From: on behalf of Darlyne Bailey [] Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:45 PM To:;; Cc: 'Robert Bruininks'; 'E Thomas Sullivan'; 'Robert Jones' Subject: CEHD Administrative Realignments June 5, 2008 TO: CEHD Faculty and Staff FROM: Darlyne Bailey, Dean and Assistant to the President RE: CEHD Administrative Realignments As you know, our College faces an urgent and critical budget situation. Our senior staff has been working closely with the University to resolve our financial problems. Lincoln Kallsen, from the central University budget office, has been assisting us on-site two days a week. In consultation with the Provost, Associate Deans and Chief of Staff, and as a next step in our continuing effort to ensure the success of our College, we have implemented the following administrative realignments. Effective immediately, I will focus my attention on revenue development, working with alumni, donors, and external constituents to raise funds and develop and implement a plan for a successful upcoming capital campaign. Lynn Slifer, Director of College Relations, will work closely with me on these critical efforts. As Dean of our College, I will continue to focus on the strategic vision of the College, interface with other deans and their colleges, strengthen relations with our growing number of external partners, and report on the progress of our College to the Provost. I also will continue to assist the President and Senior Vice President Robert Jones on the important University Northside Partnership. The Senior Management Team, which consists of Associate Deans Jean Quam, Mary Bents, Heidi Barajas and David Johnson and Chief of Staff Ryan Warren, is charged with the daily decision-making and management in the College. Senior Associate Dean Jean Quam will serve as the leader of the management team. The team’s immediate focus is to implement a plan to resolve the budget issues and to develop and implement a strategic plan for the College. Lincoln Kallsen will continue to work with the Senior Management Team as the team consults and plans with department chairs, center directors, and administrative leads in the months ahead. The major responsibilities of the Associate Deans will continue to be academic affairs at the graduate level and faculty development (Quam), undergraduate programs, educator licensure, and professional development (Bents), research and policy (Johnson), and engagement and international activities (Barajas). Chief of Staff Ryan Warren will continue to oversee College facilities and technology and will now take the lead in coordinating a new budget planning process. The reporting lines associated with this administrative organization are as follows: Nan Moore, Director of Human Resources, and Stephanie Dilworth, Director of Finance, now will report to Jean Quam. Mark Bultmann, Director of Student Services, and Carole Gupton, Director of the Preparation to Practice Group, will continue to report to Mary Bents. Christopher Johnstone, International Programs, and Serena Wright, Events Coordinator, will continue to report to Heidi Barajas. All grants coordinators and all College-wide Center Directors, along with Richard Wassen, External Relations Liaison, will continue to report to David Johnson. Fred Clayton, Facilities, and David Ernst, Director of Academic and Informational Technology, will continue to report to Ryan Warren. I will continue to meet with Department Chairs regarding strategic academic visioning, and I will continue to meet and exchange information with the Senior Management Team, all of whom continue to report to me, but I am delegating all decisions affecting day-to-day operations to the Team, again, led by Senior Associate Dean Jean Quam. Thank you, as always, for your continued commitment to our College. cc: President Robert H. Bruininks Senior Vice President and Provost E. Thomas Sullivan Senior Vice President Robert Jones Darlyne Bailey, Ph.D Dean and Assistant to the President Campbell Leadership Chair in Education and Human Development Office:612-626-9252 Fax:612-626-7496 University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development 104 Burton Hall 178 Pillsbury Drive, S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455