================= GEM_CH4_Point_Source_Readme Updated 05/26/2020 ================= The comma-delimited file GEM_CH4_Point_Source_Data.csv contains airborne methane (CH4) concentration measurements from the GEM study. The subset of GEM data included in the above file were employed for point-source emission quantification as described in the following manuscript: Yu, X., D.B. Millet, K.C. Wells, T.J. Griffis, X. Chen, J.M. Baker, S.A. Conley, M.L. Smith, A. Gvakharia, E.A. Kort, G. Plant, and J.D. Wood (2020), Top-down constraints on methane point source emissions from animal agriculture and waste based on new airborne measurements in the US Upper Midwest, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JG005429, doi:10.1029/2019JG005429. ================= Measurement description ================= Flights were conducted on a fixed-wing, single-engine Mooney aircraft with air sampling inlets on the outboard wing section. The instrument payload included a cavity ring-down spectrometer (Picarro CRDS; model G2301 during GEM-1, model G2210-m during GEM-2/3; Picarro Inc., Santa Clara CA) providing ~1-3-second measurements of methane, ethane (GEM-2 and GEM-3 only), water vapor, and carbon dioxide. Calibrations were performed using compressed ambient-level gas cylinders traceable to NOAA Global Monitoring Division standards. Other on-board measurements included temperature and relative humidity (model HMP60, Vaisala Corp., Helsinki Finland), along with location, aircraft speed and direction, pressure, wind speed and direction, and other flight parameters provided by the avionics system and differential Global Positioning System. Other measurements and sampling details are as described in Yu et al. (2019). ================= Contact ================= Dylan Millet (dbm@umn.edu); Xueying Yu (yuxx0887@umn.edu) ================= File description ================= Data are provided in csv format with missing values denoted as -999999. Variables included in the datafile are the following: facility: facility index date: date of measurements time.utc: decimal day of year in utc (1.0000-365.9999) alt.asl.m: altitude above mean sea level in meters heading.deg: aircraft magnetic compass heading direction in decimal degrees u.m.s: west-east wind in m/s v.m.s: south-north wind in m/s zonal.speed.m.s: zonal speed from GPS meridional.speed.m.s: meridional speed from GPS temp.c: air temperature in degrees C ch4.ppb: CH4 mixing ratios in ppb Other measurements from GEM flights are available from the authors upon request.