record_id trait format defaultValue minimum maximum details categories ontology_id trait_name full_description 1 FLFWD numeric 0 50 Leaf width measured in millimeters (mm) CO_321:0001581 FLeafLWid Measurement (wheat traits) "Width of representative flag leaf measured at widest point, in mm" 2 FLFLNG numeric 0 40 Leaf length measured in centimeters (cm) CO_321:0001524 FLeafLLng (wheat traits) Length of representative flag leaf measured in centimeters from the tip of the leaf to the collar. 3 FLGHT numeric 0 250 Flag leaf height measured in centimeters (cm) ?CO_322:0000998 (only if this is from ground to ligule of flag leaf) PHFL - Measurement (maize traits) "Height of the flag leaf from the ground measured in centimeters. (is this measured from tip of flagleaf, collar of the leaf, or mid point of droopy leaf like corn?" 4 PTHT numeric 0 250 Plant height measured in centimeters (cm) CO_321:0000020 Plant height (wheat traits) Representative height of the plant measured from the ground to spike excluding awns. 5 LODG percent 0 100 Percent of plants lodged CO_321:0000355 with percent scale CO_321:0000410 Lodg Estimation (wheat traits) "Percent of stems on the plant lodged, adjusted for how close the plants are to being flat on the ground. All stems horizontal=100" 6 STMANG numeric 0 90 Average stem angle with ground. Stem anlge "Average angle of the stems to the ground surface, visual estimate in degrees, from 0 to 90" 7 STMNUM numeric 0 Number of tillers with spikes per plant POLAPGEN_BARLEY:0000078 Number of productive tillers per plant (barley) Number of productive tillers (tillers with stems) per plant 8 STMDIA numeric 0 10 Width of representative stem below spike CO_321:0000284 StmDia Measurement (wheat traits) "Width of average stem, measured just spike head, in mm" 9 SPKLNG numeric 0 Length of spike in centimeters (cm) CO_321:0000056 Spike length (wheat traits) "Length of representative spike measured from first to last glume in centimeters. Ontology has this listed in millimeters, we have only recorded cm for convenience." 10 STMBOT numeric 0 grams of force required to break the stem variation of CO_321:0000829 StmStrength Estimation (wheat traits) "force required to break the stem near the bottom, in grams of force" 11 STMMID numeric 0 grams of force required to break the stem variation of CO_321:0000829 StmStrength Estimation (wheat traits) "Force required to break the stem just above the second node down from the head, in grams of force" 12 STMTOP numeric 0 grams of force required to break the stem variation of CO_321:0000829 StmStrength Estimation (wheat traits) "Force required to break the stem, just below the head, in grams of force" 13 SPKHD numeric 0 Spikelets per inflorescence CO_321:0000058 Spikelet number per spike (wheat traits) Average number of spikelets per head 14 CIRC numeric 0 ImageJ circularity of seed Circularity of seed Cacluated using ImageJ 15 FERET numeric Average seed length in Feret (mm) using ImageJ Seed length calculated using ImageJ Calculated using ImageJ in mm 16 FERETMIN numeric Average seed width in Feret (mm) using ImageJ Seed width calculated using ImageJ Calculated using ImageJ in mm 17 SDAREA numeric 0 Average area of a seed in square mm ImageJ Seed area measured with ImageJ Calculated using ImageJ in square mm 18 SDPERIM numeric 0 Average perimeter of naked seed in mm using ImageJ Seed perimeter in mm using ImageJ Calculated using ImageJ in mm 19 SPKYLD numeric 0 Weight in grams of seed yield from one head CO_321:0001582 SpkGW Measurement (wheat traits) Weight of seed yield (naked) of one spike 20 NKD percent 0 100 Percent free threshing grain in a sample. Naked Percent of grain free of lemma and palea by visual estimate 21 SDMG numeric 0 Weight per seed in milligrams (mg) CO_336:0000238 Seed weight in milligrams (soybean traits) Average weight in milligrams of seed. 22 SHAT categorical 0 4 Number of spikes with shattering 1-4 rating scale variation of CO_321:0000278 shattering estimation (wheat traits) "Visual rating: 0 represents no shattering, even when bending florets; 1 = no shattering when dropped, but florets break off when bent; 2 = <1-5 florets per head shatter when dropped; 3 = >5 florets per head shatter when dropped; 4 = > 50% shattered at har" 23 SDHD numeric 0 Number of grains per spike variation of CO_321:0000038 Number of grains per spike (wheat traits) 24 SPKFLR_Deprecated numeric 0 Number of florets per spike Florets per spike Average number of florets per spike prior to shattering 25 ZDK numeric 0 100 Zadoks growth stage Zadoks_growht_stage "Using Zadoks guide for cereals growth stage is reported for a particular day, often converted to ranks to make normal distribution." 26 FLOR numeric 0 Total number of florets per head information used to calculate fruiting efficiency CO_321:0001495 Florets per spike "Total number of florets per head, calculated by multiplying florets per spikelet by number of spikelets These data are actually # florets per spikelet (range is usually 3-12); I use this number later to calculate the total number of florets per head in o" 27 PERFERT numeric 0 100 Percent seeds set variation of CO_321:0001495 Variation of fruiting effiecency (wheat traits) "Percent seed set, calculated as (SPKYLD/SDMG)/FLOR * 100" 28 SDDEN numeric 0 Milligrams per millimeter of seed (seed density) CO_324:0000224 Grain Density (sorghum traits) for single grain Milligrams per mm of seed length. Calculated by SDMG/SDAREA 29 SPKDEN numeric 0 Spikelets per cm of spike CO_321:0000055 Spike density (wheat traits) "Spikelets per cm of spike length (SPiKe DENsitty), calculated by SPKHD/SPKLNG" 30 HDEMPER percent 0 200 Heading emergence percent HEading EMergence PERcent Calculated as the length of head emerged compared to final head length. For example a value of 66% would mean that on a particular day of head emergence the measured value was 16 and final head lenght was 24. Can be greater than 100. 31 NOTES text NOTES about observational unit NOTES about observational unit. NOTES that can be taken on observational unit. Usually only taken on a few entries. 32 SHAT10 numeric 1 10 Shattering estimation on a 1-10 scale. 1-10 rating scale SHAT10 shattering on a 1 to 10 scale Shattering computed by averaging the number of observations of SHATSPKT / SPKLSTM multiplid by 10 to get a 0 to 10 number. For one measurement is just SHATSPKT / SPKLSTM * 10. 33 SDSPK numeric 0 75 SeeDs per Spikelet CO_321:0000436 SeeDs per SPiKelet number of seeds per spikelet. Number of seeds per spikelet. 34 FLORSPK numeric 0 25 FLORets per SPiKelet. information used to calculate fruiting efficiency CO_321:0001495 Number of florets per spikelet. Total number of florets per spikelet. 35 SDSFLOR numeric 0 100 Seeds per floret. information used to calculate fruiting efficiency CO_321:0001495 Number of seeds produced per floret. Seeds per floret calcualted as SDSPK / FLORSPK. 36 PLTDIA numeric 37 SPKM2 numeric 38 SPKLSTM numeric 0 50 Spikelets per stem TO:0000456 Number of spikelets per stem Number of spikelets per stem (or main spike) 39 SHATSPKT numeric 0 50 Number of spikelets that shatter per stem. Variation of shattering Number of spikelets that shatter per stem. 40 CMSPKEM numeric 0 Centimeter of spike emerged at a given date. Centimeter of spike emerged Measurement in centimeter of the number of lenght of spikelet emerged at a given date. 41 ANTDES date(yyyymmdd) NA NA NA ANThesis Date Estimation NA CO_321:0000832 Ant DS65 date Estimation Record date of anthesis (DS65) when 50% of spikes have flowered (i.e. at least 1 anther dehisced). 42 SPTHT numeric NA 0 250 Standing Plant Height Standing Plant Height Representative height of the plant measured from the ground to spike excluding awns as it stands in the field and without straightening the stems or heads. 43 STMCLP numeric NA 0 200 Stems clipped Number of Stems clipped Number of tillers that were clipped off at the base preventing harvest and trait measurement 44 FHBDISIN numeric NA 0 5 Mean Fhb score (0-5) of all spikes Fusarium head blight disease index Fusarium head blight disease index measured on 20 spikes a 0-5 scale (Fuentes 2005) 45 FHBSPKIN numeric NA 0 100 Percentage of the frequency of Fhb symptomatic spikes (scores 1?5) CO_321:0000928 Fusarium head blight spike incidence Fusarium head blight (scab) incidence in spikes caused by the agent fusarium spp. 46 FHBSEV numeric NA 0 100 Percentage of spikelets infected from the spike CO_321:0000968 FgramSev Estimation Standard method for Fusarium graminearum severity. 47 TILL numeric NA 1 20 Tiller number per plant CO_321:0000190 TILLer number "Number of tillers per plant, differs from STMNUM in that all tillers regardless of spikes are counted." 48 LFWD numeric NA 0 50 Leaf width in mm CO_321:0000049 LeaF WiDth in mm Leaf width in mm. Differs from FLFWD as it LFWD can be any leaf. 49 LFAREA numeric NA 0 Leaf area in mm2 LeaF AREA in mm^2 LeaF AREA calculated as plant height of seedling times leaf width. 50 TOTAREA numeric NA 0 Total leaf area in mm2 TOTal leaf AREA Total leav area as square root of the number of tillers times by the leaf area of one leaf. (Seedling measurement) 51 ASPRAT numeric NA 0 ASPect RATio in cm ASPect RATio PTHD divided by LeaF WiDth in cm 52 SPKDRW numeric NA 0 SPiKe Dry Weight CO_321:0001523 Spike dry weight in grams. "Spike dry weight in grams, includes spike, seeds, glumes etc. Proxy for spikeyield." 53 SPKW numeric 0 SPiKelet Weight Spikelet weight in grams Mass of spikelets calculated as SPKDRW/SPKHD. 54 BRCH categorical Rachis brittleness Adaption of CO_323:0000033 Brittleness of rachis "Rachis brittleness measured in binary 0 to 1. 1 is brittle, 0 is not." 55 PLDIA numeric . . . Plant Diameter (cm) . . Diameter of plant in spring before jointing Measured with a ruler fixed horizontally on a stick at the widest point from leaf tip to leaf tip. 56 FLSHAT numeric . . . Floret Shattering (scale) . . "Number of floret disarticulation events per spike (scale, see description)" "Measured after dropping spikes horizontally three times from 20 cm height onto a foam tray using a scale where 0: 0 events; 1: 1-3 events; 2: 4-6 events; 3: 7-9 events; and so on. If 0 events occured, a floret test was implemented in which the top floret of a representative spikelet was gently bent away from the rachilla axis to a 45 degree angle. If it broke easily off, it was given a 0.5, but if it remained intact it was given a zero. For Altendorf Thesis, all 0.5 ratings were converted to zero." 57 BRSHAT numeric . . . Brittle Rachis (ct) . . Number of rachis disarticulation events per spike (count) Number of rachis disarticulation events after dropping spikes horizontally three times from 20 cm height onto a foam tray.Ê 58 FLORSPIKT numeric . . . Number of florets per spikelet in a spikelet from the top 1/3 of a spike . . . "A representative spikelet from the top 1/3 of the spike was selected and counted for florets. As florets decreased in size towards the top of the rachilla axis, they were not counted if they were less than 1/2 the size of the preceeding floret.Ê" 59 FLORSPIKM numeric . . . Number of florets per spikelet in a spikelet from the middle 1/3 of a spike . . . "A representative spikelet from the middle 1/3 of the spike was selected and counted for florets. As florets decreased in size towards the top of the rachilla axis, they were not counted if they were less than 1/2 the size of the preceeding floret.Ê" 60 FLORSPIKB numeric . . . Number of florets per spikelet in a spikelet from the bottom 1/3 of a spike . . . "A representative spikelet from the bottom 1/3 of the spike was selected and counted for florets. As florets decreased in size towards the top of the rachilla axis, they were not counted if they were less than 1/2 the size of the preceeding floret.Ê" 61 SPLYLD numeric . . . Weight in grams of seed yield from spaced plants . . "Full plant yield plus yield harvested from ten spike sample, adjusted for hull weight.Ê" "All spikes harvested from a spaced plant, threshed and weighed in grams, plus yield of ten spike sample from same plant, all yields adjusted for hull weight based on estimate of threshability"