#'--- #' title: "Analysis of Ditch Data - Plants" #' author: "Mike Verhoeven" #' output: #' html_document: #' toc: true #' theme: default #' toc_depth: 2 #' toc_float: #' collapsed: false #'--- # header ------------------------------------------------------------------ #' # Preface #' #' This code will: #' 1. Run models to evaluate the effects of age, planting, etc. on ditch #' plant floral communities #' 2. Generate all tables, figures, and statistics #' #' #' Notes: #' 1. I still have a few column references that happen by numerical position. #' Adding or removing columns from input data will break these calls. #' 2. There are a few warnings throughout the code, especially where data types #' are coerced during munging operations or where data are omitted from plot #' calls for missingness. As of submission to the repo, we have reviewed these #' and none were deemed problematic. #' #' #' #' ## Load libraries: # load libraries ---------------------------------------------------------- # +warning=FALSE, message=FALSE library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(stringr) library(mvabund) library(glmm) library(lme4) library(broom) library(epiDisplay) library(ggeffects) library(effects) library(rstanarm) library(vegan) library(sjPlot) library(nlme) library(lmerTest) library(ggpubr) library(ggnewscale) library(cowplot) # load functions ---------------------------------------------------------- #make a fn for replacing values in many cols f_dowle3natoblank = function(DT, x) { # or by number (slightly faster than by name) : for (j in x) set(DT,which(is.na(DT[[j]])),j,"") } f_dowle3natozeros = function(DT, x) { # or by number (slightly faster than by name) : for (j in x) set(DT,which(is.na(DT[[j]])),j,"0") } # load data --------------------------------------------------------------- #set wd to data location #plant data l_plant_obs <- fread( file = "veg_occurrences.csv") #species names and identities: plant_taxa <- fread(file = "plants_taxo_key_status.csv") #site covariates: site_data <- fread(file = "site_attributes.csv") # seedmix matrix seedmix <- fread(file = "seedmix_matrix.csv") # prep:create site-date data table ---------------------------------------------------- # we should have 21 construction projects, sampled 3 sites within each, across 6 visits = 378 date-site combinations #date_site_sample ## calculate some site-date veg stats & make a new site-date data table # number of samples per site l_plant_obs[ , length(unique(date)) , .(project, trt, site) ] #count dates for each site l_plant_obs[ , length(unique(date)) , .(project, trt) ][ V1 < 6] # which ones have missing dates? l_plant_obs[site %in% c("2typ", "16typ"), unique(date), .(site, project, trt) ] #16 typ was turned into a construction site midsummer, 2 typ has a missing datasheet # of quadrats per site_date quads_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[ , .("N" = length(unique(quadrat))), .(date, site, trt, project)] # of flowering forb observations made by site_date forbs_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" & taxon %in% plant_taxa[ `grass/flower` == "flower" , Taxon , ],#choose rows where these conditions are met, .("n_forb_observed" = .N) , #count how many rows & call that count n_forb_observed .(date, site, trt, project)] #and do that counting by unique combos of date, trt, project (site is redund for trt proj) # forb richness by site_date forbs_richness_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" & taxon %in% plant_taxa[ `grass/flower` == "flower" , Taxon , ], .("forb_richness" = length(unique(taxon))) , .(date, site, trt, project)] # number quads with floral resource by site_date n_q_floral_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" & taxon %in% plant_taxa[ `grass/flower` == "flower" , Taxon , ], .(n_quad_floral_res = length(unique(quadrat))) , .(date, site, trt, project)] # total richness by site_date total_richness_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg", .("total_richness" = length(unique(taxon))) , .(date, site, trt, project)] # merge each of these into a date_site level table: date_site_sample <- merge(quads_per_site_date,# x table forbs_per_site_date[, j = .(date,site,n_forb_observed) ,], #y table - here we extract only the cols of interest with by = .() to prevent a messy merge by = c("date", "site"), all = T) # merge more: date_site_sample <- merge(date_site_sample, forbs_richness_per_site_date[,.(date,site,forb_richness) ,], by = c("date", "site"), all = T) date_site_sample <- merge(date_site_sample, total_richness_per_site_date[,.(date,site,total_richness) ,], by = c("date", "site"), all = T) date_site_sample <- merge(date_site_sample, n_q_floral_per_site_date[,.(date,site,n_quad_floral_res) ,], by = c("date", "site"), all = T) #cleanup the building blocks for that merge rm(total_richness_per_site_date, quads_per_site_date, forbs_per_site_date, forbs_richness_per_site_date, n_q_floral_per_site_date) #populate NAs with zeroes - in all these cases, an NA from calculations above needs to be a zero: f_dowle3natozeros(date_site_sample, c("forb_richness","n_forb_observed", "total_richness","n_quad_floral_res" )) # add the plant obs matrix to the site-date table (counts each species obs, merges into the date_site table, then reshapes dataset to wide): plant_matrix_date_site_sample <- dcast(merge(date_site_sample, l_plant_obs[ , .("count" = .N) , .(site,date,taxon)], #this call pulls out a count for each species at each point by = c("date", "site"), all = TRUE), date + site + trt + project + N + n_forb_observed + forb_richness + total_richness + n_quad_floral_res ~ taxon, value.var = "count") #polish up data formats plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , trt := as.factor(trt) , ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , site := as.factor(site) , ] names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) #more NA to zeros f_dowle3natozeros(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, c(1:142)) # convert counts to proportion data cols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[ 10:142] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x/N}) , .SDcols = cols ] # divide number of quads where each species was observed by total N quads sampled summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) #drop the construction sub-steps rm(date_site_sample) # prep:merge datasets ---------------------------------------------------------- #bring in site data plant_matrix_date_site_sample <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ site_data, on = .(site=Site)] #how many sites per seedmix? plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , length(unique(site)) , .(Seed_mix) ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , length(unique(site)) , .(Seed_mix) ][c(1:2,4:11),Seed_mix] #pull in the seedmix composition: seedmix_l <- melt(seedmix, id.vars = c("CommonName", "ScientificName"), measure.vars = plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , length(unique(site)) , .(Seed_mix) ][!Seed_mix == "",Seed_mix], variable.name = "seedmix")[!is.na(value)] # write seeding table to file, include only mixes that were used seedmix[ , .SD , .SDcols = c(c("CommonName", "ScientificName"),plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , length(unique(site)) , .(Seed_mix) ][!Seed_mix == "",Seed_mix])] # fwrite(seedmix[ , .SD , .SDcols = c(c("CommonName", "ScientificName"), plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , length(unique(site)) , .(Seed_mix) ][!Seed_mix == "",Seed_mix])], file = "data&scripts/data/output/seed_matrix.csv") seedmix_species_matrix <- dcast(seedmix_l, seedmix ~ ScientificName) #paste an "s" in front of seedmix species: names(seedmix_species_matrix) <- paste("s",names(seedmix_species_matrix), sep = "_") #merge seedmix species matrix to sampling matrix: cols <- names(seedmix_species_matrix)[2:80] #which columns are seeding matrix? plant_matrix_date_site_sample[seedmix_species_matrix, on = .(Seed_mix = s_seedmix), (cols) := mget(paste0("i.", cols)) ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , length(unique(Seed_mix)) , .(site) ] #populate seedmix data with zeros: names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)# use this to check next line of code for alignment with seedmix data (consider updates here to fix hard code that relies on col numbers) f_dowle3natozeros(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, c(163:241)) names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) <- gsub(" ","_", names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)) # prep:univariate response metrics --------------------------------------------- #' We have a few metrics already for variables describing the plants in a #' univariate way. At this point however, we need to add in a "diversity" metric #' which will think about community evenness. We could work in an "area" #' effect, and can do that with species density (richness/area). We could also #' do about 10 other things. #' #' We have already: Forb richness, Total richness, number of quads with a floral #' resource, n forbs observed (count of flower-species-quadrats), #' #' We will add: Simpsons diversity (and split nat v introduced), Shannon #' diversity (and split nat v introduced), split current richness and floral #' richness by nat v introduced. #' names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) #tag all univariate metrics with um_xxx names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[6:9] <- paste("um_", sep = "", names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[6:9]) #add shannon div and simpsons div plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_shannon := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[,10:139],index = "shannon")] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_simpsons := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[,10:139],index = "simpson")]#Both variants of Simpson's index are based on D = sum p_i^2. Choice simpson returns 1-D and invsimpson returns 1/D. # now restrict to floral diversity (drop grasses) # #extract just the floral div data:peel off the position of the names of the flowers in the plant_taxa list floralcols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) %in% plant_taxa[`grass/flower`== "flower", Taxon,]] #test the calculation diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = floralcols ],index = "shannon") #run simps and shannon's floral plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_shannons_floral := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = floralcols ],index = "shannon"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_simpsons_floral := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = floralcols ],index = "simpson"), ] #now split these all into native v introduced #extract just the NATIVE & just INTRODUCED floral div data: nativecols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) %in% plant_taxa[`Minnesota Native?`== "native", Taxon,]] introcols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) %in% plant_taxa[`Minnesota Native?`!= "native", Taxon,]] #add these diversity metrics to the dataset plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_shannons_nat := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = nativecols ],index = "shannon"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_shannons_int := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = introcols ],index = "shannon"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_simpsons_nat := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = nativecols ],index = "simpson"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_simpsons_int := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = introcols ],index = "simpson"), ] #split richness by introduced/native: plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_richness_nat := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = nativecols ]!=0), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_richness_int := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = introcols ]!=0), ] #extract just the NATIVE & just INTRODUCED floral div data: nativefloralcols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) %in% plant_taxa[`grass/flower`== "flower" & `Minnesota Native?`== "native", Taxon,]] introfloralcols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) %in% plant_taxa[`grass/flower`== "flower" & `Minnesota Native?`!= "native", Taxon,]] #add these diversity metrics to the dataset plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_shannons_floral_nat := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = nativefloralcols ],index = "shannon"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_shannons_floral_int := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = introfloralcols ],index = "shannon"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_simpsons_floral_nat := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = nativefloralcols ],index = "simpson"), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_simpsons_floral_int := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = introfloralcols ],index = "simpson"), ] #split richness by introduced/native: plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_richness_floral_nat := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = nativefloralcols ]!=0), ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_richness_floral_int := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, .SD , .SDcols = introfloralcols ]!=0), ] #convert year to age plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , age := 2021-Year , ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt == "typ", age:= NA] #convert date to julian (easier to apply a quadratic to numeric than to a date object) plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , jday := yday(as.IDate(date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")) , ] #add native and nonnative n quads w/ floral resources n_q_nat_floral_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" & taxon %in% plant_taxa[ `grass/flower` == "flower" & `Minnesota Native?` == "native" , Taxon , ], .(um_n_quad_floral_res_nat = length(unique(quadrat))) , .(date, site, trt, project)] n_q_int_floral_per_site_date <- l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" & taxon %in% plant_taxa[ `grass/flower` == "flower" & `Minnesota Native?` != "native" , Taxon , ], .(um_n_quad_floral_res_int = length(unique(quadrat))) , .(date, site, trt, project)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample <- merge(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, n_q_nat_floral_per_site_date[,.(date,site,um_n_quad_floral_res_nat) ,], by = c("date", "site"), all.x = T) plant_matrix_date_site_sample <- merge(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, n_q_int_floral_per_site_date[,.(date,site,um_n_quad_floral_res_int) ,], by = c("date", "site"), all.x = T) #cleanup rm(n_q_nat_floral_per_site_date, n_q_int_floral_per_site_date) #populate blanks with zeroes f_dowle3natozeros(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, c("um_n_quad_floral_res_nat", "um_n_quad_floral_res_int" )) # #export all plant file # fwrite(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, file = "data&scripts/data/output/plants_flat_file.csv") # prep:drop bad sites from dataset --------------------------------------------- #Tim Mitchell says drop sites 5 & 15: #Drop project 5 and 15. The non-native site at 5 was mowed sod (unlike all the others) and site 15, I have serious doubts the native site was seeded with native plants. I imagine it was a seeding error on the part of the contractor. Site 6 & site 2 also have missing dates of sampling: 16 typ was turned into a construction site midsummer, 2 typ has a missing datasheet. Certain analyses will require these sites/projects be dropped (for example to give an even sampling design). # # #drop the sites tim says were goofed # l_plant_obs <- l_plant_obs[!site %in% c("5non","15nat")] # # date_site_sample <- date_site_sample[!site %in% c("5non","15nat")] # plant_matrix_date_site_sample <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!site %in% c("5non","15nat")] # site_data <- site_data[!Site %in% c("5non","15nat")] # #OR #Drop those projects entirely - This is used for the plants analysis l_plant_obs <- l_plant_obs[!project %in% c(5,15)] # date_site_sample <- date_site_sample[!project %in% c(5,15)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!project %in% c(5,15)] site_data <- site_data[!Project %in% c(5,15)] # visualize: Fig 3 annual phenology plot --------------------------------------------------- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , trt := factor(trt, levels = c( "nat", "non", "typ"))] # 3 panel this to make figure: Floral_avail <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_n_quad_floral_res/N, group = trt))+ # geom_line(aes(group = site, color = trt), alpha = .25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "A) All Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab("Proportion of quadrats")+ ylim(c(0,1))+ xlab(NULL)+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") Native_Floral_avail <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_n_quad_floral_res_nat/N, group = trt))+ # geom_line(aes(group = site, color = trt), alpha = .25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "B) Native Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("Date")+ ylim(c(0,1))+ theme(legend.position = c(.5,.7), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2",name="Seeding\nTreatment", labels = c("Native mix","Non-Native Mix","Unknown/Typical Roadside" )) Int_Floral_avail <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_n_quad_floral_res_int/N, group = trt))+ # geom_line(aes(group = site, color = trt), alpha = .25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "C) Introduced Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ ylim(c(0,1))+ xlab(NULL)+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") # pheno_3panel<- ggarrange(Floral_avail, Native_Floral_avail, Int_Floral_avail, nrow = 1) #' ## Combining plots.row <- align_plots(Floral_avail, Native_Floral_avail, Int_Floral_avail, align="hv", axis="tblr") div.rows <- plot_grid(plots.row[[1]], plots.row[[2]], plots.row[[3]], nrow=1, #label_size = 7.5, # label_fontface = "plain", labels = c("(a)", "(b)", "(c)"), hjust = -0.25, vjust = 2) # # Write figure 3 # png(file = "Fig3_pquadflower_pheno_3panel.png", width = 8.5, height = 3, units = "in", res = 1200) div.rows # dev.off() # visualize:phenology exploration plots --------------------------------------------- #phenology is driven by individual species: merge(site_data, l_plant_obs[ , .("count" = .N) , .(site,date,taxon)], #this call pulls out a count for each species at each point by.y = c("site"), by.x = c("Site"), all = TRUE)[ , .(count = sum(count)) ,.(date,taxon)] ggplot( merge(site_data, l_plant_obs[ , .("count" = .N) , .(site,date,taxon)], #this call pulls out a count for each species at each point by.y = c("site"), by.x = c("Site"), all = TRUE)[ , .(count = sum(count)) ,.(date,taxon)][] , aes(date, count, group = taxon ))+ geom_line(aes(color = taxon))+ scale_y_log10()+ theme(legend.position = "none") ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes( date, um_richness_floral_nat, group = trt))+ # geom_line(aes(group = site, color = trt))+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "native forb richness through season")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab("species richness") ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_n_quad_floral_res/N, group = trt))+ geom_line(aes(group = site, color = age))+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "forb floral availability through season - color by age of site") # geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt)) ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes( age, um_n_quad_floral_res/N, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt))+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "forb floral availability with age by treatment")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt)) # visualize:floral rich by age ------------------------------------------------------ #Figure3: Floral_rich_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(um_forb_richness), group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "A) All Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-.1,15))+ ylab("# of Species")+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") Native_Floral_rich_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(um_richness_floral_nat), group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "B) Native Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-.1,15))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("Age (years)")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5,.8), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2",name="Seeding\nTreatment", labels = c( "Native mix","Non-Native Mix" )) Int_Floral_rich_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(um_richness_floral_int), group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "C) Introduced Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-.1,15))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") ggarrange(Floral_rich_age, Native_Floral_rich_age, Int_Floral_rich_age, nrow = 1) # visualize:floral rich by season ------------------------------------------------------ #FigureB1: Floral_rich_season <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_forb_richness, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "A) All Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab("# of Species")+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") Native_Floral_rich_season <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_richness_floral_nat, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "B) Native Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("Date")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5,.7), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2",name="Seeding\nTreatment", labels = c( "Native mix","Non-Native Mix", "Typical" )) Int_Floral_rich_season <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_richness_floral_int, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "C) Introduced Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") floralrich_pheno_3panel <- ggarrange(Floral_rich_season, Native_Floral_rich_season, Int_Floral_rich_season, nrow = 1) # # Write figure S2 # png(file = "FigS2_pquadflower_pheno_3panel.png", width = 8.5, height = 3, units = "in", res = 1200) floralrich_pheno_3panel # dev.off() # visualize: Fig 4 floral avail by age ------------------------------------------------------ #Figurepanels: Floral_avail_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(um_n_quad_floral_res/N), group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "A) All Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ ylab("Proportion of quadrats")+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") Native_Floral_avail_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(um_n_quad_floral_res_nat/N), group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "B) Native Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("Age (years)")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5,.8), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2", name="Seeding\nTreatment", labels = c( "Native mix", "Non-Native Mix" )) Int_Floral_avail_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(um_n_quad_floral_res_int/N), group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "C) Introduced Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") ggarrange(Floral_avail_age, Native_Floral_avail_age, Int_Floral_avail_age, nrow = 1) #' ## Combining plots.row <- align_plots(Floral_avail_age, Native_Floral_avail_age, Int_Floral_avail_age, align="hv", axis="tblr") div.rows <- plot_grid(plots.row[[1]], plots.row[[2]], plots.row[[3]], nrow=1, #label_size = 7.5, # label_fontface = "plain", labels = c("(a)", "(b)", "(c)"), hjust = -0.25, vjust = 2) # # Write figure 3 # png(file = "Fig4_flowers_age_3panel.png", width = 8.5, height = 3, units = "in", res = 1200) div.rows # dev.off() # visualize:shannon div by age ------------------------------------------------------ #FigureB4 Shannon Diversity: Floral_div_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), um_shannons_floral, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "A) All Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ ylab("Shannon Div")+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") Native_Floral_div_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), um_shannons_nat, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "B) Native Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("Age (years)")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5,.8), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2",name="Seeding\nTreatment", labels = c( "Native mix","Non-Native Mix" )) Int_Floral_div_age <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt =="typ"] , aes( jitter(age), um_shannons_int, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "C) Introduced Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") ggarrange(Floral_div_age, Native_Floral_div_age, Int_Floral_div_age, nrow = 1) # visualize:shannon div by season ---------------------------------------------------- #FigureB2 Shannon Diversity seasonality: Floral_shannon_season <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_shannons_floral, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "A) All Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab("Shannon Div")+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") Native_Floral_shannon_season <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_shannons_nat, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "B) Native Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("date")+ theme(legend.position = c(.5,.7), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2",name="Seeding\nTreatment", labels = c( "Native mix","Non-Native Mix", "Typical" )) Int_Floral_shannon_season <- ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ"] , aes( date, um_shannons_int, group = trt))+ geom_point(aes(color = trt), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "C) Introduced Flowers")+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = trt))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(" ")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") shannondiv_pheno_3p <- ggarrange(Floral_shannon_season, Native_Floral_shannon_season, Int_Floral_shannon_season, nrow = 1) # # Write figure S3 # png(file = "FigS3_shannondiv_pheno_3panel.png", width = 8.5, height = 3, units = "in", res = 1200) shannondiv_pheno_3p # dev.off() # # #Figure3d: #Want a figure showing change in planted community over time #' Alright, here we need to pause. These are "uninformed" linear models struck #' through the data with a single response variable #' #' The way to properly handle these is to print out the partial effects plots, not these. #' #' # visualize: how problematic is the project effect ------------------------ ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes( jitter(project,3), jitter(age,3)))+ geom_point(aes(size = um_n_forb_observed), alpha = 0.35) #reorder the data in increasing age. setorder(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, age, na.last = T) plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , unique(project) ,] #set project as a factor variable plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , project := factor(as.character(project), levels =as.character(unique(plant_matrix_date_site_sample$project))), ] ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes( project, um_n_forb_observed))+ geom_point(aes(size = age, color = trt ), alpha = 0.35) ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes( age, um_n_forb_observed))+ geom_point(aes(size = um_total_richness , color = trt), alpha = 0.35) # visualize: plot diversity effects broken out by nat/introduced plants boxplots -------------- # total diversity as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(um_shannon, trt))+ geom_boxplot() # floral diversity as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(um_shannons_floral, trt))+ geom_boxplot() # native floral diversity as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(um_shannons_floral_nat, trt))+ geom_boxplot() # introduced floral diversity as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(um_shannons_floral_int, trt))+ geom_boxplot() # visualize: floral richness boxplots --------------------------------------------------------- # floral richness as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(trt, um_forb_richness))+ geom_boxplot() # native floral diversity as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(um_richness_floral_nat, trt))+ geom_boxplot() # introduced floral diversity as a fn of trt ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes(um_richness_floral_int, trt))+ geom_boxplot()+ geom_boxplot(aes(um_richness_floral_nat), position = position_dodge2(width = 2)) l_rich_div <- melt(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, id.vars = c("date", "site", "trt", "project"), measure.vars = c("um_forb_richness", "um_richness_floral_int", "um_richness_floral_nat", "um_shannons_floral", "um_shannons_floral_int", "um_shannons_floral_nat") ) # ggplot(l_rich_div[variable %in% c("um_forb_richness", "um_richness_floral_int", "um_richness_floral_nat")], aes(trt, value))+ # geom_boxplot(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge") ggplot(l_rich_div[variable %in% c("um_forb_richness", "um_richness_floral_int", "um_richness_floral_nat")], aes( variable, value))+ geom_boxplot(aes(fill = trt), position = "dodge") # visualize: floral diversity plots -------------------------------------------------- # ggplot(l_rich_div[variable %in% c("um_shannons_floral", "um_shannons_floral_int", "um_shannons_floral_nat")], aes(trt, value))+ # geom_boxplot(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge") ggplot(l_rich_div[variable %in% c("um_shannons_floral", "um_shannons_floral_int", "um_shannons_floral_nat")], aes( variable, value))+ geom_boxplot(aes(fill = trt), position = "dodge") # visualize: paired or nestedness of our data within projects ----------------------------- # plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , project_date := paste(project,date) , ] ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample , aes( trt, jitter(um_total_richness)))+ geom_boxplot()+ geom_line(aes(group = interaction(project,date)), alpha = .5)+ ggtitle(label = "floral richness by Treatment") # test:do the analysis of seeding effects with a t-test ------------------- #structure data appropriately dcast(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ", um_shannon , .(project,jday,trt) ], project + jday ~trt) #paired t-test, alternate hypothesis that native has higher div than non (choose different um_ tagged response metrics to adjust what you're testing for) t.test( dcast(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ", um_shannon , .(project,jday,trt) ], project + jday ~trt)[,nat,],# all the native samples dcast(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ", um_shannon , .(project,jday,trt) ], project + jday ~trt)[,non,],# compared to their corresponding "non" alternative = "g", paired = T) #and richness? t.test( dcast(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ", um_total_richness , .(project,jday,trt) ], project + jday ~trt)[,nat,],# all the native samples dcast(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ", um_total_richness , .(project,jday,trt) ], project + jday ~trt)[,non,],# compared to their corresponding "non" alternative = "g", paired = T) # test:univariate responses linear models -------------------------------------------------------- # are there differences between the three types of treatments basicmod <- lmer(data = plant_matrix_date_site_sample, um_shannon ~ trt + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(Total_Sand) + (1|project)) summary(basicmod) # does seeding increase diversity and richness? This model will dump all of the typ sites because we have no age data notyp <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ"] shannondiv <- lmer(data = notyp, um_shannon ~ trt + age + trt:age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(Total_Sand) + (1|project)) summary(shannondiv) anova(shannondiv) plot(shannondiv) plot_model(shannondiv, type = "pred", terms = "trt") plot(ggpredict(shannondiv, terms = c("jday", "age"))) #richness rich_mod <- glmer(um_forb_richness ~ trt*age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(`Total_Sand`) + scale(area_m2) + (1|project) , data = plant_matrix_date_site_sample, family = "poisson" ) #singularity? tt <- getME(rich_mod,"theta") ll <- getME(rich_mod,"lower") min(tt[ll==0]) #restart from last fit: ss <- getME(rich_mod,c("theta","fixef")) rich_mod_m2 <- update(rich_mod,start=ss,control=glmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=2e4))) #fixed it. summary(rich_mod_m2) anova(rich_mod_m2) #view some estimates: plot(rich_mod_m2) plot_model(rich_mod) # plot_model(rich_mod, type = "pred", ci.lvl = .95, # terms = c( "age", "trt")) # plot_model(shannondiv, type = "pred", # terms = c( "jday", "age")) #' We probably need a random effect for project (without one, we violate independence of samples) #' - This is easy enough to do on single species or metric (richness, diversity) models, but challenging in the whole-community approach (mvGLMs). #' - might be possible through a permutation approcah: http://edild.github.io/mvabund/ #' - Could consider ignoring the nestedness within project #' We need to model age, and that's likely best done linearly #' We need to model date -- this one is more tricky, likely needing a second degree polynomial fit (see plots above). #' #' #' #' When we present our contingency table, we want to present seeding benefit at #' best age & peak flowering. We can either let the data show us those values #' (but we are data poor in this regard) or use values from the lit to assess. #' To skirt the issue entirely, we need to come up with a metric (odds ratios?) #' that schmoozes over the issue, by saying "across all ages and dates, Xspecies #' was Z times more present when planted compared to unplanted. # NMDS ordination viz of data --------------------------------------------------------- nmds_matrix <- as.matrix(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[,10:140]) comm_nmds <- metaMDS(nmds_matrix, k = 3, distance = "bray") data.scores = as.data.frame(scores(comm_nmds)$sites) data.scores$Treatment = plant_matrix_date_site_sample$trt data.scores$Age = plant_matrix_date_site_sample$age data.scores$Date = plant_matrix_date_site_sample$date ggplot(data.scores, aes(x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2)) + geom_point(size = 2, aes( shape = Treatment, colour = -Age), alpha = .8)+ theme(axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black", face = "bold", size = 12), legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face ="bold", colour ="black"), legend.position = "right", axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14), axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14, colour = "black"), legend.title = element_text(size = 14, colour = "black", face = "bold"), panel.background = element_blank(), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA, linewidth = 1.2), legend.key=element_blank()) + labs(x = "NMDS1", colour = "Age", y = "NMDS2", shape = "Type") # #ANOSIM test # ano = anosim(nmds_matrix, plant_matrix_date_site_sample$trt, distance = "bray", permutations = 999) # ano # # anoAge = anosim(nmds_matrix, plant_matrix_date_site_sample$age, distance = "bray", permutations = 999) # anoAge # # big viz of species effects ---------------------------------------------- abu <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ ,.SD , .SDcols = 10:140] head(abu) #create mvabund matrix plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, instance := 1:.N, .(project,trt) ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample$instance env <- data.frame(age = plant_matrix_date_site_sample$age, treatment = plant_matrix_date_site_sample$trt, # datesamp = yday(sub$date), # soil = scale(sub$soil_pene_mean), # sand = scale(sub$Total_Sand), # area = scale(sub$area_m2), # block = sub$project, instance = plant_matrix_date_site_sample$instance) head(env) plotraw <- data.frame(abu, env) plotraw <- melt(plotraw, id.vars = c('treatment', 'age', 'instance')) ggplot(plotraw, aes(x = age, y = value, col = factor(treatment))) + geom_point(alpha = .25) + geom_smooth(aes(group = treatment), se = FALSE) + facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free") + #scale_y_log10() + labs(y = 'Proportion Occ', x = 'Age') + # geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0)) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.justification = c(1, 0), legend.position = c(1, 0), legend.key = element_blank()) # test:mvabund binomial model ------------------------------------------------------- #prep data for mvGLM #create mvabund matrix plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, instance := 1:.N, .(project,trt) ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample$instance #fix the bad instance vals (assigned into groups with <6 samples & one being missing) plant_matrix_date_site_sample[site %in% c("2typ", "2non"), .( week(as.IDate(date, format = "%m/%d/%Y")),site, instance) , ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[site == "2typ", instance := c(1,3:6) ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , date:= as.IDate(date, format = "%m/%d/%Y") ,] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ ,instance_mean:= mean.Date(date), instance] setorder(plant_matrix_date_site_sample,project, trt) #nestedness sub <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ" ]#note we are excluding typ sites # build mvabund obj names(sub) plant_spp <- mvabund(sub[,10:140]) # #drop out the typ ditches here b/c we have NAs for age and desire to model it # sub <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt != "typ", ] # sub[ , trt := factor(trt, levels = c("non","nat")) , ] # summary(sub$trt) # #basic plots boxplot(sub[,10:140],horizontal = TRUE,las=2, main="Abundance", cex.axis=0.5) meanvar.plot(plant_spp) abline(0,1) plot(plant_spp~sub[, trt]) # #we can't use a random effect to account for nestedness in the project design, so here's an approach to permutation resampling that *should* fix the issue: http://edild.github.io/mvabund/ control <- how(blocks = sub$project, nperm = 2000) permutations <- shuffleSet(nrow(plant_spp), control = control) # fit the models to our data # this is what we want to estimate with (skipping sand b/c of missing data) mod_full_A <- manyglm(plant_spp ~ trt*age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(area_m2) , family = binomial(),# offset = N, data = sub) mod_null_A <- manyglm(plant_spp ~ age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(area_m2) , family = binomial(), # offset = N, data = sub) #this model is uuuuugly - needs a variance estimator? we actually fit this multiple ways (below) and we feel this is the best model plot(mod_full_A) plot.manyglm(mod_full_A, which = 1:3) # trying to diagnose the variance fit issue: #distribution of response data: names(sub)[1:5] freq <- melt(sub, id.vars = names(sub)[1:5], measure.vars = names(sub)[10:139], variable.name = "taxon", value.name = "freq") ggplot(freq, aes(x = freq))+ geom_histogram(binwidth = .01)+ scale_y_log10() #run a comparison of the treatment model to a null model # mod_compare_A <- anova(mod_full_A, mod_null_A, bootID = permutations, p.uni = 'adjusted', nBoot = 999) # # save(mod_compare_A, file = "modelcomparison_A2.RData") load(file = "modelcomparison_A2.RData") # uncomment to run summary # fullsummary_A <- summary(mod_full_A, bootID = permutations, p.uni = "adjusted", nBoot = 999) # save(fullsummary_A, file = "summaryresults_A2.RData") load(file = "summaryresults_A2.RData") # uncomment to run anova # fullanova_A <- anova(mod_full_A, bootID = permutations, p.uni = "adjusted", nBoot = 999) # save(fullanova_A, file = "anovaresults_A2.RData") load(file = "anovaresults_A2.RData") # str(mod_compare_A) fullsummary_A fullanova_A # test:mvabund - residuals are problematic -------------------------------- #many attempts at fixing the variance problem: #try to drop some of the zeros? No fix n30_sub <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ !trt == "typ" , c(.SD, .(date = date,trt = trt)) , .SDcols = l_plant_obs[ , .("count" = .N) , .(taxon)][count>30, taxon,] ] n30_sub[ , trt := factor(trt) , ] summary(n30_sub$trt) names(n30_sub) plant_spp <- mvabund(n30_sub[,1:36]) #refit model mod_full <- manyglm(plant_spp ~ trt + age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(Total_Sand) + scale(area_m2) , family="binomial", data = sub) #this model is also uuuuugly plot(mod_full) rm(n30_sub) # #try to use count data instead # convert counts to proportion data summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, 10:140]) cols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[ 10:140] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x){as.integer(x*N)}) , .SDcols = cols ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, summary(.SD) ,.SDcols = cols] # # # # test:mvabund count based model ------------------------------------------------------- # #refit model plant_spp_int <- mvabund(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[!trt == "typ", 10:140]) mod_full <- manyglm(plant_spp_int ~ trt*age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(Total_Sand) + scale(area_m2) , family= "negative.binomial", offset = N, data = sub) # this sorta seems to fix things. Note the q-q plot has some craziness in it and the ends of the linear predictor are still high var(sideways hourglass in resid v fitted) plot(mod_full) plot.manyglm(mod_full, which = 1:3) #null model mod_null <- manyglm(plant_spp_int ~ age + poly(jday,2) + scale(soil_pene_mean) + scale(Total_Sand) + scale(area_m2) , family = "negative.binomial", offset = N, data = sub) # mod_compare_B <- anova(mod_full, mod_null, bootID = permutations, p.uni = 'adjusted') # save(mod_compare_B, file = "modelcomparison_B.RData") load(file = "modelcomparison_B.RData") mod_compare_B # uncomment to run summary # fullsummary_B <- summary(mod_full, p.uni = "adjusted") # save(fullsummary_B, file = "summaryresults_B.RData") load(file = "summaryresults_B.RData") fullsummary_B # uncomment to run anova # fullanova_B <- anova(mod_full, p.uni = "adjusted") # save(fullanova_B, file = "anovaresults_B.RData") load(file = "anovaresults_B.RData") # fullanova_B # convert counts BACK to proportion data summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, 10:140]) cols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[ 10:140] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x){as.numeric(x/N)}) , .SDcols = cols ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, summary(.SD) ,.SDcols = cols] # visualize: mvabund ------------------------------------------------------ fullanova <- fullanova_A fullsummary <- fullsummary_A speciessumresults <- data.table(var = rownames(fullsummary$uni.test), fullsummary$uni.test)[data.table(var = rownames(fullsummary$uni.p), fullsummary$uni.p), on = .(var = var)] speciesmodresults <- rbind(data.table(var = rownames(fullanova$uni.test), fullanova$uni.test),data.table(var = paste("p_", sep = "", rownames(fullanova$uni.p)), fullanova$uni.p)) speciesmodresults[ ,exp(.SD) , .SDcols = c("Rudbeckia_hirta") ] # fwrite(speciesmodresults, file = "data&scripts/data/output/anova_species_table.csv") # effects table: eff <- data.table(species = colnames(fullanova$uni.test), deviance = fullanova$uni.test[2 , ], p_val = fullanova$uni.p[2,]) l_mod_eff <- melt(eff, id.vars = "species") setDT(l_mod_eff) l_mod_eff <- l_mod_eff[ plant_taxa , on= .(species = Taxon)] eff <- eff[plant_taxa, on = .(species = Taxon)] setorder(eff, deviance) l_mod_eff[ , `Species Name`:= factor(`Species Name`, levels = eff$`Species Name`)] l_mod_eff[ `Minnesota Native?` == "" , `Minnesota Native?`:= "unclassified", ] l_mod_eff[ , `Minnesota Native?`:= factor(`Minnesota Native?`, levels = c("native", "introduced", "invasive", "unclassified" ))] match(l_mod_eff[, species], speciessumresults[,var]) l_mod_eff[ , nat_est := speciessumresults[ match(l_mod_eff[, species], speciessumresults[,var]), `(Intercept)` , ] ,] ggplot(data = l_mod_eff[variable == "deviance" , ], aes(x = "Common Name & Status", y=`Species Name`, fill=`Minnesota Native?`)) + geom_tile() + geom_text( aes(label =l_mod_eff[variable == "p_val" , `Common Name` ]), size=3 ) + labs(y = NULL)+ scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set2",name="Species Designation", labels = c("native", "introduced", "invasive", "unclassified" ))+ theme_bw()+ new_scale_fill()+ geom_tile(data = l_mod_eff[variable == "deviance" , ], aes(x = "Deviance", y=`Species Name`, fill = value))+ scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", name = "Deviance", guide = 'none') + geom_text(aes(x = "Deviance",label = sprintf("%0.4f", l_mod_eff[variable == "deviance" , value])), size=3) + new_scale_fill()+ geom_tile(data = l_mod_eff[variable == "p_val" , ], aes(x = "Dev p value", y=`Species Name`, fill=value))+ scale_fill_gradient(trans = "log", low = "green", high = "red", breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.05, 0.5), name = "p_value", guide = 'none')+ geom_text(aes(x = "Dev p value",label = sprintf("%0.4f", l_mod_eff[variable == "p_val" , value ])), size=3) + new_scale_fill()+ geom_tile(data = l_mod_eff[variable == "deviance" , ], aes(x = "Wald Value", y=`Species Name`, fill = nat_est))+ scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", name = "Waldval", guide = 'none') + geom_text(aes(x = "Wald Value",label = sprintf("%0.4f", l_mod_eff[variable == "deviance" , nat_est])), size=3) + labs(x = NULL) + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0), position = "top") # theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), # axis.text.x =element_blank(), # plot.background = element_blank()) # test: principle response curves ----------------------------------------- #sourced from: http://edild.github.io/prc1/ plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , trt := factor(trt, levels = c("typ", "non", "nat"))] #prep a dataset for PRC prc_sub <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ !trt == "typ" , c(.SD, .(date = date,trt = trt, age = age, week = instance)) , .SDcols = l_plant_obs[ , .("count" = .N) , .(taxon)][, taxon,] ] prc_sub[ , trt := factor(trt, levels = c("non", "nat"))] # names(prc_sub)[1:130] <- tolower(plant_taxa[match(names(prc_sub)[1:130], plant_taxa[ , Taxon]), `Common Name`]) names(prc_sub) <- gsub("_", " ", names(prc_sub)) # time effects (age) ditch_prc_age <- prc(response = prc_sub[,1:133], treatment = prc_sub$trt, time = factor(-prc_sub$age)) sum_prc_age <- summary(ditch_prc_age) ditch_prc_age #RDA sum_prc_age$sp #PRC # anova(ditch_prc_age) # plot(ditch_prc_age) plot(ditch_prc_age, select = abs(sum_prc_age$sp) > 0.04, scaling = "symmetric", type = "l", ylab = "", xlab = "Age (years)", legpos = NA, xlim = rev(range(-prc_sub$age)), xaxt = "n") mtext(side = 2, expression(paste("Principal response (C "[dt],")")), padj = -3,cex = 1, las = 0) mtext("Species Weights", adj = .9 , outer = T, padj = 1) axis(1, at = seq(-7.5,8, length.out = 5), labels = c(0,5,10,15,20), las = 1) sum_prc_age$coefficients # If we divide this eigenvalue by the sum of all eigenvalues, we obtain the proportion of explained variance which is displayed on each axis. ditch_prc_age$CCA$eig/sum(ditch_prc_age$CCA$eig) # date effects (phenology) ditch_prc_pheno <- prc(response = prc_sub[,1:133], treatment = prc_sub$trt, time = factor(prc_sub$week)) sum_prc_pheno <- summary(ditch_prc_pheno) ditch_prc_pheno sum_prc_pheno$sp sum_prc_pheno$coefficients <- -1*sum_prc_pheno$coefficients ditch_prc_pheno$CCA$eig # plot(ditch_prc_pheno) meandates <- format(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , unique(instance_mean) ,], "%d%b") # plot(ditch_prc_pheno, select = abs(sum_prc_pheno$sp) > 0.04, scaling = "symmetric") str(ditch_prc_pheno) plot(ditch_prc_pheno, select = abs(sum_prc_age$sp) > 0.04, scaling = "symmetric", type = "l", ylab = "", xlab = "Mean Visit Date", xaxt = "n", legpos = NA) mtext(side = 2, expression(paste("Principal response (C "[dt],")")), padj = -3,cex = 1, las = 0) mtext("Species Weights", adj = .95, outer = T, padj = 2.5) axis(1, at = seq(-7.1,7.1, length.out = 6), labels = meandates, las = 2) # anova(ditch_prc_pheno) # # If we divide this eigenvalue by the sum of all eigenvalues, we obtain the proportion of explained variance which is displayed on each axis. # ditch_prc_pheno$CCA$eig/sum(ditch_prc_pheno$CCA$eig) # # seedmix effects --------------------------------------------------------- #' When we present our contingency table, we want to present seeding benefit at #' best age & peak flowering. We can either let the data show us those values #' (but we are data poor in this regard) or use values from the lit to assess. #' To skirt the issue entirely, we need to come up with a metric (odds ratios?) #' that schmoozes over the issue, by saying "across all ages and dates, Xspecies #' was Z times more present when planted compared to unplanted. ggplot(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, aes(um_total_richness, Seed_mix))+ geom_boxplot()+ ggtitle(label = "Species richness by SEEDMIX") names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , summary(Agastache_foeniculum), ] # species in each mix ----------------------------------------------------- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , .N , Seed_mix] # species planting contingency table -------------------------------------- #These models will not account for any covariates. They simply ask, what's the seeding benefit across this entire study #list species in the seedmix mix_spp_alpha_genus <- sort(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241]) #check for matches in the observations: cbind(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241],names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[10:139] ) match(word(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241], start = 2, end = -1, sep = fixed("_")), names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[10:139]) #make a seeding table of 0 or 1 found or not found #strip first word instead of s_ seeded_and_observed <- word(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241], start = 2, end = -1, sep = fixed("_"))[!is.na(match(word(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241], start = 2, end = -1, sep = fixed("_")), names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[10:139]))] seeded_not_obs <- word(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241], start = 2, end = -1, sep = fixed("_"))[is.na(match(word(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241], start = 2, end = -1, sep = fixed("_")), names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[10:139]))] #now limit these lists to things that were being looked for: #things that were being looked for: plant_taxa[ , Taxon, ] #all flowers/forbs and 10 grasses we ID'd seeded_and_observed %in% plant_taxa[ , Taxon, ] seeded_not_obs %in% plant_taxa[ , Taxon, ] seeding_outcomes <- cbind(c(seeded_and_observed,26:50),seeded_not_obs) colnames(seeding_outcomes) <- c("observed flowering", "not observed flowering") # fwrite(seeding_outcomes, file = "data&scripts/data/output/seeding_obs_nonobs.csv") # plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , mean(Asclepias_syriaca) , .(s_Asclepias_syriaca)] summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , c(163:241)]) seedcols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[163:241] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , (seedcols) := lapply(.SD, as.factor) , .SDcols = seedcols ] #set levels to be ordered 0,1 plant_matrix_date_site_sample[, (seedcols) := setattr(.SD, "levels", c("0", "1")), .SDcols = seedcols] levels(plant_matrix_date_site_sample$s_Zizia_aurea) seeding_table <- data.table(species = character(), planted = factor(), min = numeric(), mean = numeric(), max = numeric(), sd = numeric()) formula_strings = paste(paste( seeded_and_observed, paste("s_", seeded_and_observed ,sep = ""), sep = " ~ "), "") #prep a table to recieve the data coefs <- data.table(species = NA, intercept = NA, intercept_se = NA, seeding = NA, seeding_se = NA) for (i in 1:length(seeded_and_observed)) { j <- seeded_and_observed[i] k <- paste("s_", j ,sep = "") print(j) print(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , .(min= min(get(j)), mean = mean(get(j)), max = max(get(j)), sd = sd(get(j))) , get(k)] )[1:2]# temp_table <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , .(min= min(get(j)), mean = mean(get(j)), max = max(get(j)), sd = sd(get(j))) , get(k)] seeding_table <- rbind(seeding_table, data.table(species = j, planted = temp_table[ , get], min = temp_table[ , min], mean = temp_table[ , mean], max = temp_table[ , max], sd = temp_table[ , sd]) ) mod = stan_glm(as.formula(formula_strings[i]), data=plant_matrix_date_site_sample, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), weights = N) coefs <- rbind(coefs, data.table(species = j, intercept = fixef(mod)[1], intercept_se = mod[[2]][1], seeding = fixef(mod)[2], seeding_se = mod[[2]][2]) ) print(summary(mod)) mod[[2]] # write.csv(coefs, paste0(file_prefix[i], "coef.csv") # #convert to OR and export # OR = as.data.frame(logistic.display(mod)$table) # write.csv(OR, file = paste0(file_prefix[i], "OR.csv")) #plot? #ggpredict(mod, terms = "s_Zizia_aurea") } #build out that coefs table coefs <- data.table(coefs) coefs[ , odds_ratio_seed := exp(seeding) , ] coefs[ , "odds_ratio_seed_se" := exp(seeding_se) , ] # fwrite(seeding_table, file = "data&scripts/data/output/seeding_table.csv") # fwrite(coefs, file = "data&scripts/data/output/seeding_coefficients_V2.csv") # summary statistics ------------------------------------------------ #how many sites per trt? a.k.a how many projects plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , .("sites_per_trt" = length(unique(site))) , .(trt)] #how many quads? plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , sum(N) , .(trt) ]#N is the number of quadrats sampled in each survey (on each site-date) #how many plant observations (multiple taxa often found at each site, recall we only named stuff with flower or seedhead and only 10 grasses) l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg", .N] #how many flowering forb observations l_plant_obs[taxon %in% plant_taxa[`grass/flower`== "flower", Taxon,], .N, .(trt)] #how many taxa observed l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg", length(unique(taxon))] #how many flowerign forb taxa observed l_plant_obs[trt!="typ" & taxon %in% plant_taxa[`grass/flower`== "flower", Taxon,], length(unique(taxon))] #how many dates was each site sampled on? number of rows is a count of unique sites l_plant_obs[ , length(unique(date)) , .(trt, project, site)] #how many species observed in each site l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" , length(unique(taxon)) , .(trt, project, site)] #how many species observed in each trt l_plant_obs[!taxon == "nofloweringveg" , length(unique(taxon)) , .(trt)] #site areas plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , unique(area_m2) , .(site)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , unique(area_m2) , .(site)][ , summary(V1)] #summarize this plant_matrix_date_site_sample[trt!="typ" , unique(area_m2) , .(site)][ , summary(V1)] #summarize this w/o typ #n quadrats per survey plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , unique(N), .(site, date)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , unique(N), .(site, date)][ , summary(V1)] #summarize this # % of quads with a floral resource summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_n_quad_floral_res/N , ])# all forb taxa summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_n_quad_floral_res_nat/N , ])# native forb summary(plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , um_n_quad_floral_res_int/N , ])#introduced # % of quads with a floral resource, by trt bytrt <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ ,.(trt, percquadfloral = um_n_quad_floral_res/N) , ][ , .("allforb" = summary(percquadfloral)) ,.(trt) ] bytrt[,val := rep(c("Min.", "1stQu.", "Median", "Mean", "3rdQu.", "Max."),3) , ] bytrt[, natforbpercquadsfloral := plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ ,.(trt, percquadfloral = um_n_quad_floral_res_nat/N) , ][ , .("natforb" = summary(percquadfloral)) ,.(trt) ][ , natforb ,] , ] bytrt[, intforbpercquadsfloral := plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ ,.(trt, percquadfloral = um_n_quad_floral_res_int/N) , ][ , .("intforb" = summary(percquadfloral)) ,.(trt) ][ , intforb ,] , ] # make a table of the most common species in each trt group --------------- #by trt commonness names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample) plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , .N , trt] taxa_cols <- names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample)[10:140] l_foc <- melt(plant_matrix_date_site_sample, id.vars = c("date", "site", "trt", "project", "N" ) , measure.vars = taxa_cols , ) l_foc[ , .N , trt ] l_foc_nat <-l_foc[trt == "nat"] l_foc_non <-l_foc[trt == "non"] l_foc_typ <-l_foc[trt == "typ"] table_1a <- l_foc_nat[ , .("mean_prop" = mean(value), "sd_prop" = sd(value), "count_nonzero" = sum(value>0) ) , variable ] table_1b <- l_foc_non[ , .("mean_prop" = mean(value), "sd_prop" = sd(value), "count_nonzero" = sum(value>0)) , variable ] table_1c <- l_foc_typ[ , .("mean_prop" = mean(value), "sd_prop" = sd(value), "count_nonzero" = sum(value>0)) , variable ] setorder(table_1a, -mean_prop ) setorder(table_1b, -mean_prop) setorder(table_1c, -mean_prop ) names(table_1a) <- paste("nat_",names(table_1a), sep = "") names(table_1b) <- paste("non_",names(table_1b), sep = "") names(table_1c) <- paste("typ_",names(table_1c), sep = "") match(table_1a[ ,nat_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]) table_1a[ , nat_common_name := plant_taxa[match(table_1a[ ,nat_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]), `Common Name`] , ] table_1b[ , non_common_name := plant_taxa[match(table_1b[ ,non_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]), `Common Name`] , ] table_1c[ , typ_common_name := plant_taxa[match(table_1c[ ,typ_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]), `Common Name`] , ] table_1a[ , nat_status := plant_taxa[match(table_1a[ ,nat_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]), `Minnesota Native?`] , ] table_1b[ , non_status := plant_taxa[match(table_1b[ ,non_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]), `Minnesota Native?`] , ] table_1c[ , typ_status := plant_taxa[match(table_1c[ ,typ_variable ,], plant_taxa[ , Taxon ,]), `Minnesota Native?`] , ] common_obs_by_trt <- cbind(table_1a, table_1b, table_1c) # fwrite(common_obs_by_trt, file = "data&scripts/data/output/common_plants_by_trt.csv") # seeded species v. colonizing species in nat and non panels of rich, shan, % floral -------- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[ , .N , .(Seed_mix)] #for a given row, here are the seeded species we observed, sans typ site data plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp <- plant_matrix_date_site_sample[Seed_mix != ""] #all species colinizer metrics for (i in 1:nrow(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) { seeded <- intersect(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp), gsub("^s_" ,"" , colnames( plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ])[plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ]==1] ) ) colinizer <- setdiff(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[,c(10:139)]), gsub("^s_" ,"" , colnames( plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ])[plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ]==1] ) ) if (length(seeded) != 0) { plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, seeded_richness := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = seeded ]!=0)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, seeded_shannons := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = seeded ],index = "shannon")] } else { plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , seeded_richness := 0 , ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , seeded_shannons := 0 , ] } # add columns for this row based on seeded or colinizer: # plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[1, .SD , .SDcols = seeded ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, colinizer_richness := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = colinizer ]!=0)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, colinizer_shannons := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = colinizer ],index = "shannon")] } #floral species colinizer metrics for (i in 1:nrow(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) { seeded <- intersect(intersect(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp), gsub("^s_" ,"" , colnames( plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ])[plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ]==1] ) ), floralcols) colinizer <- intersect(setdiff(names(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[,c(10:139)]), gsub("^s_" ,"" , colnames( plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ])[plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , .SD , .SDcols = grep(pattern="^s_", x=colnames(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp)) ]==1] ) ), floralcols) if (length(seeded) != 0) { plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, seeded_richness_floral := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = seeded ]!=0)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, seeded_shannons_floral := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = seeded ],index = "shannon")] } else { plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , seeded_richness_floral := 0 , ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i , seeded_shannons_floral := 0 , ] } # add columns for this row based on seeded or colinizer: # plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[1, .SD , .SDcols = seeded ] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, colinizer_richness_floral := rowSums(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = colinizer ]!=0)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, colinizer_shannons_floral := diversity(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[i, .SD , .SDcols = colinizer ],index = "shannon")] } plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[ , .(um_total_richness, seeded_richness, colinizer_richness)] plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[ , .(um_forb_richness, seeded_richness_floral, colinizer_richness_floral)] #check for NO NAs plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp[ , summary(.SD) , .SDcols = c("um_forb_richness", "seeded_richness_floral", "colinizer_richness_floral", "um_total_richness" , "seeded_richness", "colinizer_richness" )] figdat <- melt(plant_matrix_date_site_sample_notyp, id.vars = c("date","site", "trt", "age"), measure.vars = patterns("_floral$"), variable.name = "metric", value.name = c("value")) summary(figdat$metric) #Figure99: ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_richness_floral", "colinizer_richness_floral")] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(value), group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "Floral Richness")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = metric))+ ylab("# of Species of Flowers Observed")+ xlab(" ")+ # theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2")+ facet_wrap(~trt) ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_shannons_floral", "colinizer_shannons_floral")] , aes( jitter(age), jitter(value), group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ ggtitle(label = "Floral Diversity")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = metric))+ ylab("Shannon Diversiy")+ xlab("Age (years)")+ # theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2")+ facet_wrap(~trt) # visualize: Fig 2 colonizing vs. planted species phenology ---------------------------------------------------- SeedFloral_rich_date_nat <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_richness_floral", "colinizer_richness_floral") & trt == "nat"] , aes( date, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = metric))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,15))+ ylab("Floral Richness")+ xlab(NULL)+ ggtitle(label = "Native Seedmix")+ # theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2")+ theme(legend.position = c(.2,.8), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1",name="Species\nOrigin", labels = c( "Seeded","Colonizer" )) SeedFloral_rich_date_non <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_richness_floral", "colinizer_richness_floral") & trt == "non"] , aes( date, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = metric))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,15))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(NULL)+ ggtitle(label = "Non-native Seedmix")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") SeedFloral_div_date_nat <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_shannons_floral", "colinizer_shannons_floral")& trt == "nat"] , aes( date, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = metric))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,2.25))+ ylab("Floral Shannon Diversiy")+ xlab("")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") SeedFloral_div_date_non <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_shannons_floral", "colinizer_shannons_floral")& trt == "non"] , aes( date, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ geom_smooth(method = "loess", aes(color = metric))+ coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,2.25))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") #' ## Combining plots.row <- align_plots(SeedFloral_rich_date_nat, SeedFloral_rich_date_non,SeedFloral_div_date_nat,SeedFloral_div_date_non, align="hv", axis="tblr") div.rows <- plot_grid(plots.row[[1]], plots.row[[2]], plots.row[[3]], plots.row[[4]], nrow=2, #label_size = 7.5, # label_fontface = "plain", labels = c("(a)", "(b)", "(c)"), hjust = -0.25, vjust = 2) div.rows <- ggdraw(add_sub(div.rows, "Date", vpadding=grid::unit(0,"lines"),y=6, x=0.5, vjust=4.5)) # # Write figure 3 # png(file = "Fig2_source_pheno_4panel.png", width = 6, height = 6, units = "in", res = 1200) div.rows # dev.off() ###aaaaannnnnnnd nnnnoooowwww age # visualize: colonizing vs. planted species by age -------------------------- SeedFloral_rich_age_nat <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_richness_floral", "colinizer_richness_floral") & trt == "nat"] , aes( age, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = metric))+ ylab("Floral Richness")+ xlab(NULL)+ ggtitle(label = "Native Seedmix")+ # theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+ theme(legend.position = c(.2,.8), legend.background = element_blank())+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1",name="Species\nOrigin", labels = c( "Seeded","Colonizer" )) SeedFloral_rich_age_non <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_richness_floral", "colinizer_richness_floral") & trt == "non"] , aes( age, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ # facet_grid(rows = vars(trt) )+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = metric))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab(NULL)+ ggtitle(label = "Non-native Seedmix")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") SeedFloral_div_age_nat <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_shannons_floral", "colinizer_shannons_floral")& trt == "nat"] , aes( age, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = metric))+ ylab("Floral Shannon Diversiy")+ xlab("Age (years)")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") SeedFloral_div_age_non <- ggplot(figdat[metric %in% c("seeded_shannons_floral", "colinizer_shannons_floral")& trt == "non"] , aes( age, value, group = metric))+ geom_point(aes(color = metric), alpha = 0.25)+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", aes(color = metric))+ ylab(NULL)+ xlab("Age (years)")+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") ggarrange(SeedFloral_rich_age_nat, SeedFloral_rich_age_non,SeedFloral_div_age_nat,SeedFloral_div_age_non, nrow = 2, ncol = 2) # 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