function out = Raman2D(N,bins,type,flag,nn,Jx,Jz) %output form: out = [Ev,DEp,DEm,DE,Ipp,Imm,Ipm] %tic %input-parameter: %2N is the number of points in a dimension %flag is a boolean telling whether to estimate time on this run %nn is the number of times that you plan to do a similar calculation (for error estimation) %type is a string specifying which Raman operator %bins...number of bins on the energy axis %emax...the max energy for the energy axis %lv...the brillioun zone will be cut out of a rectangle shaped grid with % ~lv^3 points %output-values: values from the lowest to the highest energy occuring many times every energy value occurs %additional output: %plot of the densitiy of states %The Hamiltonian used comes from EK Lee et al. arXiv:1308.6592v2 %bins = 2*N; %input data %Jx = .3; Jy = Jx; %Jz = 1; %pick the right Raman operator switch type case 'xx' hx = 3/4*Jx; hy = 3/4*Jy ; hz = 0; case 'yy' hx = 1/4*Jx; hy = 1/4*Jy; hz = Jz; case 'xy' hx = -sqrt(3)/4*Jx; hy = sqrt(3)/4*Jy; hz = 0; end %L=2*N; %hhz = repmat(hz,L,L); %The following can be used to ensure that H is diagonalized by the unitary %matrix below by checking that the Raman spectra are zero. %hx=Jx;hy=Jy;hz=Jz; emin = 0; emax = 6*max(1,Jx); er = emax-emin; %initialization %Evalues=linspace(0,emax,bins); DE=zeros(bins,1); I=zeros(bins,1); Ev = (1:bins)'*emax/(bins*max(1,Jx)); r1 = rand; r2 = rand; %r3 = rand; pts = (-N):(N-1); %pts=pts/N; %treat x and y values as corresponding to column %ans row values respectively x=(pts+r1)*2*pi/(sqrt(3)*N); %z=repmat((pts.' + r3)/N,1,L)*pi/(3*sqrt(2)); Z=0; for ind = pts y = (ind + r2)*2*pi/(3*N); %I display an estimate of the end time aleph = 1+round(200^2/N) ; %1 + iterations for ~1 second of computation %Or an iteration, which ever is longer if ind == -N+2 && flag %the first few may be slower due to initialization cl1 = clock; end if ind == -N+2+aleph && flag cl2 = clock; time = (cl2-cl1)*(2*N)/aleph *3*nn; %cl = cl1 + time*(2*N-2)/(2*N); format shortg disp('approximate time to take:') disp( datestr(time(6)/24/3600, 'DD-HH:MM:SS') ) % disp(time(6)) % disp('approximate end datetime:') % disp(cl) format end % if minute ~= cl(5) % disp( ind ) % minute = cl(5); % end % tic %If this value is not positive I negate the energies out of the hist sn = sign( 2*pi/3 - abs(y) - abs(x)/sqrt(3) ); %Now I do arithmetic as if x,y, and z were numbers but with x and a %matrices and doing only elementwise operations with them. %I only store values for a given y and then reduce the information into %a histogram before looping back to keep from overloading the memory %My computer handles about 2 to 5 * 10^8 doubles at once in memory so I %expect this code to max out the memory around N~10^8 %The Eigenvalues % toc % tic s = Jz + Jx*exp(1).^(1i*(y*3+x*sqrt(3))/2) + Jy*exp(1).^(1i*(y*3-x*sqrt(3))/2) ; en = 2*abs(s); h = hz + hx*exp(1).^(1i*(y*3+x*sqrt(3))/2) + hy*exp(1).^(1i*(y*3-x*sqrt(3))/2) ; V = (imag(h.*conj(s))./abs(s)); %The Delta weight in the Raman term (turned into column vectors) W = 4*pi*V.^2; [histw, histv] = histwv(en(sn>=0).',W(sn>=0).',0,emax,bins); I = I + histw; DE = DE + histv; % toc [d1,d2] = size(sn(sn(:)>=0)); Z=Z+d1*d2; end DE = DE*bins/(Z*er ); I=I*bins/(Z*er ); out = [Ev,DE,I];