recordeddate RecordedDate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (str15) Unique values: 221 Missing "": 0/239 Examples: "4/26/2021 11:52" "5/11/2021 10:10" "5/14/2021 11:47" "5/18/2021 9:38" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- responseid ResponseId --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (str17) Unique values: 239 Missing "": 0/239 Examples: "R_1hQKzgbvJybwVYM" "R_2YM71cE3ldnwS60" "R_3KDcA7KzGae2E8f" "R_6KHyObMRQ7YLS2R" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- institution Institution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (str9) Unique values: 6 Missing "": 0/239 Tabulation: Freq. Value 18 "Cornell" 19 "Duke" 12 "Hopkins" 45 "Illinois" 63 "Michigan" 82 "Minnesota" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q2 Did you expect the [Repository Name] staff to curate your dataset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: q2 Range: [1,2] Units: 1 Unique values: 2 Missing .: 1/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 156 1 yes 82 2 no 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q3 I was satisfied with the curatorial review my data received. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: agreement Range: [1,5] Units: 1 Unique values: 4 Missing .: 1/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 208 1 strongly agree 23 2 somewhat agree 6 3 Neither agree nor disagree 0 4 Somewhat disagree 1 5 strongly disagree 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q4 Were any changes made to your data submission due to the curatorial review? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: ynu Range: [1,3] Units: 1 Unique values: 3 Missing .: 0/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 180 1 yes 34 2 no 25 3 unsure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q5 If yes, what changes were made? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: change1 Range: [1,4] Units: 1 Unique values: 4 Missing .: 59/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 14 1 essential changes were made 48 2 some major changes were made 114 3 a few minimal changes were made 4 4 unsure 59 98 skip pattern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q6 If no changes were made, why not? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: change2 Range: [1,5] Units: 1 Unique values: 3 Missing .: 205/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 32 1 no changes were needed 0 2 i did not agree with the recommended changes 1 3 i did not have time to work on this 0 4 unsure 1 5 other 205 98 skip pattern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q6_text Q6_TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (strL) Unique values: 1 Missing "": 238/239 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q7 Due to the curation process I felt more confident sharing my data. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: agreement Range: [1,5] Units: 1 Unique values: 4 Missing .: 1/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 160 1 strongly agree 55 2 somewhat agree 21 3 neither agree nor disagree 0 4 somewhat disagree 2 5 strongly disagree 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q8 Data curation by this repository adds value to the data sharing process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: agreement Range: [1,3] Units: 1 Unique values: 3 Missing .: 4/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 194 1 strongly agree 32 2 somewhat agree 9 3 neither agree nor disagree 0 4 somewhat disagree 0 5 strongly disagree 4 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q9 What is the most 'value-add' curation action taken by this repository? Tell us why. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (strL) Unique values: 178 Missing "": 61/239 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q10 The impact that data curation has on the data sharing process is worth the effort --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: agreement Range: [1,5] Units: 1 Unique values: 4 Missing .: 2/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 190 1 strongly agree 36 2 somewhat agree 10 3 Neither agree nor disagree 0 4 somewhat disagree 1 5 strongly disagree 2 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q11 Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your data sharing experience? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (strL) Unique values: 107 Missing "": 133/239 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q12 Would you recommend your colleagues submit data to this repository? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: ynu Range: [1,3] Units: 1 Unique values: 2 Missing .: 1/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 234 1 yes 4 3 unsure 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q13 May we contact you in the future to discuss data curation? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: contact Range: [1,2] Units: 1 Unique values: 2 Missing .: 2/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 76 1 no, thanks 161 2 yes, please do 2 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q14 Have you deposited data in other data repositories outside of [Repository Name]? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: ynu Range: [1,3] Units: 1 Unique values: 3 Missing .: 157/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 29 1 yes 50 2 no 3 3 unsure 157 97 not asked --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q15 What repository or repositories have you deposited with? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (str77) Unique values: 28 Missing "": 211/239 Examples: "NCBI" "Mendeley Data; EarthChem" "Github, Blackfyn" "OSF data repository" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q16_1 Why did you choose the [Repository Name] over other repository options? (Select --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: repo Range: [1,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 6 Missing .: 157/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 11 1 i don't have a disciplinary repository in my field 23 2 i wasn't aware of other repository options 32 3 i wanted to keep my data at institution name 9 4 my colleagues recommended it 2 5 I like that librarians review my data before publication 5 6 other 157 97 not asked --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q16_2 Q16_2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: repo Range: [2,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 5 Missing .: 180/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 2 2 i wasn't aware of other repository options 10 3 i wanted to keep my data at institution name 26 4 my colleagues recommended it 14 5 I like that librarians review my data before publication 7 6 other 157 97 not asked 23 98 multi-response skip pattern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q16_3 Q16_3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: repo Range: [4,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 3 Missing .: 214/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 5 4 my colleagues recommended it 17 5 I like that librarians review my data before publication 3 6 other 157 97 not asked 57 98 multi-response skip pattern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q16_4 Q16_4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: repo Range: [5,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 2 Missing .: 235/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1 5 I like that librarians review my data before publication 3 6 other 157 97 not asked 78 98 multi-response skip pattern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q16_6_text Q16_6_TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (strL) Unique values: 18 Missing "": 221/239 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q17 Have you written the [Repository Name] into a grant application data management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: dmp Range: [1,5] Units: 1 Unique values: 5 Missing .: 157/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 29 1 yes 11 2 no 17 3 not yet... 17 4 no, and not planning 8 5 unsure 157 97 not asked --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q18_1 What are approximate sizes of datasets that you may be interested in sharing in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: size Range: [1,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 6 Missing .: 158/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 53 1 under 10 GB 12 2 10-100GB 3 3 100GB-1TB 1 4 greater than 1TB 9 5 unsure 3 6 other 157 97 not asked 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q18_2 Q18_2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: size Range: [1,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 6 Missing .: 210/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 13 1 under 10 GB 9 2 10-100GB 3 3 100GB-1TB 1 4 greater than 1TB 2 5 unsure 1 6 Other 157 97 not asked 52 98 multi-response skip pattern 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q18_3 Q18_3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: size Range: [2,6] Units: 1 Unique values: 4 Missing .: 227/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 7 2 10-100GB 3 3 100GB-1TB 1 4 greater than 1TB 1 6 Other 157 97 not asked 69 98 multi-response skip pattern 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q18_4 Q18_4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: size Range: [4,4] Units: 1 Unique values: 1 Missing .: 234/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 5 4 greater than 1TB 157 97 not asked 76 98 multi-response skip pattern 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q18_5 Q18_5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: Numeric (byte) Label: size Range: [4,4] Units: 1 Unique values: 1 Missing .: 236/239 Tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 3 4 greater than 1TB 157 97 not asked 78 98 multi-response skip pattern 1 99 no response --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- q18_6_text Q18_6_TEXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type: String (strL) Unique values: 5 Missing "": 234/239