This readme.txt file was generated on 2023-06-15 Recommended citation for the data: Vermeuel, Michael P; Millet, Dylan B; Farmer, Delphine K; Pothier, Matson A; Link, Michael F. (2023). Ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes of reactive carbon from the 2021 Flux Closure Study (FluCS) at Manitou Experimental Forest. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes of reactive carbon from the 2021 Flux Closure Study (FluCS) at Manitou Experimental Forest 2. Author Information Author Contact: Michael Vermeuel ( Name: Michael P. Vermeuel Institution: University of Minnestoa Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-8751-0027 Name: Dylan B. Millet Institution: Email: ORCID: Name: Delphine K. Farmer Institution: Email: ORCID: Name: Matson A. Pothier Institution: Email: ORCID: Name: Michael F. Link Institution: Email: ORCID: 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2023-06-15 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2021-08-13 to 2021-09-16 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Manitou Experimental Forest - Woodland Park, CO 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Science Foundation (AGS-1932771, AGS-1932849). 7. Overview of the data (abstract): This archive contains hourly observed and modeled fluxes of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) over Manitou Experimental Forest in Woodland Park, CO during the FluCS 2021 study throughout August and September 2021. Observations were collected via the eddy covariance method using mass spectrometry for VOC concentrations and a sonic anemometer for vertical windspeed. Model fluxes were simulated using the GEOS-Chem (v13.3) model. Also included are observed and simulated meteorology during this time period. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Michael P Vermeuel, Dylan B. Millet, Delphine Farmer, et al. Closing the reactive carbon flux budget: Observations from dual mass spectrometers over a coniferous forest. Authorea. February 27, 2023. 10.22541/essoar.167751581.15856648/v1 3. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- File List Filename: FluCS2021_obsflux.csv Short description: Observed VOC carbon (VOC-C) fluxes along with OH and O3 reactivity fluxes collected during the FluCS 2021 study. The data included were used for a VOC flux budget analysis in the associated manuscript. Filename: FluCS2021_modelflux.csv Short description: Modeled VOC carbon (VOC-C) fluxes along with OH and O3 reactivity fluxes for the time period of August-Septmber 2021 during the FluCS 2021 study. The data included were used for a VOC flux budget analysis in the associated manuscript. Filename: FluCS2021_met.csv Short description: Select observed and modeled meteorology during the FluCS 2021 study. The data included were used for a VOC flux budget analysis in the associated manuscript. Filename: README.txt Short description:Description of data and methodology 2. Relationship between files: Hourly observed and modeled fluxes of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) over Manitou Experimental Forest in Woodland Park, CO. Observed and simulated meteorology during the same time period are also included. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FluCS2021_obsflux.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables:11 2. Number of cases/rows: 817 3. Missing data codes: missing values denoted as -9999. 4. Variable List: DOY_MDT: decimal day of year in mdt VOCCfluxnet_atomsCsm2: net total VOC-C flux in atoms C cm^-2 s^-1 VOCCfluxup_atomsCsm2: upward total VOC-C flux in atoms C cm^-2 s^-1 VOCCfluxdown_atomsCsm2: downward total VOC-C flux in atoms C cm^-2 s^-1 OHfluxnet_atomsCsm2: net total OH reactivity flux in cm s^-2 OHfluxup_atomsCsm2: upward total OH reactivity flux in cm s^-2 OHfluxdown_atomsCsm2: downward total OH reactivity flux in cm s^-2 O3fluxnet_atomsCsm2: net total O3 reactivity flux in cm s^-2 O3fluxup_atomsCsm2: upward total O3 reactivity flux in cm s^-2 O3fluxdown_atomsCsm2: downward total O3 reactivity flux in cm s^-2 vd_eff_cms: effective deposition velocity in cm s^-1 Other measurements from FluCS2021 are available from the authors upon request. --------- Measurement Description: Eddy covariance flux measurements were conducted at the Manitou Experimental Forest in Woodland Park, CO throughout August-September 2021. Reported fluxes are the sum of VOC flux recorded across two colocated mass spectrometers (proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometer and aniodide chemical ionization mass spectrometer) and are filtered for flux signal to noise, stationarity, and turbulent conditions. Eddy covariance measurements were made at a height of 27.8 m above the ground over a ponderosa pine canopy with an average canopy height of 14 m. VOC-C fluxes (atoms C cm^-2 s^-1) are the sum of VOC fluxes (molecules cm^-2 s^-1) multipled by species' individual number of carbons and reactivity fluxes are VOC fluxes multiplied by reaction rate constant against either OH or O3, as specified. Net fluxes are the sum of all fluxes, upward and downward fluxes are the sum of species only undergoing net upward or downward flux are a given averaging period. Effective deposition velocities (vdeff) are the downward flux divided by concentrations of species only undergoing downward flux for a given averaging period. Other model details are as described in Vermeuel et al. (2023). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FluCS2021_modelflux.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Number of cases/rows: 817 3. Missing data codes: missing values denoted as -9999 4. Variable List: DOY_MDT: decimal day of year in mdt VOCCfluxnet_atomsCsm2: net total VOC-C flux in atoms C cm^-2 s^-1 VOCCfluxup_atomsCsm2: upward total VOC-C flux in atoms C cm^-2 s^-1 VOCCfluxdown_atomsCsm2: downward total VOC-C flux in atoms C cm^-2 s^-1 OHfluxnet_atomsCsm2: net total OH reactivity flux in cm s^-2 OHfluxup_atomsCsm2: upward total OH reactivity flux in cm s^-2 OHfluxdown_atomsCsm2: downward total OH reactivity flux in cm s^-2 O3fluxnet_atomsCsm2: net total O3 reactivity flux in cm s^-2 O3fluxup_atomsCsm2: upward total O3 reactivity flux in cm s^-2 O3fluxdown_atomsCsm2: downward total O3 reactivity flux in cm s^-2 vd_eff_cms: effective deposition velocity in cm s^-1 Other measurements from FluCS2021 are available from the authors upon request. --------- Measurement Description: Model fluxes were simulated using GEOS-Chem v13.3.0 with updates to land cover, LAI, and VOC emission factors from MEGAN v3.2 to represent a ponderosa pine forest. Simulations were performed at the model native resolution (0.25° × 0.3125°) and results are from the grid cell containing the Manitou Experimental Forest in Woodland Park, CO where observations were made (see FluCS2021_obs.csv). Model fluxes are calculated by summing the simulated emissions, dry deposition, and net chemical production/loss scaled to the height of the first model layee. The net chemical production/loss is then the average of two limiting cases where either all or none of the production/loss in this grid cell occurs below our sensor. VOC-C fluxes (atoms C cm^-2 s^-1) are the sum of VOC fluxes (molecules cm^-2 s^-1) multipled by species' individual number of carbons and reactivity fluxes are VOC fluxes multiplied by reaction rate constant against either OH or O3,as specified. Net fluxes are the sum of all fluxes, upward and downward fluxes are the sum of species only undergoing net upward or downward flux are a given averaging period. Effective deposition velocities(vdeff) are the downward flux divided by concentrations of species only undergoing downward flux for a given averaging period. Other model details are as described in Vermeuel et al. (2023). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FluCS2021_met.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases/rows:817 3. Missing data codes: missing values denoted as -9999 4. Variable List DOY_MDT: decimal day of year in mdt T_obs_K: observed air temperature in Kelvin T_model_K: modeled air temperature in Kelvin PPFD_obs_Wm2: observed photosynthetic photon flux density in umol m^-2 s^-1 PPFD_model_Wm2: modeled photosynthetic photon flux density in umol m^-2 s^-1 ustar_obs_ms: observed friction velocity in m s^-1 ustar_model_ms: modeled friction velocity in m s^-1 Other measurements and model outputs from FluCS2021 are available from the authors upon request. --------- Measurement Description: Meteorology measurements were conducted at the Manitou Experimental Forest in Woodland Park, CO throughout August-September 2021. Temperature and friction velocity were measured using a Campbell Scientific CSAT 3B sonic anemometer at 27.8 m over a ponderosa pine forest with an average canopy height of 14 m. Measured PPFD was from the ground ~20 m in front of the sonic using a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor (MQ-100x, Apogee Instruments). Modeled meteorology was simulated using GEOS-Chem v13.3.0 performed at the model native resolution (0.25° × 0.3125°). Results are from the grid cell containing the Manitou Experimental Forest. Other measurement and modeling details are as described in Vermeuel et al. (2023).