------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: SIGNAL : System of Integrated Growth of Networks and Land Use 2. Authors: David Levinson, Feng Xie, Shanjian Zhu 3. Author Contact: dlevinson@umn.edu -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/) 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Levinson, David, Feng Xie, and Shanjiang Zhu (2007). The Co-Evolution of Land Use and Road Networks. (839-859) Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007 (ed. Richard E. Allsop, Michael G. H. Bell, and Benjamin Heydecker) Emerald Group Pub Ltd. http://hdl.handle.net/11299/179950 3. Recommended citation for the data: Xie, Feng; Zhu, Shanjiang; Levinson, David M. (2016). SIGNAL : System of Integrated Growth of Networks and Land Use. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, http://hdl.handle.net/11299/181331. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- This software models the co-evolution of land use and transportation network as a bottom-up process by which re-location of activities and expansion of roads are driven by interdependent decisions of individual businesses, workers, and road owners according to simple decision rules. A Simulator of Integrated Growth of Networks And Land-use (SIGNAL) is developed to implement these decentralized decision making processes, in which the Gini index and equivalent radius were computed to describe and track down the spatial patterns of space and network. Note: opening and running this program will require an environment that runs Java, such as Eclipse or Dr. Java, which can be downloaded freely. Instructions to run program: 1. Import all java files in the package into a Java platform, such as Eclipse or Dr. Java 2. Run "Signal.java" as an applet 3. In the bottom-left corner of the applet interface, "signal1.8.0- " will be the default entry into the form field. This is associated with the parameter text files included in the zipped package. Type in a number that matches with one of these file names. 4. Click "load" to load the parameters from the text file. 5. Click "Evolve" to run the scenario. 6. "Batch" runs the simulation in batch mode if you have set up multiple scenarios. 7. Use the controls at the bottom of the applet screen to view the results in different modes or to see results in a specific year. 8. The measurements have also been printed out to the console window. Files included in the zipped folder java.policy.applet Automata$Dimension.class Automata.class BooleanStack.class DijkstrasAlgo.class DirectedGraph$ReadANumber.class DirectedGraph.class FloatStack.class IntStack.class Investment.class MenuFrame.class NetworkDynamics.class Signal$DrawArea.class Signal$DrawPanel.class Signal$ScrollPanel.class Signal$VariablesPanel.class Signal.class TAssignment$Dimension.class TAssignment.class TDistribution.class TGeneration.class WindowDestroyer.class Signal.html Automata.java BooleanStack.java DijkstrasAlgo.java DirectedGraph.java FloatStack.java IntStack.java Investment.java MenuFrame.java NetworkDynamics.java Signal.java TAssignment.java TDistribution.java TGeneration.java WindowDestroyer.java Batch.txt Coor_Grid03.txt Coor_Grid10.txt Coor_Grid20.txt Coor_Grid3.txt Coor_Grid50.txt Grid03U.txt Grid10.txt Grid20.txt Grid20C.txt Grid20R.txt Grid20U.txt Grid3U.txt Grid50.txt odcost.txt River.txt TAZINFO.txt LOG ---The following files can be loaded into the program as scenarios--- signal1.8.0-1.txt signal1.8.0-2.txt signal1.8.0-214.txt signal1.8.0-215.txt signal1.8.0-216.txt signal1.8.0-217.txt signal1.8.0-218.txt signal1.8.0-219.txt signal1.8.0-3.txt signal1.8.0-315.txt signal1.8.0-4.txt signal1.8.0-414.txt signal1.8.0-415.txt signal1.8.0-416.txt signal1.8.0-417.txt signal1.8.0-418.txt signal1.8.0-419.txt signal1.8.0-515.txt signal1.8.0-615.txt signal1.8.0-674.txt signal1.8.0-715.txt signal1.8.0-716.txt signal1.8.0-718.txt signal1.8.0-719.txt signal1.8.0-818.txt signal1.8.0-819.txt signal1.8.0-915.txt signal1.8.0-916.txt signal1.8.0-918.txt signal1.8.0-919.txt signal1.8.0-956.txt signal1.8.0-958.txt signal1.8.0-959.txt signal1.8.0-965.txt signal1.8.0-966.txt signal1.8.0-971.txt signal1.8.0-972.txt signal1.8.0-973.txt signal1.8.0-974.txt signal1.8.0-975.txt signal1.8.0-976.txt signal1.8.0-977.txt signal1.8.0-978.txt signal1.8.0-979.txt signal1.8.0-980.txt signal1.8.0-981.txt signal1.8.0-982.txt signal1.8.0-983.txt signal1.8.0-984.txt signal1.8.0-985.txt -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- From page 12 of Levinson, David, Feng Xie, and Shanjiang Zhu (2007). The Co-Evolution of Land Use and Road Networks. (839-859) Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007 (ed. Richard E. Allsop, Michael G. H. Bell, and Benjamin Heydecker) Emerald Group Pub Ltd. http://hdl.handle.net/11299/179950 "Simulation experiments were conducted in a hypothetical metropolitan area where both the population and employment are distributed over a two-dimensional grid. For simplicity, the experiments here are conducted over a square planar surface, stretching 20 km in both dimensions, divided into a 20X20 grid lattice of land use cells (400 zones). Each zone occupies one square kilometer of land. A total of 400,000 people are living in this city, which is equivalent to an average of 1,000 residents in each zone. Total employment equals 400,000 as well (and each resident holds a job). Two-way roads connect the centroids of each pair of adjacent zones, thus forming a 20X20 grid of road network as well, comprising 400 nodes and 1,520 links. [...] The Gini index of land use (employment or population) is computed in this study to reflect how evenly land uses are distributed on the hypothetical space. The index is a number from zero to one, which is equal to zero when employment or population is uniformly located across all zones, while close to one when all employment or population is located in one zone. The more unevenly land use is distributed, the higher value the index is."