This readme.txt file was generated on 12 January 2023 by Gunnar R. Kramer (updated on 5 December 2023) Recommended citation for the data: Kramer GR, Andersen DE, Buehler DA, Wood PB, Peterson SM, Lehman JA, Aldinger KR, Bulluck LP, Harding S, Jones JA, Loegering JP, Smalling C, Vallender R, Streby HM. 2023. Data and code supporting: Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, DOI: ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Data and code supporting: Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Gunnar R. Kramer * Institution: Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-7347-8641 *Current affiliation: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: David E. Andersen Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: David A. Buehler Institution: Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries, University of Tennessee Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Petra B. Wood Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Sean M. Peterson Institution: Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California - Berkeley Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Justin A. Lehman Institution: Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries, University of Tennesseee Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Kyle R. Aldinger Institution: West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, West Virginia University Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Lesley P. Bulluck Institution: Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Sergio Harding Institution: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: John Anthony Jones Institution: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Tulane University Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: John P. Loegering Institution: Agriculture and Natural Resources Department, University of Minnesota - Crookston Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Curtis Smalling Institution: Audubon North Carolina Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: David A. Buehler Institution: Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries, University of Tennesseee Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Rachel Vallender Institution: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Henry M. Streby Institution: Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo 3. Date published or finalized for release: 15 January 2023 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): Geolocator data were collected from 2013-2017. See Kramer et al. 2017, 2018; Bennett et al. 2019 for details on data collection. 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): North America 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Data used in this manuscript were derived from publicly available repositories and therefore required no permits. Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey through Research Work Order 98 at the U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and by the National Science Foundation through Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 1202729. Additional funding was provided by the University of Toledo College of Graduate Studies through a Graduate Dean’s Fellowship, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources and the Grace Jones Richardson Trust. 7. Overview of the data (abstract): These data and files support the manuscript entitled "Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends". These data contain information about the distribution of potential risk-factors -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Kramer GR, Andersen DE, Buehler DB, Wood PB, Peterson SM, Lehman JA, Aldinger KR, Bulluck LP, Harding S, Jones JA, Loegering JP, Smalling C, Vallender R, and Streby HM. 2023. Exposure to risk-factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends. Landscape Ecology. Vol: Pp: DOI: 3. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): a. Vermivora warbler tracking (geolocator data): Kramer et al. 2018. Data from range-wide study of migratory connectivity of Vermivora warblers. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, Bennett 2019. GWWA geolocators. Retrieved from OSF repository, b. Forest and shrub, agricultural cover data: U.S. Geological Survey. 1997. Global Land Cover Characterization Program. Version 1.2. Archived by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S. Government, USGS. c. Change in forest and shrub cover 2000–2010 data: Goldewijk K, Beusen A, Janssen P. 2010. Long term dynamic modeling of global population and built-up area in a spatially explicit way, HYDE 3.1. Holocene 20:565–573 Goldewijk K, Beusen A, de Vos M, van Drecht G. 2011. The HYDE 3.1 spatially explicit database of human induced land use change over the past 12,000 years. Global Ecol Biogeogr 20:73–86 d. Tornado data: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2018. Severe Weather Database Files (1950–2017). e. Hurricane data: Landsea CW, Franklin JL. 2013. Atlantic Hurricane Database uncertainty and presentation of a new database format. Mon Weather Rev 141:3576–3592 f. Human footprint data: Wildlife Conservation Society - WCS, and Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2005. Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Footprint Dataset (Geographic). Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed 11 November 2019. g. Wind energy data: Horn BD, Diffendorfer JE, Rand JT, Kramer LA, Garrity CP, Hunt HE. 2018. United States Wind Turbine Dataset (ver. 2.3, January 2020): U.S. Geological Survey, American Wind Energy Association, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory data release, h. Communication tower data: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Geospatial Data, United States. 2012. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Media Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Available from the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data page, Geospatial Management Office, US Department of Homeland Security. i. Future development threat data: Oakleaf JR, Kennedy CM, Baruch-Mordo S, West PC, Gerber JS, Jarvis L, Kiesecker J. 2019. Development Threat Index. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed 02 February 2020. Oakleaf JR, Kennedy CM, Baruch-Mordo S, West PC, Gerber JS, Jarvis L, Kiesecker J. 2015. A world at risk: Aggregating development trends to forecast global habitat conversion. PLoS ONE 10: e0138334 j. Vermivora warbler population trend data: Breeding Bird Survey Regional Trend Analysis Form. 1966–2015 Analysis. U.S. Geological Survey. Https:// Sauer JR, Niven DK, Hines JE, Ziolkowski DJ, Pardieck KL, Fallon JE, Link WA. 2017. The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966–2015. Version 2.07.2017 USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland, USA. k. Bird Conservation Region shapefiles: Bird Studies Canada and NABCI.  2014.  Bird Conservation Regions.  Published by Bird Studies Canada on behalf of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative.  Accessed: 1 January 2023 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Data4Lasso10_data.csv Short description: Annual exposure to different risk factors for each warbler extracted from 10 percentile core-use areas. B. Filename: Data4Lasso25_data.csv Short description: Annual exposure to different risk factors for each warbler extracted from 25 percentile core-use areas. C. Filename: Data4Lasso50_data.csv Short description: Annual exposure to different risk factors for each warbler extracted from 50 percentile core-use areas. D. Filename: FallMigration_PREGULF_Risk4R_25_data.csv Short description: Exposure to different risk factors for each warbler extracted from 25 percentile core-use areas near the Gulf of Mexico during autumn migration. E. Filename: SpringMigration_PREGULF_Risk4R_25_data.csv Short description: Exposure to different risk factors for each warbler extracted from 25 percentile core-use areas near the Gulf of Mexico during spring migration. F. Filename: VermThreats4R_scale25_data.csv Short description: Exposure to projected anthropogenic land-use change extracted from 25 percentile core-use areas (annual). G. Filename: Short description: All shapefiles (.shp) used in analysis. H. Filename: Short description: All raster files (.tif) used in analysis. I. Filename: PLS-ANOVAs-GLMs-and-power-analysis.html Short description: Output of R-Markdown file (.Rmd) with the same name. J. Filename: PLS ANOVAs GLMs and power analysis.Rmd Short description: Code for statistical analysis. In R-Markdown format. K. Filename: Spatial-analysis-and-mapping.html Short description: Output of R-Markdown file (.Rmd) with the same name. L. Filename: Spatial analysis and mapping.Rmd Short description: Code for mapping and spatial analysis. In R-Markdown format. M. Filename: RiskFactorExtractionCode.Rmd Short description: Example code for extracting warblers exposure to risk factors. N. Filename: RiskFactorExtractionCode.html Short description: Output of R-Markdown file (.Rmd) with same name. 2. Relationship between files: When there are two files with the same name but a different file format(.Rmd and .html), the .Rmd is a file containing the R code as well as supportive text in a R-Markdown file, which is a version of markdown intended for use with R scripts. The .html is a 'knitted' version of the .Rmd file that shows R code, output. CSV files are are data files necessary for various analyses and can be generated independently within (X). The and contain shapefiles (.shp) and rasters (.tif) necessary for analysis. Shapefiles are primarily boundary files useful for plotting, point-level vector data containing information on deployment, breeding, and nonbreeding sites of warblers. Rasters are primarily derived seasonal migration surfaces from raw geolocator data (.tif) and cover-type layers of migration risk-factors used in analyses. Workflow generally follows RiskFactorExtractionCode -> Spatial analysis and mapping -> PLS ANOVAs GLMs and power analysis. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: See Kramer et al. (2017, 2018, 2023) and Bennett et al. (2019) for details on geolocator data collection, analysis, and generation of data. 2. Methods for processing the data: See Kramer et al. (2023) for details. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Files were analyzed with R ( 4. Environmental/experimental conditions: R environment ─ Session info ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── setting value version R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) os macOS Ventura 13.0.1 system aarch64, darwin20 ui RStudio language (EN) collate en_US.UTF-8 ctype en_US.UTF-8 tz America/New_York date 2023-01-16 rstudio 2022.07.2+576 Spotted Wakerobin (desktop) pandoc 2.19.2 @ /Applications/ (via rmarkdown) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Data4Lasso10_data.csv, Data4Lasso25_data.csv, Data4Lasso50_data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 26 2. Number of cases/rows: 86 3. Missing data codes: NA = No data/Not applicable. Used to denote lack of population trend data for hybrid warblers that cannot be characterized as either species. 4. Variable List A. Name: Individual Description: Warbler ID. Some values appear more than once because some individuals were tracked in multiple years. B. Name: Species Description: Species of individual warbler, based on plumage phenotype. GW = golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), BW = blue-winged warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera), HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora warbler. C. Name: Pop Description: Population based on Bird Conservation Region (BCR). AM = Appalachian Mountains BCR, BHT = Boreal Hardwood Transition BCR, CH = Central Hardwoods BCR, PHT = Prairie Hardwood Transition BCR, HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora (no associated BCR). D. Name: State Description: State or province of breeding site of individual Vermivora warblers. WI = Wisconsin, MN = Minnesota, ON = Ontario, IL = Illinois, MA = Massachusetts, MI = Michigan, NC = North Carolina, PA = Pennsylvania, MB = Manitoba, TN = Tennessee, VA = Virginia. E. Name: BrLat Description: Latitude of breeding site. Decimal degrees. F. Name: BrLon Description: Longitude of breeding site. Decimal degrees. G. Name: NBLat Description: Latitude of nonbreeding site. Decimal degrees. H. Name: NBLon Description: Longitude of nonbreeding site. Decimal degrees. I. Name: BCR_Trend Description: Bird Conservation Region population trend estimate from U.S. Geological Survey, Breeding Bird Survey, 2000-2015. Percent change. J. Name: Trend00 Description: State-level population trend estimate from U.S. Geological Survey, Breeding Bird Survey, 2000-2015. Percent change. K. Name: scale Description: Percentile from which migration risk-factor data were extracted from individual warblers' seasonal migration surfaces. 10 = 10th percentile, 25 = 25th percentile, 50 = 50th percentile. L. Name: Turbines Description: Relative exposure to wind turbines (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. M. Name: Towers Description: Relative exposure to communications towers (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. N. Name: Hurricanes Description: Relative exposure to hurricanes (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. O. Name: Tornados Description: Relative exposure to tornados (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. P. Name: Agriculture Description: Relative exposure to agricultural cover (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. Q. Name: Forest cover Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. R. Name: Human footprint Description: Relative exposure to human footprint (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. S. Name: Net forest change-2000 Description: Relative change in forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. T. Name: OVERALL2 Description: Relative exposure to variable representing the combination of all migration risk-factors within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. U. Name: Br_Forest Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. V. Name: Br_HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. W. Br_forestchange Description: Relative change forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. X. Name: Nb_Forest Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. Y. Name: Nb_HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. Z. Name: Nb_forestchance Description: Relative change forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: FallMigration_PREGULF_Risk4R_25_data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 25 2. Number of cases/rows: 86 3. Missing data codes: NA = No data/Not applicable. Used to denote lack of population trend data for hybrid warblers that cannot be characterized as either species. 4. Variable List A. Name: Individual Description: Warbler ID. Some values appear more than once because some individuals were tracked in multiple years. B. Name: Pop Description: Population based on Bird Conservation Region (BCR). AM = Appalachian Mountains BCR, BHT = Boreal Hardwood Transition BCR, CH = Central Hardwoods BCR, PHT = Prairie Hardwood Transition BCR, HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora (no associated BCR). C. Name: Species Description: Species of individual warbler, based on plumage phenotype. GW = golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), BW = blue-winged warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera), HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora warbler. D. Name: BrLat Description: Latitude of breeding site. Decimal degrees. E. Name: BrLon Description: Longitude of breeding site. Decimal degrees. F. Name: NBLat Description: Latitude of nonbreeding site. Decimal degrees. G. Name: NBLon Description: Longitude of nonbreeding site. Decimal degrees. H. Name: Trend00 Description: State-level population trend estimate from U.S. Geological Survey, Breeding Bird Survey, 2000-2015. Percent change. I. Name: Season Description: Seasonal migration period. Spring or Fall. J. Name: scale Description: Percentile from which migration risk-factor data were extracted from individual warblers' seasonal migration surfaces. 10 = 10th percentile, 25 = 25th percentile, 50 = 50th percentile. K. Name: PreGulfArea Description: Column indicating whether individual warblers' 25 percentile seasonal core-use area includes areas near Gulf of Mexico. YES or NO L. Name: Turbine Description: Relative exposure to wind turbines (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. M. Name: TallTowers Description: Relative exposure to communications towers (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. N. Name: Hurr Description: Relative exposure to hurricanes (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. O. Name: TotalTorn Description: Relative exposure to tornados (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. P. Name: CropCov Description: Relative exposure to agricultural cover (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. Q. Name: ForestShrubCov Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. R. Name: HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. S. Name: NetForest Description: Relative change in forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. T. Name: Br_Forest Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. U. Name: Br_HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. V. Br_forestchange Description: Relative change forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. W. Name: Nb_Forest Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. X. Name: Nb_HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. Y. Name: Nb_forestchance Description: Relative change forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: SpringMigration_PREGULF_Risk4R_25_data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 20 2. Number of cases/rows: 86 3. Missing data codes: NA = No data/Not applicable. Used to denote lack of population trend data for hybrid warblers that cannot be characterized as either species. 4. Variable List A. Name: Individual Description: Warbler ID. Some values appear more than once because some individuals were tracked in multiple years. B. Name: Pop Description: Population based on Bird Conservation Region (BCR). AM = Appalachian Mountains BCR, BHT = Boreal Hardwood Transition BCR, CH = Central Hardwoods BCR, PHT = Prairie Hardwood Transition BCR, HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora (no associated BCR). C. Name: Species Description: Species of individual warbler, based on plumage phenotype. GW = golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), BW = blue-winged warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera), HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora warbler. D. Name: BrLat Description: Latitude of breeding site. Decimal degrees. E. Name: BrLon Description: Longitude of breeding site. Decimal degrees. F. Name: NBLat Description: Latitude of nonbreeding site. Decimal degrees. G. Name: NBLon Description: Longitude of nonbreeding site. Decimal degrees. H. Name: Trend00 Description: State-level population trend estimate from U.S. Geological Survey, Breeding Bird Survey, 2000-2015. Percent change. I. Name: Season Description: Seasonal migration period. Spring or Fall. J. Name: PreGulfArea Description: Column indicating whether individual warblers' 25 percentile seasonal core-use area includes areas near Gulf of Mexico. YES or NO K. Name: CropCov Description: Relative exposure to agricultural cover (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. L. Name: ForestShrubCov Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. M. Name: HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint (sum) within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. N. Name: NetForest Description: Relative change in forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within individual warblers' core-use area. Unitless. O. Name: Br_Forest Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. P. Name: Br_HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. Q. Br_forestchange Description: Relative change forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' breeding sites. Unitless. R. Name: Nb_Forest Description: Relative exposure to forest and shrub cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. S. Name: Nb_HFootP Description: Relative exposure to human footprint cover (sum) within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. T. Name: Nb_forestchance Description: Relative change forest and shrub cover from 2000-2010 within 100-km buffers around individual warblers' nonbreeding sites. Unitless. *Br and Nb factors were extracted from layers at their original resolution. Raw values and resampled values are extremely strongly correlated (r = 0.97) and variables are scaled prior to all GLM and PLS regression analyses. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: VermThreats4R_scale25_data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 11 2. Number of cases/rows: 86 3. Missing data codes: NA = No data/Not applicable. Used to denote lack of population trend data for hybrid warblers that cannot be characterized as either species. 4. Variable List A. Name: Individual Description: Warbler ID. Some values appear more than once because some individuals were tracked in multiple years. B. Name: Species Description: Species of individual warbler, based on plumage phenotype. GW = golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), BW = blue-winged warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera), HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora warbler. C. Name: Pop Description: Population based on Bird Conservation Region (BCR). AM = Appalachian Mountains BCR, BHT = Boreal Hardwood Transition BCR, CH = Central Hardwoods BCR, PHT = Prairie Hardwood Transition BCR, HYBRID = hybrid Vermivora (no associated BCR). D. Name: Trend00 Description: State-level population trend estimate from U.S. Geological Survey, Breeding Bird Survey, 2000-2015. Percent change. E. Name: BioFuels Description: Relative exposure to areas with development potential for biofuels. Unitless. F. Name: AgThreat Description: Relative exposure to areas with development potential for agriculture. Unitless. G. Name: SolarThreat Description: Relative exposure to areas with development potential for solar energy. Unitless. H. Name: UrbanThreat Description: Relative exposure to areas with development potential for urban and human development. Unitless. I. Name: WindThreat Description: Relative exposure to areas with development potential for wind energy. Unitless. J. Name: TotalMining Description: Relative exposure to areas with development potential for different types of mining. Unitless. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- Description: Thirteen vector files necessary for plotting and analysis. Includes shapefiles (.shp) and associated files necessary for displaying vector data. Files with the same name but different extensions are required for plotting. 1. Number of variables: 13 vector layers (Multiple files/layer; .shp, .prj, .sbx, .dbf, etc.) 2. Number of cases/rows: NA 3. Missing data codes: NA = No data 4. Variable List A. Name: AppMtn_BCR Description: Shapefile layer representing Appalachian Mountain Bird Conservation Region. For display purposes only. B. Name: BennetBirdCoords Description: Geolocator estimated breeding locations of golden-winged warblers from Bennett (2019) dataset. lat = breeding latitude, decimal degrees lon = breeding longitude, decimal degrees gwtr = population trend of golden-winged warblers at associated coordinates C. Name: BHTrans_BCR Description: Shapefile layer representing Boreal Hardwood Transition Bird Conservation Region. For display purposes only. D. Name: BWNB_Dissolved Description: Shapefile layer of nonbreeding distribution of blue-winged warblers, dissolved features, variable names are meaningless. For display purposes only. E. Name: BWWA_range Description: Shapefile layer of breeding distribution of blue-winged warblers, variable names are meaningless, for display purposes only. F. Name: Canada Description: Shapefile layer of Canada with province boundaries. For display purposes only. G. Name: CH_BCR Description: Shapefile layer representing Central Hardwood Bird Conservation Region. For display purposes only. H. Name: DeploymentSites_4R Description: Shapefile layer representing geolocator deployment sites from Kramer et al. 2018, Bennett 2019. lat = latitude of deployment site lon = longitude of deployment site sp = species tracked at each site: GW = golden-winged warbler, BW = blue-winged warbler, BOTH = blue- and golden-winged warbler, HYBRID = blue- winged warbler,, golden-winged warbler, hybrid n = number of warblers tracked at site ngwFall = number of golden-winged warblers with data during fall migration nbwFall = number of blue-winged warblers with data during fall migration nhy = number of hybrids ngwSpr = number of golden-winged warblers with data during spring migration nbwSpr = number of blue-winged warblers with data during spring migration gwtr = breeding trend of golden-winged warblers at site bwtr = breeding trend of blue-winged warblers at site I. Name: Great_Lakes Description: Shapefile layer representing Great Lakes. For display purposes only. J. Name: gwwwa_new_range_28JUL11_final Description: Shapefile representing golden-winged warbler breeding distribution. For display purposes only. K. Name: NBChrysRange100km_proj Description: Shapefile representing golden-winged warbler nonbreeding distribution. For display purposes. Buffered by 100 km. L. Name: PH_BCR Description: Shapefile layer representing Prairie Hardwood Transition Bird Conservation Region. For display purposes only. M. Name: winterPopCoords Description: Shapefile layer representing nonbreeding and nonbreeding location estimates from geolocator-tracked warblers. lat = nonbreeding latitude lon = nonbreeding longitude pop = population: BHT = Boreal Hardwood Transition BCR, CH = Central Hardwoods, AM = Appalachian Mountains, bwAM = Appalachian Mountains (blue-winged warbler), PHT = Prairie Hardwood Transition BCR sp = species: GW = golden-winged warbler, BW = blue-winged warbler, HYBRID = hybrid seas = season: wint = nonbreeding, br = breeding spr = spring data collected, binary: 1 = yes, 0 = no fall = fall data collected, binary: 1 = yes, 0 = no ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ----------------------------------------- Description: Three subfolders containing raster files necessary for plotting and analysis. Three subfolders are organized by data type: FutureThreats = Derived rasters (.tif) representing potential future threats to Vermivora warblers. MigrationRiskFactors = Derived rasters (.tif) representing migration risk-factors. SeasonalMigrationRasters = Derived rasters (.tif) representing space use of individual warblers during migration. 1. Number of variables: NA 2. Number of cases/rows: NA 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable List A. Name: FutureThreats folder Description: Rasters (.tif) representing potential future threats to Vermivora warblers. Derived from Oakleaf et al. (2015, 2019; Development Threat Index, SEDAC; Accessed 02 February 2020). All rasters have same extent: x = (-110.1969, -59.86557), y = (0.2514709, 60.10147); resolution (~0.5, 0.5). AgThreat2030Clip.tif = Threat of agricultural development, 2030 BiofuelsThreat2030Clip.tif = Threat of development for biofuels, 2030 CoalThreatClip.tif = Threat of development for coal mining, 2030 MiningThreatClip.tif = Threat of development for mining, 2030 OilGasDevThreatClip.tif = Threat of development for oil and gas development, 2030 SolarThreatClip.tif = Threat of development for solar energy, 2030 UnconvOilGasClip.tif = Threat of development for unconventional oil and gas development, 2030 UrbanThreatClip.tif = Threat of development for urban cover types, 2030 WindThreatRastClip.tif = Threat of development for wind energy, 2030 B. Name: MigrationRiskFactors Description: Rasters (.tif) representing migration risk-factors that might affect migrating Vermivora warblers. Derived from a variety of sources. CroCovresfix.tif = Agricultural cover derived from Global Land Cover Characterization Program. Version 1.2. USGS. Forest_2000Hyde.tif = Forest cover (2000) derived from HYDE 3.1 database. Goldewijk et al. 2011. HYDE 3.1. Used to calculate Net change in forest cover 2000-2010. Forest_2010Hyde.tif = Forest cover (2010) derived from HYDE 3.1 database. Goldewijk et al. 2011. HYDE 3.1. Used to calculate Net change in forest cover 2000-2010. ForestShrubCovresfix.tif = Forest and shrub cover derived from Global Land Cover Characterization Program. Version 1.2. USGS. HFootPresfix.tif = Human footprint cover derived from Last of the Wild Project, Version 2, 2005 (LWP-2): Global Human Footprint Dataset (Geographic). NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed 11 November 2019. HurrPtsRastR.tif = Hurricane intensity derived from Landsea and Franklin 2013. Atlantic Hurricane Database. OVERALL2.tif = Combined layer representing relative intensity of eight migration risk-factors (Agriculture, Net change forest 2000-2010, Forest, Human footprint, Hurricanes, Tornados, Communications towers, Turbines). TotalTornRastR.tif = Tornado intensity data derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2018. Severe Weather Database Files (1950–2017). TotalTowersRastR.tif = Communication tower intensity derived from Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Geospatial Data, United States. 2012. TurbineRastR.tif = Wind turbine intensity derived from Horn et al. 2018. United States Wind Turbine Dataset (ver. 2.3, January 2020): U.S. Geological Survey. C. Name: SeasonalMigrationRasters Description: 181 rasters (.tif) representing migration risk-factors that might affect migrating Vermivora warblers. Derived from Kramer et al. (2018; link), Bennett et al. 2019 (link). Files are presented for all individuals with available data (i.e., with geolocators that recorded data during migration; see Kramer et al. 2023 for details). Files are named following the convention ID_season_x2_clip.tif where ID = individual ID and season = season (spring or fall). All rasters have same extent: x = (-110.1969, -59.86557), y = (0.2514709, 60.10147); resolution (~0.5, 0.5). Rasters are probability density functions, sum to 1. Cell values indicate relative importance of areas during seasonal migrations for individuals. Some birds were tracked >1 year and in those cases, the year is indicated after the ID label in the file name (e.g., WIH03_2016_fall_x2_clip.tif).