This documentation.txt file was generated on <20160314> by GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Citation Manager Survey of Faculty and Graduate Students at the University of Minnesota, 2015 2. File Information: A. Filename: documentation.txt B. Short description: Documentation of codes and column headers in Excel file COLUMN HEADERS A. ResponseID Unique ID assigned to each response. B. Status Qualtrics code indicating type of response collected. 0: A normal response; 1: A preview response; 2: A test response; 4: An imported response; 8: A possible spam response; 1 6: A response from the Qualtrics Surveys app C. Finished Qualtrics code indicated whether respondent submitted a response (1) or closed the survey without submitting a response (0). D. Which citation manager do you use most frequently? Survey question, multiple choice Endnote Mendeley (free version) Mendeley (paid version) Zotero (free version) Zotero (paid version) Refworks Other E. Which citation manager do you use most frequently?-TEXT Survey question, free-response F. Citation Manager Code Code column, based on responses in previous column. All codes refer to the name of a citation manager, or some system for managing citations. ACSChemWorx BibDesk BibTex BookEnds CitMachine Custom JabRef: Jabref (BibTex) LaTex: LaTex (also BibTex) Office: Microsoft Office NASAADS: NASA ADS Paperfile Papers RCube: ReadCube RefMan: Reference Manager Sente Unclear: Citation manager name or system could not be determined from response. None: Respondent does not use a reference manager. G. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-De-duplication (ability to identify and merge duplicate citations) Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need H. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Tagging Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need I. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Ability to use the citation manager while not connected to the Internet Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need J. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Ability to cite a variety of sources other than pdfs (e.g. websites, videos, interviews, books) Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need K. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Sharing citation lists with others Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need L. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Sharing citation lists with others2 Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need M. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Sharing documents with others Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need N. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-Ability to annotate and highlight PDFs Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need O. Please indicate how important each of the following features is to you in a citation manager: : Importance-PDF storage Survey question, multiple choice Required Would Like to Have Don't Need P. Have you ever reached or come close to reaching a storage space limit with your citation manager? Survey question, multiple choice Yes No Not Sure Q. How much additional storage space do you think you need? Survey question, free-response R. Storage space code Code column, based on responses in previous column. Ranges of digital storage space identified by survey respondents, plus codes for unclear or other responses. 1-5 GB: Between one and five gigabyes of added storage needed. 6-10 GB: Between six and ten gigabyes of added storage needed. >10 GB: More than ten gigabytes of added storage needed. Unsure: Respondent is not sure how much additional storage is needed. Other: Respondent responded with other information besides the amount of storage space they need, or the amount is less than one gigabyte. S. Is there anything we have not covered in this survey that is very important to you in a citation... [cut off: manager?] Survey question, free-response T. Other features code Code column, based on responses in previous column. U-CB. 52 columns of codes Citation manager features identified through free-response field. Each code from "Other features code" column is separated into its own column for easy analysis. Code includes a broad category (e.g. Access) and a specific feature (e.g. Cloud access) U. ACC cloud: Access-Cloud access V. ACC off: Access-Offline access W. AN notes: Annotation-Add notes X. AN viewer: Annotation-PDF view/annotate Y. BIB ann: Bibliography-Create annotated bibliography Z. BIB create: Bibliography-Create bibliography AA. BIB export: Bibliography-Export to citation style (APA, MLA) AB. BIB itc: Bibliography-In-text citations AC. BIB style edit: Bibliography-Citation style edit AD. COST umn: Cost-UMN benefit AE. COST free: Cost-Free/discounted AF. EDIT info: Edit citation-Edit citation info AG. EDIT metadata: Edit citation-Auto extract metadata AH. EDIT source: Edit citation-Citation includes info about source AI. EDIT dups: Edit citation-Merge duplicates AJ. EDIT update: Edit citation-Auto update if citation changes AK. EXP bibtex: Export-Export to BibTeX AL. EXP ann: Export-Export annotated/highlighted PDFs AM. EXP print: Export-Print all or parts of citation record AN. IMP manual: Import-Easy manual add AO. IMP database: Import-Import citations from databases AP. IMP doi: Import-Import citations from DOIs AQ. IMP journal: Import-Import citations from journals AR. IMP mncat: Import-Import citations from MNCAT catalog AS. IMP pubs: Import-Import citations from publications AT. IMP web: Import-Import citations from web pages AU. IMP pdf: Import-Import PDFs with citation AV. BLANK: None-blank AW. NONE: None-No features identified AX. SEAR lit: Search-Literature search within citation manager AY. SEAR libs: Search-Connection to Library resources (Get It) AZ. SEAR docs: Search-Search documents BA. SHAR collab: Sharing-Groups/collaboration BB. SHAR email: Sharing-Email BC. SOFT interface: Software-Clean interface BD. SOFT libre: Software-Integration with LibreOffice BE. SOFT word: Software-Integration with MS Word BF. SOFT multi: Software-Multiple devices/platforms BG. SOFT transfer: Software-Transfer between citation managers BH. SOFT special: Software-Special characters support BI. SOFT lang: Software-Language support BJ. SOFT latex: Software-Integration with LaTeX BK. SOFT ease: Software-Ease of use BL. SOFT oa: Software-Open access BM. SOFT file: Software-File renaming BN. SOFT back: Software-Backwards compatible BO. SOFT browse: Software-Browser extension BP. STOR cloud: Storage-Cloud storage BQ: STOR secure: Storage-Security BR: STOR user: Storage-User-controlled cloud storage BS. SUPP tech: Support-Technical support BT. SUPP train: Support-Training BU. BIB cite: (feature is not common or does not exist) Bibliography-More citation styles BV. IMP lots: (feature is not common or does not exist) Import-Hundreds of sources at once BW. IMP paper: (feature is not common or does not exist) Import-Citations from paper sources BX. SOFT google: (feature is not common or does not exist) Software-Integration with Google documents BY. SOFT access: (feature is not common or does not exist) Software-Accessibility/disability features BZ. STOR cloud2: (feature is not common or does not exist) Storage-Integration with cloud storage CA. STOR more: (feature is not common or does not exist) Storage-More storage CB. SEAR recom: (feature is not common or does not exist) Search-recommendation of related articles CC. What is your University of Minnesota status? Survey question, multiple choice Faculty Graduate student Professional Student Post-doc Researcher Staff Other CD. College Code column, based on responses in previous free-response column. AHC: Academic Health Center CBS: College of Biological Sciences CCE: College of Continuing Education CDES: College of Design CEHD: College of Education and Human Development CFANS: College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Sciences CLA: College of Liberal Arts CSE: College of Science and Engineering CSOM: Carlson School of Management HHH: Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs LAW: College of Law NONE: Not identified CE. Department Definition: Code column, based on responses in previous free-response column. AAS: Asian American Studies ACCT: Accounting AEM: Aerospace Engineering AFEE: Agricultural Education AFRO: African American and African Studies AGRO: Agronomy and Plant Genetics AMIN: American Indian Studies AMST: American Studies ANES: Anesthesiology ANSC: Animal Science ANTH: Anthropology APEC: Applied Economics ARCH: Architecture ART: Art and Art History BBE: Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering BICB: Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology BIOL: Biology BMBB: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics BMEN: Biomedical Engineering BTHX: Bioethics BTI: Biotechnology CAHP: Allied Health CCE: Continuing Education CE: Civil Engineering CGES: European Studies CGSC: Cognitive Science CHEM: Chemistry CHEN: Chemical Engineering and Materials Science CHGS: Holocaust and Genocide Studies CHIC: Chicano Studies CI: Curriculum and Instruction CNES: Classics and Near Eastern Studies COMM: Communication Studies CSCI: Computer Science CSCL: Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature CSH: Center for Spirituality and Healing CTSI: Clinical and Translational Science Institute DENT: Dentistry DES: Design EAS: East Asian Studies ECON: Economics EE: Electrical Engineering EEB: Ecology, Evolution and Behavior ENGL: English ENT: Entomology EPSY: Educational Psychology ESCI: Earth Sciences ESPM: Environment EXT: Extension FINA: Finance FMCH: Family Medicine and Community Health FR: Forestry FSCN: Food Science and Nutrition FSOS: Family Social Science FW: Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology GCD: Genetics, Cell Biology and Development GEOG: Geography GLOS: Global Studies GWSS: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies HIST: History HMED: History of Medicine HORT: Horticulture HSCI: History of Science and Technology HSG: Housing and Apparel HUMF: Human Factors & Ergonomics IDSC: Information and Decision Sciences IHI: Institute for Health Informatics ISYE: Industrial & Systems Engineering JOUR: Journalism JWST: Jewish Studies KIN: Kinesiology LAS: Latin American Studies LAW: Law School LING: Linguistics MATH: Mathematics MCBDG: Cellular and Molecular Biology ME: Mechanical Engineering MED: Medicine MELC: Middle East Studies MGMT: Strategic Management and Organization MKTG: Marketing MLS: Medical Laboratory Sciences MORT: Mortuary Science MPP: Public Policy MUS: Music NONE: Not identified NRSM: Natural Resources Sciences and Management NURS: Nursing OLPD: Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development OT: Occupational Therapy OVNS: Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences PBIO: Plant Biology PBS: Plant Biological Sciences PHAR: Pharmacology PHAR: Pharmacy PHIL: Philosophy PHYS: Physics and Astronomy PLPA: Plant Pathology PMR: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation POL: Political Science PSTL: Postsecondary Teaching and Learning PSY: Psychology PT: Physical Therapy PUBH: Public Health RELS: Religious Studies SALC: South Asian Studies SCO: Supply Chain and Operations SLHS: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences SOC: Sociology SPAN: Spanish and Portuguese Studies STAT: Statistics SW: Social Work SWAC: Soil, Water, and Climate TH: Theater Arts and Dance URBS: Urban Studies VMED: Vetrinary Medicine WHRE: Work and Organizations WRIT: Writing Studies