IDL Routines and parameter descriptions Readfile: routine for reading compressed data from file Nrun: Run number Var: variable to read (e.g., ‘ex’,’by’) Idump: Dump number (e.g., to run file ‘ex001.out’, var=’ex’ and idump=1) Icheck: set to write diagnostics to show routine is reading correctly Readlimfile: read file containing limits of data file Nrun, var, idump: as in Readfile Readgrid: read grid parameters and set up grid Nrun: Run number Alfspeedslice: routine to plot Alfvén speed in 2d slice Nrun: Run number Ixyz: ‘x’ to plot at given L-shell, ‘y’ to plot given longitude Val0: value of L-shell or longitude to plot Llat, rmx,rmn: not used Pltlab: optional string to preface top label (e.g., to put ‘(a)’ in front of label) Io: set to plot Io’s orbit Orbitio: routine to plot Io’s orbit (called from alfspeedslice) Psideg: inclination of Io’s orbit Col: Color to use to plot orbit Denslice: routine to plot density in 2d slice Nrun, ixyz, val0: as in alfspeedslice Vmin: minimum value for colorbar (set to minimum of data is keyword not set) Vmax: maximum value for colorbar (set to maimum of data is keyword not set) Pltlab, io: as in alfspeedslice Fieldslice: routine to plot variable values in 2d slice Nrun: run number Var: variable name (as in readfile) Ixyz: which slice to make: ‘I’ for constant L-shell, ‘j’ for constant latitude, ‘k’ for constant location along field line, ‘l’for constant L-shell. I, j, and k refer to cell number, l is L-shell value Ival: Value of location to plot I0: first dump to plot I1: last dump to plot (= i0 if only plot one slice, otherwise make simple animation) Xmin, xmax: minimum and maximum horizontal location to plot (in Rj or degrees longitude), otherwise fit whole region Ymin,ymax: like xmin and xmax but for vertical direction Vmax: maximum absolute value of variable for color bar Zlat: used when ixyz=’k’. If set, top label lists altitude in km, else lists latitude Poyntslice: routine to plot 2d slice of parallel Poynting flux scaled to ionosphere Nrun: run number Ixyz: takes on values of ‘x’,’y’ or ‘z’, for slice at constant L-shell, longitude and latitude, respectively. Ival: value of L-shell, longitude or latitude to plot T0, t1: first and last slice to plot (like i0 and i1 in fieldslice) Xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,vmax: as in fieldslice Comp: set to calculate ex*by-ey*bx, else only ex*by Eps: set to produce .eps file for hard copy Phiparslice: routine to calculate and plot parallel potential drop Nrun: run number Ihemis: >0 for northern hemisphere, <0 for southern T0, t1: as in poyntslice Xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,vmax: as in fieldslice Comp: not used Jphihist: routine to plot j vs phi along one field line, as in Knight relation Nrun: run number L0: L-shell Long0: longitude Ihemis: >0 for north, <0 for south Kion: minimum index for making plot (to drop off boundary cells)