This readme.txt file was generated on <20200519> by ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Jiarong Hong Institution: University of Minnesota Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Aliza Abraham Institution: University of Minnesota Email: 3. Date of data collection: 20180305-20180306 and 20180408-20180409 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): UMore Park, Rosemount, MN 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation CAREER award (NSF-CBET-1454259), Xcel Energy through the Renewable Development Fund (grant RD4-13) as well as IonE of University of Minnesota. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: 03_05 Met tower data.xlsx Short description: Meteorological data from 20180305-20180306, collected using the meteorological tower at UMore Park B. Filename: UMN01_20180305_235647_0.CSV Short description: 20Hz data from 20180305-20180306, collected from the SCADA system at the nacelle of the wind turbine C. Filename: UMN01_20180408_194818_0.CSV Short description: 20Hz data from 20180408-20180409, collected from the SCADA system at the nacelle of the wind turbine D. Filename: 04_08 Met tower data.xlsx Short description: Meteorological data from 20180305-20180306, collected using the meteorological tower at UMore Park E. Filename: Deployment log 2018_03_05.xlsx Short description: Documentation of the flow visualization experiment conducted on 20180305-20180306 F. Filename: Deployment log 2018_4_8.xlsx Short description: Documentation of the flow visualization experiment conducted on 20180408-20180409 G. Filename: Eolos Parameters, Compiled.xlsx Short description: Description of all the variables from the meteorological tower and SCADA system H. Filename: Short description: First wake flow visualization video captured on 2018-03-05 I. Filename: DSC_7880.MOV Short description: First wake flow visualization video captured on 2018-04-08 J. Filename: DSC_7881.MOV Short description: Second wake flow visualization video captured on 2018-04-08 K. Filename: DSC_7882.MOV Short description: Third wake flow visualization video captured on 2018-04-08 L. Filename: Short description: Second wake flow visualization video captured on 2018-03-05 2. Relationship between files: The deployment logs (files E and F) document the parameters for the included videos (files H, I, J, K, and L), including start times, durations, camera settings, etc. Variables listed in files A, B, C, and D are described in file G. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: Other videos were collected on these dates that were not included in the current package because they are not investigating the same phenonmenon, i.e., wake-ground interaction. 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- All methods are described in detail in the following publications: Hong J, et al. (2014) Natural snowfall reveals large-scale flow structures in the wake of a 2.5-MW wind turbine. Nat Comm 5:4216. Toloui M, et al. (2014) Measurement of atmospheric boundary layer based on super-large-scale particle image velocimetry using natural snowfall. Exp Fluids 55:1737. Dasari T, et al. (2019) Near-wake behaviour of a utility-scale wind turbine. J Fluid Mech 859:204-246. Abraham A, Hong J (2020) Dynamic wake modulation induced by utility-scale wind turbine operation. Appl Energy 257:114003. -------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 03_05 Met tower data.xlsx -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 39 2. Number of cases/rows: 4540 3. Missing data codes: NULL No data recorded 4. Variable List: See Eolos Parameters, Compiled.xlsx ---------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: UMN01_20180305_235647_0.CSV ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Number of cases/rows: 504000 3. Missing data codes: NULL No data recorded 4. Variable List: Time: time since 20180305 23:56:47 (in file name) See Eolos Parameters, Compiled.xlsx ---------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: UMN01_20180408_194818_0.CSV ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Number of cases/rows: 144000 3. Missing data codes: NULL No data recorded 4. Variable List: Time: time since 20180408 19:48:18 (in file name) See Eolos Parameters, Compiled.xlsx -------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 03_05 Met tower data.xlsx -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 39 2. Number of cases/rows: 3123 3. Missing data codes: NULL No data recorded 4. Variable List: See Eolos Parameters, Compiled.xlsx