date: 30 June, 2001 updated: 19 April, 2002 Minnesota Geological Survey University of Minnesota Miscellaneous Map M-119 Geologic Map of the Duluth Complex and Related Rocks, Northeastern Minnesota, James D. Miller, John C. Green, Mark J.Severson, Val W. Chandler, and Dean M. Peterson 2001 PDF Pdf files of the two M-119 plates are now available for download as: m119plt1.pdf and m119plt2.pdf. These are readable with Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher and have binary transfer sizes of approximately 6 mb and 3.2 mb respectively. Paper copies of these plates can be ordered from MGS map sales at 612-627-4782. Plotting of the pdf files will require a paper size of approximately 55 by 42 inches. txt_plt1.pdf - Bedrock unit descriptions from Plate 1 The ArcView shapefiles from which the map was generated and additional data used in arriving at the interpretations embodied in the map are included as part of MGS RI-58, "Geology and Mineral Potential of the Duluth Complex and Related Rocks of Northeastern Minnesota" by Miller, . These data are available on line ( ) or on the CD accompanying RI-58 (MGS map sales: 612-627-4782).