Minnesota Geological Survey M-122, Superimposed magnetic on gravity anomaly map of southwest Minnesota Authored by V.W. Chandler, Minnesota Geological Survey Reference as: Superimposed magnetic on gravity anomaly map of southwest Minnesota. V.W. Chandler. 2002. Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series, M-122, Scale 1:250,000, 1 plate. The data and results of this project are available as grids, shapefiles and Arc coverages. They are presented in an Arc 8 project file as m-122.mxd. The files can be unzipped, using the WinZip program available on the Internet, to other drives and retain their original read/write permissions. The project file is set to use relative path names. A copy of the zipped files and the unzipped project can also be obtained on a CD by contacting the MGS Map Sales office at 612-627-4780, ex. 238. A paper plot of the map plates can also be obtained. The sheet is approximately 50 inches long by 42 inches high. Be aware that the Arc 8 project m122.mxd requires the extensions Spatial Analyst and 3-d Analyst to open and properly display the map. The metadata for various grids, lines and shapefiles in the project may be viewed with the ArcCatalog metadata reader. A list of the files in the project is given below: base_covers—contains several sets of base information used on the map. Since the map base was compiled from previous data coverages they are not in a single annotation coverage. bsanfix-contains one set of city, county, lake names bsanswmn—another partial set of names cont—county lines hwy—major highways hylni—hydro, major streams hylnp—hydro, minor streams info--Arc info files, do not delete lkln—lake outlines ptcity—city names not in the annotation covers rdlncity—minor roads Township_Range_lines—shapefile of lines ggd2duc—gravity grid second vertical derivative, upward continued to 2 km info--Arc info files, do not delete mgd1d05—magnetic anomaly grid first vertical derivative fig2.tif—regional geology image from M-121 grpt—point shapefile of gravity measurement locations m-122.pdf—printable, viewable image of entire map m-122.txt—map text mnoutln—poly shapefile of Mn outline papg—swmn study area readme.txt—this file umwdmk300.tif—U of M wordmark zerocounourln—line shapefile showing location of zero contour of second vertical derivative of gravity