This zip file contains all 16S raw paired end reads sequencing data that we used to characterize the Ixodes scapularis microbiome community across tick populations in the upper midwest. Samples are coded as follows (Site Code)(Year of sample collection)_#(Tick sex or Sample type) followed by non-necessary inforamation on plate well and barcoding Note that each sample will have two sequences denoted by the R1 or R2 at the trailing end before 001. As Illumina miseq generates paired end reads. List of Site Codes and coordinates to the location of sampling sites are listed below Site Code Coordinates CNF 47.49541, -93.65031 IS 47.19567, -95.2576 CR 46.10728, -94.37419 CA 45.35073, -93.0312 KF 45.31014, -93.03169 SC 45.95399, -92.73269 WW 44.056946, -92.049376 RDWB 43.73793, -91.64205 YR 43.178278, -91.240302 C, CE 42.67699, -91.59584 T, B 45.94043, -91.80924 TSA 45.21141, -91.38059 TH, SG 43.16581, -90.04027 GMWM, GMW 45.37001, -93.11268 LC 47.04312, -91.70883 HI 47.9982, -96.28737 Years are all in 2000. Thus for samples coded with 17 for the year of sample collection, ticks were collected from that site in the summer of 2017 Tick Sex is either M for male or F for Female. S coded samples are soil samples Samples that do not follow the site code and year breakdown are either labeled BLANK or BRACHYSPIRA. Blank samples are blank wells used as negative controls and BRACHYSPIRA samples are splash control wells.