------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: R Code and Output Supporting: Modeling individual variability in habitat selection and movement using integrated step-selection analyses 2. Author Information: Name: Nilanjan Chatterjee Affiliation: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: nchatter@umn.edu Name: David Wolfson Affiliation: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: wolfs064@umn.edu Name: Dongming Kim Affiliation: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: kimx3725@umn.edu Name:Juliana Velez Affiliation: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: julianavelezgomez@gmail.com Name: Smith Freeman Affiliation: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: freem850@umn.edu Name: Nathan M. Bacheler Affiliation: Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Beaufort, NC 28516, USA. Email: nate.bacheler@noaa.gov Name: Kyle Shertzer Affiliation: Southeast Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Beaufort, NC 28516, USA. Email: kyle.shertzer@noaa.gov Name: J. Christopher Taylor Affiliation: National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Beaufort, NC 28516, U.S. Email: chris.taylor@noaa.gov Name: John R. Fieberg Affiliation: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: jfieberg@umn.edu 3. Overview of the data and files: This repository contains R code and associated output supporting the results reported in: Chatterjee, N., Wolfson, D., Kim, D., Velez, J., Freeman, S., Bacheler, N. M., Shertzer, K.,Taylor, J. C., and Fieberg, J. 2023. Modeling individual variability in habitat selection and movement using integrated step-selection analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.31.551213 -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data and code: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Chatterjee, N., Wolfson, D., Kim, D., Velez, J., Freeman, S., Bacheler, N. M., Shertzer, K.,Taylor, J. C., and Fieberg, J. 2023. Modeling individual variability in habitat selection and movement using integrated step-selection analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 3. Recommended citation for this archive: Chatterjee, N., Wolfson, D., Kim, D., Velez, J., Freeman, S., Bacheler, N. M., Shertzer, K.,Taylor, J. C., and Fieberg, J. 2023. R Code and Output Supporting: Modeling individual variability in habitat selection and movement using integrated step-selection analyses. University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy. https://doi.org/10.13020/27hq-zx30 --------------------- FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. A. Filename: Snapper_final_data_6min.rds Short description: Dataset used for the integrated step-selection analysis (465903X12) column name: "id" - id of the individual fish "burst_" - burst number for individual fish "sl_" - Step-lengths between consecutive fixes "ta_" - Relative turn-angle between three consecutive fixes "dt_" - Time difference in mins "case_" - FALSE/TRUE if the step is available or used "log_sl_" - Log(step-length) mentioned earlier "cos_ta_" - Cosine(relative turn-angle) "step_id" - Unique individualX step_id for the random effect modelling "reefS4" - Reef habitat for the end of the step (0/1 for hardbottom or sand habitat) "reefE4" - Reef habitat for the start of the step (0/1 for hardbottom or sand habitat) "newdist" - Distance from the closest reef B. Filename: Move_simulation_final.html Short description: html file containing R code and output from running the codes; a tutorial demonstrating how to do the simulation modelling to understand difference between individual modelling vs mixed-effect models. C. Filename: mixedssa_vignette.pdf A vignette of the R package "mixedSSA" with the ISSA dataset of red snappers provided here. D. Filename: Move_simulation_final_vignette.R Short description: R file that containing the code underlying Move_simulation_final.html -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Methods: For complete methodological details, please refer to Chatterjee et al. (2023). 2. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Programs were written for Program R (R Core Team 2020) and full session information, including packages used, are provided at the bottom of each example.html file. Note: the input used for the integrated step-selection analysis can be found in the file "Snapper_final_data_6min.rds". The code and output for the simulation are provided in the "Move_simulation_final.html" file. The code to replicate the analysis using the empirical data can be found in the "mixedssa_vignette.pdf".