#'--- #'title: "Circular-Linear Copulae for Animal Movement Data" #'author: "Florian Hodel and John Fieberg" #'output: #' html_document: #' toc: yes #'--- #' ## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) #' ## Load libraries and data #' The Fisher movement data was obtained from LaPoint, S., Gallery, P., #' Wikelski, M. and Kays, R. (2013). Animal behavior, cost-based corridor #' models, and real corridors. Landscape Ecology, 28, 1615-1630. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- library(tidyverse) library(amt) library(copula) library(cylcop) #Some functions are only implemented in the development version. #Available at https://github.com/floo66/cylcop dat <- read_csv("Fisher.csv") %>% filter(id %in% c(1465, 1466, 1072, 1078, 1016, 1469)) dat_all <- dat %>% nest(data=c(x,y,t)) dat_all$sex <- c("f", "f", "f", "m", "m", "m") #'We then create a track from the data and convert it to an accurate projection #' for that geographic region with unit meters (epsg:5070). ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- dat_all <- dat_all %>% mutate(trk = map(data, function(d) { make_track(d, x, y, t, crs = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) %>% transform_coords(sp::CRS("+init=epsg:5070")) })) #' Next, we show information on the sampling rate of the different individuals, ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE-------------------------------------- dat_all %>% mutate(sr = lapply(trk, summarize_sampling_rate)) %>% select(id, sr) %>% unnest(cols=c(sr)) #' resample tracks at a rate based on the sampling rates above, ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- dat_all <- dat_all %>% mutate(dat_clean = map(trk, ~ { .x %>% track_resample(rate = minutes(10), tolerance = seconds(60)) })) #' and convert to steps. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- dat_all <- dat_all %>% mutate(stps = map(dat_clean, ~ .x %>% steps_by_burst())) #' ## Fit marginal distributions #' #' For fitting, we will pool together the step lengths and turn angles of all animals. #' The step length distributions are fitted to all available step lengths, #' not only to those where the corresponding turning angle is not NA. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- dat_pool <- dat_all %>% select(stps) %>% unnest(cols=c(stps)) x <- dat_pool$sl_ theta <- dat_pool$ta_[!is.na(dat_pool$ta_)] #' We can now fit distributions to the step lengths. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- cylcop::fit_steplength(x, parametric = "gamma") cylcop::fit_steplength(x, parametric = "weibull") cylcop::fit_steplength(x, parametric = "lognorm") cylcop::fit_steplength(x, parametric = "weibullmix",ncomp = 2) cylcop::fit_steplength(x, parametric = "lnormmix",ncomp = 2) marg_dist <- cylcop::fit_steplength(x, parametric = "gammamix",ncomp = 2) #' The lowest AIC is achieved with a log-normal distribution. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE-------------------------------------- marg_dist #' Next, we fit circular distributions to the turn angles. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- cylcop::fit_angle(theta, parametric = "vonmisesmix", ncomp = 2) cylcop::fit_angle(theta, parametric = "vonmises") cylcop::fit_angle(theta, parametric = "wrappedcauchy") marg_angle <- cylcop::fit_angle(theta, parametric = "vonmisesmix", mu = c(0, pi), ncomp = 2) #' The lowest AIC is achieved with a mixed von Mises distribution with fixed #' location parameters. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE-------------------------------------- marg_angle #' ## Fit circular-linear copulae #' First, we remove step lengths that correspond to NA in turn angles #' from the data. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- x <- dat_pool$sl_[!is.na(dat_pool$ta_)] #' Next, we investigate circular-linear correlation measures of #' the bivariate data. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE-------------------------------------- cylcop::cor_cyl(theta = theta, x = x) cylcop::mi_cyl( theta = theta, x = x, normalize = T, symmetrize = T ) #' After this, we roughly estimate copula parameters using a grid search. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- start_quadsec <- cylcop::optCor( copula = cyl_quadsec(), theta = theta, x = x, method = "cor_cyl" ) start_quadsec <- cylcop::optCor( copula = cyl_quadsec(), theta = theta, x = x, method = "mi_cyl" ) start_cubsec <- cylcop::optCor( copula = cyl_cubsec(), theta = theta, x = x, method = "cor_cyl", acc = 0.05, n = 10000 ) #' For cyl_rect_combine copulae with symmetric rectangles spanning the entire #' unit square, we can calculate parameters from Kendall's tau. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- start_rect_frank <- cylcop::optCor( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = frankCopula(), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric" ), theta = theta, x = x, method = "tau" ) start_rect_clayton <- cylcop::optCor( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = claytonCopula(), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric" ), theta = theta, x = x, method = "tau" ) start_rect_gumbel <- cylcop::optCor( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = gumbelCopula(), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric" ), theta = theta, x = x, method = "tau" ) #' Using these parameter values as starting points, we optimize copula #' parameters with a maximum pseudo likelihood approach. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- copula_quadsec <- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_quadsec(), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = "a", start = start_quadsec ) copula_cubsec <- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_cubsec(), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = c("a", "b"), start = start_cubsec, traceOpt = T ) copula_rect_frank <- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = frankCopula(param = 2), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric" ), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = "alpha", start = start_rect_frank, traceOpt = T ) #' With a Clayton copula with negative parameter the rectangular patchwork #' copula fits the data very badly, and we therefore set the lower #' bound close to 0. ## ---- eval=F, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- copula_rect_clayton <- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = claytonCopula(), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric" ), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = "alpha", start = start_rect_clayton, traceOpt = T, lower = 0.0001 ) copula_rect_gumbel <- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = gumbelCopula(), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric" ), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = "alpha", start = start_rect_gumbel, traceOpt = T ) #' With the following copula below, optimizing the upper bound of the lower #' rectangle (and with it the lower bound of the upper rectangle, because #' up_rect="symmetric") results either in rectangles of area 0 and a cyl_quadsec #' copula or in rectangles spanning the entire unit square, #' i.e. copula_rect_frank. ## ---- eval=F, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = frankCopula(param = 2), low_rect = c(0, 0.5), up_rect = "symmetric", background = cyl_quadsec() ), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = c("alpha", "low_rect2", "bg_a"), start = c(1.415, 0.357, 0.113), lower = c(0.2, 0, 0), upper = c(10, 0.45, 1 / (2 * pi)), traceOpt = T ) #' Instead, we arbitrarily set the rectangles to $R_1=[0.0,0.3]\times[0,1]$ #' and $R_2=[0.7,1.0]\times[0,1]$ ## ---- eval=F, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,results='hide'----------------------- copula_rect_frank_quadsec <- cylcop::optML( copula = cyl_rect_combine( copula = frankCopula(param = 2), low_rect = c(0, 0.3), up_rect = "symmetric", background = cyl_quadsec() ), theta = theta, x = x, parameters = c("alpha", "bg_a"), start = c(1.415, 0.113), lower = c(0.0001, 0), traceOpt = T ) #' The copula giving the lowest AIC score was the cubic sections copula. ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE-------------------------------------- copula_cubsec cylcop::wasserstein(copula_cubsec$copula, data=cbind(theta,x)) ## ---- eval=T, echo=T,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE-------------------------------------- sessionInfo()