----------------------------------------- CODEBOOK ----------------------------------------- 1. WORKFLOWS: Three separate workflows were used to collect covenant data based on the source document type. Due to the differences in how Torrens records and abstract records are structured, there is a small amount of variation in our methodology. The source for each feature in the associated shapefile is listed in the Workflow field. A. Zooniverse -- Abstracts Description: Data was sourced through the project’s Zooniverse platform. This workflow captured additional information for the date the deed was recorded and the document’s book and page number that is not found in data sourced through the Torrens workflow. B. Zooniverse -- Torrens Description: Data was sourced through the project’s Zooniverse platform. This workflow did not capture information about the date the deed was recorded or the document’s book and page number. This workflow did capture information of the type of restriction (reference or explicit) that is not found in data sourced through the Abstracts workflow. C. Manual Description: Data was sourced manually by the project’s research team using both Torrens and abstract documents. This workflow was primarily used in cases where known developers who used racial covenants recorded parcel sales that were recorded in handwritten documents. These documents could not be read via OCR and were investigated manually when practicable. These records do not have values for the “Rel_Score”, “Deed_ID”, or “Res_Type” fields. 2. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR SHAPEFILE AND CSV A. Number of variables: 21 B. Number of features/rows: 24119 C. Projection Information: Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N Projection: Transverse_Mercator Linear Unit: Meter Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983 Datum: D_North_American_1983 Angular Unit: Degree D. Missing data codes: NA: (Not applicable) The variable is not known or not applicable based on the workflow used to capture information for that deed 3. VARIABLE LIST A. Name: FID Description: An ID field automatically generated by the editing tool Type: Object ID B. Name: Doc_ID Description: Document number for the property document (usually a warranty deed) containing the racial covenant. A prefix of “T” indicates a Torrens deed. A prefix of “A” indicates an abstract deed. An “M” prefix indicates this was sourced through the Manual workflow and could be either an abstract or torrens deed. Type: String C. Name: Deed_ID Description: Additional index information for the source property document when available. The format “xxxx_yyyy” denotes the book number (“xxxx”) and page number (“yyyy”). This is only available for the Zooniverse -- Abstracts workflow. Type: String D. Name: Racial_Res Description: Language of the racial covenant found in the source property document for that parcel. Type: String **Note: Longer descriptions are truncated in the shapefile version of the data due to field character limits.** E. Name: Type_Res Description: Denotes whether the racial covenant is present in its entirety in the source document (“Explicit”) or if the racial covenant exists in a separate document that is referenced in the source deed (“Reference”). This is only available for the Zooniverse -- Torrens workflow. Type: String F. Name: Addition Description: Addition name for the parcel containing the racial covenant. Type: String G. Name: City Description: The city in which the racially covenanted lot is located. Type: String H. Name: Block Description: Block number for the parcel containing the racial covenant. For additions that do not use the block convention, “0” is used. Type: String I. Name: Lot Description: Lot number for the parcel containing the racial covenant. Sometimes covenants cover partial lots (such as the north half of lot X or the south 50 ft of lot Y). For these cases we used a lot number, keyword, direction, length, and unit format The lot number denotes the full parent lot For partial lots that excluded some portion of the original lot, the “SUB” keyword is used. For partial lots that included some portion of the original lot, no keyword is used. Direction denotes the part of the lot that is included or excluded. Length denotes the size of the lot fraction that is included or excluded. Unit is in feet unless otherwise noted. Examples: “The north 30 feet of lot 1” would be 1 N30FT “All of lot 5 except for the western 10 ft” would be 5 SUBW10FT Type: String J. Name: Grantor Description: The listed seller of the covenanted parcel. Type: String K. Name: Grantee Description: The listed purchaser of the covenanted parcel. Type: String L. Name: Date_Deed Description: The date the deed was recorded.This is not available for parcels sourced through the Zooniverse -- Torrens workflow. Type: String M. Name: Date_Ex Description: The date the deed was executed. Available for all parcels. Type: Date N. Name:Ex_Year Description: The year the deed was executed. Derived from the “Date_Ex” Field. Type: Long O. Name: Join_ID_1 Description: Concatenation of the “Addition”, “Block”, and “Lot” fields. Type: String P. Name: Workflow Description: Workflow used to create data for that feature. Type: String Q. Name: Rel_Score Description: Weighted Cohenís kappa score for the highest ranked volunteer who transcribed this deed on Zooniverse. A higher ranking indicates a more reliable record. For features created with the Manual workflow, this value is 0. Type: Double R. Name: X Description: X coordinate value of the centroid for that feature. Projection is NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N. Type: Double S. Name: Y Description: Y coordinate value of the centroid for that feature. Projection is NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N. Type: Double T. Name: Address Description: Best match for the current address value for the parcel. This was calculated via spatial join with a contemporary address point layer sourced through the Hennepin County GIS Open Data Portal. Type: String U. Name: Distance Description: Distance of the current address point from the closest parcel polygonal boundary. A value of “0” indicates the current address point falls within the parcel boundary. Unit is in meters. Type: Double 4. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION A. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0) (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) B. Recommended citation for the data: Ehrman-Solberg, Kevin; Petersen, Penny; Mills, Marguerite; Delegard, Kirsten; Mattke, Ryan. (2020). Racial Covenants in Hennepin County. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, https://doi.org/10.13020/a88t-yb14