This readme.txt file was generated on 20170330 by Pavithra Parthasarthi.
1. Title of Dataset:
Model Accuracy Data for Post-Construction Evaluation of Forecast Accuracy in Minnesota
2. Author Information
Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Parthasarthi, Pavithra
Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Levinson, David M.
Institution: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
3. Date of data collection: 2007 to 2009
4. Geographic location of data collection: Twin Cities Metropolitan Area
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Sponsorship: Minnesota Department of Transportation
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data:
CC0 1.0 Universal
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Parthasarathi, Pavithra and David Levinson (2010) Post-Construction Evaluation of Traffic Forecast Accuracy. Transport Policy 17 428-443.
Parthasarathi, Pavithra; Levinson, David. (2009). Post-Construction Evaluation of Forecast Accuracy. Minnesota Department of Transportation. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy.
3. Was data derived from another source?
Yes. The forecast traffic data for this study is drawn from Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Transportation Analysis Reports (TAR) and other forecast reports produced by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) with a horizon forecast year of 2010 or earlier. The actual traffic data is compiled from the database of traffic counts maintained by the Office of Transportation Data and Analysis at Mn/DOT.
6. Recommended citation for the data:
Parthasarthi, Pavithra K; Levinson, David M. (2017). Model Accuracy Data for Post-Construction Evaluation of Forecast Accuracy in Minnesota. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota.
1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
The forecast traffic data for this study is drawn from Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Transportation Analysis Reports (TAR) and other forecast reports produced by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) with a horizon forecast year of 2010 or earlier. The actual traffic data is compiled from the database of traffic counts maintained by the Office of Transportation Data and Analysis at Mn/DOT.
2. Methods for processing the data:
The raw data was obtained from the reports produced by Minnesota DOT and obtained from the Minnesota Historical Society Archives. These reports were scanned and the raw data from the reports was coded into a database in excel. The scanning process was necessary due to the unavailability of the forecast reports in electronic format.
3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:
Data can be read using Microsoft Excel. Statistical analysis conducted using STATA (
4. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission:
Josh Potter, Anthony Jakubiak - University of Minnesota undergraduate students at the time of the project data collection
1. Short description: traffic forecast summaries and historical traffic counts
2. Number of variables: 36
2. Number of cases: 2179
3. Information about blank cells:
1) Variables Highway, From, To, Seglengthmi --> The blank cell isn't necessarily a missing value. The information has only been entered in one direction. For example, in the first row of the data, you will notice the information I-394, Project West Limit, West of Linden for the Eastbound segment. This information is missing in the second row because it is the same roadway segment in the opposite direction (Westbound).
2) Variables actualadt - blank cells indicates missing values--> we didnt get the traffic information for that segment
3) Variables flyvratio, bainratio, inaccratio, newinaccratio --> These are estimated based on actualadt --> hence hence will be blank for segments where the actualadt value is missing.
4. Variable List
id: Project identification number, generated for analysis purposes
reportno: Report number provided by the Minnesota DOT
reportdesc: Project description, typically obtained from the Minnesota DOT project report
forecastdate: Date of the project report
reportyear: Year in which project report was completed
forecastyear: Year for which forecasts were created
noofyrs: Number of years between the year in which the report was prepared and the forecast year
projectstatus Status indicating if the forecasts were for an existing roadway or new roadway
highway: Highway for which forecasts were developed
from: Segment start location
to: Segment end location
direction: Direction of the forecasts (Categories: EB - Eastbound, WB - Westbound, NB -Northbound, SB - Southbound)
funclass: Roadways classified using the categorization in the Year 2000 Twin Cities Regional Travel Demand Model (Categories Freeway, Expressway, Divided Arterial, Undivided Arterial, Collector)
highwaytype: Roadway type classified based on the type of access provided to downtowns of Minneapolis and St. Paul (Categories: Radial, Lateral)
seglengthmi: Length of the segment in miles; Segment is defined by the start and end location
segmentcity: City where the roadway segment is locate; Segment is defined by the start and end location
segmentcounty: County where the roadway segment is locate; Segment is defined by the start and end location
segmentdirection: Roadway direction with respect to the central cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul (Categories: East, West, North, South, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Middle, Middle North, Middle South)
segmentvmt: Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) on the segment estimtated only for those segments with Average Annual Daily Traffic information (refer to column acualadt); segmentvmt = actualadt * seglengthmi
projectvmt: Total VMT for the project estimated by summing the vmt along the different segments
projectvkt: Same as projectvmt but estimated in metric units; VKT refers to Vehicle Kilometers Traveled
forecastadt: Forecasted Average Daily traffic (ADT), provided as part of the project
actualadt: Actual ADT obtained for the segment, obtained from Minnesora DOT
flyvratio: Ratio estimated using ratio suggested by Prof. Brent Flyvberg; Ratio = ((ActualADT - ForecastADT) x 100)/ ForecastADT; Reference:; Not used in this analysis
bainratio: Ratio estimated using ratio suggested by Robert Bain; Ratio = (ForecastADT/ActualADT; Reference:
inaccratio: Another method to estimate Inaccuracy ratio in this research; Ratio = (ActualADT/ForecastADT); Not used in the analysis
newinaccratio: Another method to estimate Inaccuracy ratio in this research; Ratio = (ForecastADT-ActualADT/ForecastADT); Not used in the analysis
hwyfc: Same as funclass variable created for use in statistical analysis; Duplicate, variable can be deleted (Categories: Freeway, Expressway, Divided Arterial, Undivided Arterial, Collector)
hwytype: Same as highwaytype variable created for use in statistical analysis;; Duplicate, variable can be deleted
segdir: Same as segmentdirection variable created for use in statistical analysis; Duplicate, variable can be deleted
hwyfcn: Same as funclass variable created for use in statistical analysis; Duplicate, variable can be deleted
hwytypen: Same as highwaytype variable created for use in statistical analysis; Duplicate, variable can be deleted
segdirn: Same as segmentdirection variable created for use in statistical analysis; Duplicate, variable can be deleted
reportdecade: Decade of report preparation (Categories: 1960-1970 - refers to reports prepared between 1961 and 1970; 1970-1980 - refers to reports prepared between 1971 and 1980; 1980-1990 - refers to reports prepared between 1981 and 1990; After 1990 - refers to reports prepared after 1990; Not available - data not available, can be ignored for analysis purposes")
projstat: Project status at the time of report preparation (Categories: Existing facility, New facility)
reptdecadedesc: Dummy variable corresponding to reportdecade (Categories: 1960-1970 - variable value is 1; 1970-1980 - variable value is 2; 1980-1990 - variable value is 3; After 1990 - variable value is 4; Not available - data not available, can be ignored for analysis purposes)