Updates to alfdip3d.f90 The main differences between the new version and the previous version are: 1. A parameter tdrive2 has been introduced. For idrive=4 (multiple sine wave driving), tdrive2 gives a time scale for the decay of the driving field. 2. A new option ppl = -1 has been introduced. When this is set, the plasmapause density data is read from a file, 'ppmodel1.dat'. For example, this can be used to input a density profile from spacecraft data. 3. The roles of ixbc=2 and ixbc=3 are switched. ixbc=2 now allows for Alfven waves to flow out of the nightside boundary of the system, while ixbc=3 has Dirichlet boundary conditions on b3. In addition, a number of statements that were put in for debugging purposes have been taken out. Some new IDL routines were used, in the file 'newalfdip.pro'. The new routines are: eqcorrfreq: to make plots correlating the fields at two points in the equatorial plane at a given frequency. The parameters are: nrun: run number var: variable used, e.g., 'bx', 'by', 'ex' freq0: frequency for filtering i0,i1: first and last output file to use var0: variable on which to base the correlation l0,lat0,mlt0: L shell, latitude and MLT for base point itype= 1, coherence; 2, amplitude ratio; 3, cross-phase The only relevant keyword is prfile: when set, a printed file is the data is produced latcorrfreq: like eqcorrfreq but at a latitude other than the equator parameters the same except for lat1,l1, which make plot at a latitude lat1 on the field line with L-shell l1. Note that on other field lines the values will be for the same mu coordinate as the reference point given latcorrfreqline: like latcorrfreq but makes a line plot. New parametere is mlt1, the magnetic local time for the plot dipcorrfreq: makes correlation plots on a meridional plane. Now mlt1 is the MLT for the plot. Data Files for Figures in Takahashi et al. 2022: Fig 11a: alfspeed.out: first row gives number of cells in the nu, phi, mu (i,j,k) directions other rows give Alfven speed in km/s, vakm(i,j,k) with i varying most rapidly Fig 11b: enden211bz.out: as noted by column headers, first column is l-shell, second is frequency, third is log of energy density in Bmu field Fig 12: These files have the format: L-shell, MLT, Amp Ratio, Cross-phase Panels a,b: eqey211f20.out Panels c,d: eqey211f12.out Panels e,f: eqey211f05.out Panels g,h: lat10bx211f20.out Panels i,j: lat10bx211f12.out Panels k,l: lat10bx211f05.out Panels m,n: eqbz211f20.out Panels o,p: eqbz211f12.out Panels q,r: eqbz211f05.out Fig 13: These files have format: L-shell, latitude, Amp Ratio, Cross-phase Panels a,b: dipey211f20mlt00.out Panels c,d: dipey211f12mlt00.out Panels e,f: dipey211f05mlt00.out Panels g,h: dipbx211f20mlt00.out Panels i,j: dipbx211f12mlt00.out Panels k,l: dipbx211f05mlt00.out Panels m,n: dipbz211f20mlt00.out Panels o,p: dipbz211f12mlt00.out Panels q,r: dipbz211f05mlt00.out Fig 14: Simulation plots g-l: these are cuts through the same data set as in Figure 13. Panel g: dipey211f20mlt00.out Panel h: dipbx211f20mlt00.out Panel i: dipbz211f20mlt00.out Panel j: dipey211f12mlt00.out Panel k: dipbx211f12mlt00.out Panel l: dipbz211f12mlt00.out Fig. 15: Simulation plots d-e: amplitude and cross-phase cut as function of MLT from dipbz211f12mlt00.out