Several species of fish were acoustic and radio tagged downstream of Lock and Dam 2 [Fish LD2.txt]. their detections are listed in data LD2.txt. These are filtered detection: false positive were removed [unfiltered data can be obtained by contacting]. Receivers ID are associated with Locations using receivers.txt Locations are shown in map found in the repository [map LD2]. Receiver location on the map [From Google earth] 1: DSBSouth 2: DSBNorth 3: DSLC 4: LC 5: USLCSouth 6: USLCNorth 7: Shore 8: G1 9: G5 10: G8 11: G12 12: G19 13: Pier Some of these fish were actively tracked below the spillway gates of Lock and Dam 2. Their position can be found in Track LD2.txt Processed active tracking data giving fish positions and depths [raw data can be obtained by contacting]. Fish position is obtained using biangulation analyses. Depth data has been converted in meters using X(PSI)*2.306658*0.3048+0.7 0.7 (m) is slightly less than 1 PSI. This is used to give the upper interval limit: if a fish is detected at 0 PSI then it is between 0 and 0.7 meters. Data-specific information for: Fish LD2.txt ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 10 2. Number of rows: 236 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: species Description: Species of fish Cyprinus carpio - Common carp Ictiobus cyprinellus - Bigmouth buffalo Sander vitreus - Walleye Ictalurus punctatus - Channel catfish Ictiobus bubalus - Smallmouth buffalo B. Name: frequency Description: frequency of the radio and acoustic signal emmitted by the tags C. Name: ID Description: values unique for each tag allowing identification during active tracking D. Name: accID Description: values unique for each tag allowing identification during passive tracking E. Name: DNRID Description: individual ID on Department of Natural Resources external tags. F. Name: date Description: Date of capture and tag insertion. G. Name: sex Description: Sex of specimen. M = male F = female NA = not applicable H. Name: size Description: Total lenght of specimen in millimeters. I. Name: weight Description: Weight of specimen in kilograms. J. Name: capt.loc Description: Location of capture Pool 2 Pool 3 - Aux LC Pool 3 - Surgery ground Pool 3 - DS east shore Pool 2 - Mooers Lake Pool 2 - Baldwin Lake Pool 2 - Barge channel south of Baldwin Pool 2 - Side channel south of Baldwin Pool 3 - Backwater East of surgery site Data-specific information for: receivers LD2.txt ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of rows: 139 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: receiver.ID Description: Receiver ID number. B. Name: location Description: location of deployement BDSLC BLC BShore DSBNorth DSLC G1 G12 G19 G5 G8 LC Pier Shore USLCNorth C. Name: Description: date and time of deployment D. Name: date.out Description: date and time of retrieval Data-specific information for: Track LD2.txt ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 8 2. Number of rows: 537 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: ID Description: values unique for each tag allowing identification during active tracking B. Name: Time Description: time of detection C. Name: X Description: UTM easting coordinates D. Name: Y Description: UTM northing coordinates E. Name: Time.since.tagged Description: number of days since the fish was tagged when detected F. Name: Frequency Description: frequency of the radio and acoustic signal emitted by the tags G. Name: depth(m) Description: Depth measured in meters. H. Name: Date Description: Day during which the fish was tracked ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 4 2. Number of rows: 1,866,452 rows 3. Variable List A. Name: DateTime Description: Date and time of detections B. Name: FishCode Description: Tag ID code unique to each individual fish C. Name: Location Description: location where the receiver detecting the fish was deployed USLCSouth USLCNorth DSBSouth DSBNorth Pier Shore DSLC LC G1 G5 G12 G19 D. Name: Receiver.ID Description: receiver that detected the fish