83 in February of 2008. Base layers: swpgpa = polygon cover of the project area swpglk = modified polygon cover of lakes swlnhy = line cover of rivers swlnrd = line cover of major highways, also points for hiway symbols swpgco = polygon cover of county outlines swpgmcd = polygon cover of township-range grid swptll = point cover for latitude-longitude tics Surficial Geology: swpgsg = polygon cover of surficial geology units swlnsg = line cover of surficial geology linear features swptrs = point cover of sand and gravel pits and quarries swptp1 = point cover of Giddings, outcrop, cuttings and bucket auger sites swlngp = line/point cover of seismic lines and because they are so small at map scale a point to identify as a marker symbol on map Bedrock topography and Drift Thickness: swptbt = point cover of bedrock control locations from drilling logs swlnbt = line cover of bedrock topographic contours (derived from generating a grid (POINTGRID) from the bedrock control points, converting those grid points to an arc cover (GRIDARC). Dale Setterholm then interpreted the contours and edited them by hand to create the final bedrock topography linework, which was then digitized for this coverage.