Welcome to Public health moment from the University of Minnesota. For many Midwesterners, the tanning bed is a necessity of life. Now, it's also officially a cancer causing agent according to the World Health Organization. In a recent report, the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer states that there is a causal link between ultra violet radiation produced by tanning beds and cancer. Dean Lazovic, a University of Minnesota cancer epidemiologist explains, well, the IR report looked at the more recent evidence that has accumulated on indoor tanning devices and the risk of skin cancer. And have concluded that use of these devices, especially at a young age, confers increased risk of developing melanoma. Specifically, based on this report and her own research, Lazovic offers advice. The report certainly confirmed that solar radiation is a risk factor. And there's not that much difference between the sun and tanning beds with regard to the types of UV that people expose themselves to, The prudent approach would be to avoid as much exposure to UV radiation as possible to reduce the risk of skin cancer. With another public health moment, I'm John Finnegan.