IDL routines in (notation: bold are routine names, italics give arguments: colorset: a routine to set up the color table cbar, vmn, vmx, x1=x1,y2=y2,black0=black0,vcut=vcut Routine to make a color bar: vmn,vmx: minimum and maximum values x1,y2: optional parameters to set position of colorbar black0: set flag to make 0 level black vcut: used with black0 to set limit on 0 level st,v: a routine to quote formatted string name of variable v unitpar,v: a routine to quote the units of variable v readgrid,nrun: reads the grid file for run nrun plotgrid,nrun,nfl,ngam,gread=gread Makes a plot of the grid. vaplot,nrun,nogcalc=nogcalc,clip=clip Makes a contour map of the Alfvén speed for run nrun nogcalc is set if the grid is already been read in clip sets clipping array. Effect depends on number of arguments: 1 argument: sets limits of 0,clip in both directions 2 arguments: set limits of 0,clip[0] in radial direction and 0,clip[1] in z 4 arguments: set limits of clip[0],clip[1] in r and clip[2],clip[3] in z readscalefacs,nrun: reads the scalefacs file for scaling variables to ionosphere poyntslice,nrun,mlt0,istart,iend,gread=gread,vmax=vmax,rmax=rmax Routine to make contour map of Poynting flux for run nrun mlt0 is value of MLT to use istart,iend give first and last time dump to use gread is set to read grid file vmax if set gives maximum value of Poynting flux. If not set, max value is used rmax if set gives maximum radial value to plot. If not set, max r is used poyntsliceeps,nrun,mlt0,istart,iend,gread=gread,vmax=vmax,rmax=rmax Like poyntslice, but writes an encapsulated postscript file instead of plotting. Useful for movies. phiparmax,nrun,mlt0,i0,i1,gread=gread,ymax=ymax Routine to make plot of maximum parallel potential for run nrun mlt0 is value of MLT to use i0,i1 give first and last time dump to use gread is set to read grid file ymax if set, gives maximum value of potential. If not set maximum of potential is used histplot,nrun,ii,jj,kk,vars,tstart=tstart,tend=tend Makes plot from history files. Input to Fortran code gives history files the form hist[ii][jj][kk].out, (e.g., hist111.out) where each digit can correspond to a different nu,phi,mu combination vars gives which variables to plot, with vars = 1 being Enu, 2=Ephi, 3=Emu, 4=Bnu, 5=Bphi, 6=Jmu tstart, tend give starting and ending times (in seconds), default is whole run histfft,nrun,ii,jj,kk,vars,tstart=tstart,tend=tend,fmax=fmax,nolog=nolog Does Fourier transform of history file Arguments the same as histplot, plus: fmax gives maximum frequency to plot nolog, if set, plots value of FFT; if not set, plots log of FFT excon,alpha,eps,xmax,dx,zmax,dz Routine for calculating E/Einc for ideal IAR model alpha, eps are parameters of IAR model (see eqn. 2 in paper) xmax,dx are maximum and increment of x = 2h omega/VAI parameter zmax,dz are maximum and increment of z/h vadenline,nrun,icolat0,rmax=rmax Routine to make plot of Alfvén speed and density for run nrun icolat0 gives invariant co-latitude of field line rmax if set gives maximum r value to plot, if not set, whole simulation Figure 1: vadenline,37,17,rmax=3 Figure 2: excon,18.5,.05,10,.1,25,.5 Figure 3: plotgrid,58,8,14 Figure 4: vaplot,58 (for setting main plot) Inset to figure 4 uses vaplot,58, clip=[0,1.5,0.8,2.0] Figure 5: vadenline,58,17 Figure 6: panel a: histplot,37,1,1,3,1,tend=10 panel b: histplot,37,1,1,3,5,tend=10 Figure 7: histfft,37,1,1,3,1,fmax=5,/nolog Figure 8: panel a: histplot,44,1,1,3,5,tend=20 panel b: histplot,54,1,1,3,5,tend=20 Figure 9: histplot,58,1,1,3,5 Figure 10: phiparmax,58,0,1,600 Figure 11: (note for this run, a dump is done every 0.2 seconds, e.g. 50 means t=10 panel a: poyntslice,58,0,50,50,vmax=200 panel b: poyntslice,58,0,200,200,vmax=200 panel c: poyntslice,58,400,400,vmax=200 panel d: poyntslice,58,600,600,vmax=200 Figure 12: phiparmax,57,0,1,600 Movie S1: poyntsliceeps,58,0,1,600,vmax=200