This codebook.txt file was generated on 28 November 2016 by Gunnar R. Kramer
#Updated on 18 September 2017 by Valerie Collins (DRUM Coordinator) to replace four files that had been incorrectly decompressed from the original tracking units and rendered unusable for analysis. The replaced files are:
1. Golden-winged Warbler migratory connectivity geolocator data
2. Author Information
Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Gunnar R. Kramer
Institution: Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Minnesota
Address: 200 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55108
Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: David E. Andersen
Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Henry M. Streby
Institution: Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo
Principal Investigator
Name: Petra B. Wood
Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Principal Investigator
Name: David A. Buehler
Institution: University of Tennessee
Additional Investigators:
Sean M. Peterson (Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Minnesota),
Justin A. Lehman (University of Tennessee), Darin J. McNeil (Indiana University of Pennsylvania),
Jeffrey L. Larkin (Indiana University of Pennsylvania).
3. Data collected from April 2013 to June 2015
4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?):
North Cumberland Wildlife Management Area, Tennessee, USA (CM; 36.2° N, 84.2° W)
Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota, USA (RL; 46.5° N, 93.3° W)
Delaware Forest, Pennsylvania, USA (DF; 41.3° N, 75.1° W)
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:
These data were collected during a project funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey through Research Work Order No. 98 at the U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; by the National Science Foundation through Postdoctoral Research Fellowship No. 1202729 (H. Streby); and by the U.S.D.A Natural Resources Conservation Service in a grant administered by J. Larkin.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data:
CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Peterson, S. M., Streby, H. M., Kramer, G. R., Lehman, J. A., Buehler, D. A., & Andersen, D. E. (2015). Geolocators on Golden-winged Warblers do not affect migratory ecology. The Condor, 117(2), 256-261.
Streby, H. M., McAllister, T. L., Peterson, S. M., Kramer, G. R., Lehman, J. A., & Andersen, D. E. (2015). Minimizing marker mass and handling time when attaching radio-transmitters and geolocators to small songbirds. The Condor, 117(2), 249-255.
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: n/a
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: n/a
5. Was data derived from another source? No.
6. Recommended citation for the data:
Kramer, Gunnar, R; Streby, Henry M; Peterson, Sean M; Lehman, Justin A; Buehler, David A; Wood, Petra B; McNeil, Darin J; Larkin, Jeffrey L; Andersen, David E. (2016). Raw Light-Level Geolocator Data from Golden-Winged Warblers Breeding at Three Sites in North America. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,
Summary - .lig files are comma separated time stamped ASCII data files where each timestamped record is on a separate line. The header line of each file contains a three-variable string. Its meaning is unclear. The header lines are removed before data analysis.
The remaining columns of the .lig files are:
indicates whether the data is ok or suspect
is the time stamp
is another way of representing the time; it is the number of seconds elapsed since the reference chosen when the file was processed
is the maximum light (0-64) value measured during the previous 2 minutes.
Errors are also reported on separate lines (if they are present) with `error` instead of `ok` in the first position of the entry.
1. File List
A. Filename: GCM052014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM05) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/9/13; recovery date = 5/6/14.
B. Filename: GCM062014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM06) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/9/13; recovery date = 5/3/14.
C. Filename: GCM092014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM09) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/11/13; recovery date = 5/2/14.
D. Filename: GCM102014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM10) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/12/13; recovery date = 4/22/14.
E. Filename: GCM132014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM13) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/14/13; recovery date = 5/3/14. **Same individual as CM21; individual marked in consecutive years**
F. Filename: GCM162014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM16) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/15/13; recovery date = 5/2/14.
G. Filename: GCM212015.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (CM21) breeding at Cumberland Mountains Wildlife Management Area, TN. Deployment date = 5/6/14; recovery date = 5/1/15. **Same individual as CM13; individual marked in consecutive years**
H. Filename: GDF052015.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (DF05) breeding at Delaware Forest, PA. Deployment date = 5/13/14; recovery date = 5/14/15.
I. Filename: GDF112015.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (DF11) breeding at Delaware Forest, PA. Deployment date = 5/15/14; recovery date = 5/9/15.
J. Filename: GRL032014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL03) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/23/13; recovery date = 5/24/14. Geolocator was recovered with mud caked on/near the light sensor. See Kramer et al. for description of how this file was treated in analysis.
K. Filename: GRL052014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL05) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/24/13; recovery date = 5/20/14.
L. Filename: GRL062014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL06) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/24/13; recovery date = 5/23/14.
M. Filename: GRL112014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL11) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/25/13; recovery date = 5/24/14.
N. Filename: GRL122014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL12) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/26/13; recovery date = 5/20/14.
O. Filename: GRL142014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL14) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/24/13; recovery date = 5/20/14. Unit stopped collecting data before recovery in the spring of 2014. All recorded data are provided.
P. Filename: GRL152014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL15) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/24/13; recovery date = 5/22/14. Unit stopped collecting data before recovery in the spring of 2014. All recorded data are provided.
Q. Filename: GRL162014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL16) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/26/13; recovery date = 5/21/14.
R. Filename: GRL202014.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL20) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/27/13; recovery date = 5/25/14.
S. Filename: GRL252015.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL25) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/28/14; recovery date = 5/23/15.
T. Filename: GRL292015.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL29) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 5/27/14; recovery date = 5/27/15.
U. Filename: GRL362015.lig
Short description: Raw light data from a male Golden-winged Warbler (RL36) breeding at Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, MN. Deployment date = 6/1/14; recovery date = 6/1/15.
2. Relationship between files:
All files represent individual warblers except GCM132015.lig and GCM212015.lig. These two files are from the same individual warbler marked in subsequent years (2013 & 2014).
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package:
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset?
1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
We collected these geolocator data from adult male Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) from April 2013 to June 2015.
Geolocator marking methods manuscript:
Streby, H.M., T.L. McAllister, S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, J.A. Lehman, and D.E. Andersen (2015). Minimizing marker mass and handling time when attaching radio-transmitters and geolocators to small songbirds. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117:249-255.
Lack of geolocation effects manuscript:
Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, G.R. Kramer, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen (2015). Geolocators on Golden-winged Warblers do not affect migratory ecology. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117:256-261.
2. Methods for processing the data:
Geolocators deployed on Golden-winged Warblers measured ambient light levels every 1 minute and permanently recorded the maximum light reading every 2 minutes for the life of the unit. Compressed data stored onboard individual units were downloaded upon recovery using BASTrak Software (Biotrak, Wareham, UK). The compressed (.txt) file was decompressed using BASTrak Software and we provide the resulting raw light files (.lig).
3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:
.lig files are often read in R using the BAStag package (Wotherspoon et al. 2013). See Kramer et al. (2017) for details on analysis of these raw light-level data.
**Wotherspoon, S., M. Sumner, and S. Lisovski (2013). BAStag: Basic data processing for light based geolocation archival tags. R Package version 0.1-3**