The "techreport.v2.Rnw" document can be compiled in R (requires knitr and aster2 packages): In R, type: require(knitr) || install.packages("knitr") require(aster2) || install.packages("aster2") setwd([set to location of .Rnw file]) and then compile: library(knitr) knit("techreport.v2.Rnw") Or type the following outside of R (in unix, e. g., linux or Mac OS X): Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('techreport.v2.Rnw')" Once the .Rnw file is compiled and saved as a .tex file in the working directory, type the following outside R (in unix, e. g., linux or Mac OS X: need to be in the same location as directory above). This requires MacTeX for MacOSX, and proTeXt for Windows: pdflatex techreport.v2.tex pdflatex techreport.v2.tex (may need to repeat the "pdflatex" command several times). This will result in the "tech report.v2.pdf" file.