This readme file was generated on 2024-04-30 by Lata Kalra Suggested citation for dataset: Kalra, Lata; Altman, Shoshana; Bee, Mark A. (2024). Data supporting Perceptually salient differences in a species recognition cue do not promote auditory streaming in eastern gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, # GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Dataset supporting Perceptually salient differences in a species recognition cue do not promote auditory streaming in eastern gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) 2. Author Information: Author 1 Name: Lata Kalra Email: Affiliation: Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota Twin Cities Author 2 Name: Shoshana Altman Email: Affiliation: Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota Twin Cities Author 3 Name: Mark Bee Email: Affiliation: Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota Twin Cities 3. Date of data collection: May-July 2021 4. Geographic location of data collection: Tamarack Nature Center, Ramsey County, Minnesota Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: # DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File list A. Filename: Behavioral_response_data.csv Short description: This dataset contains behavioral responses of the subjects to the two-alternative and the four-alternative choice tests. Each subject got three behvaioral tests, each test at two Sound Pressure Levels (SPLs), 80 and 100 dB. First column is Frog_id. This column depicts the unique id that each subject was given Second column is the Temperature (degree Celcius) inside the sound chamber when the subject was tested. Third column is Trial_type. This signifies one of the three behavioral tests. Trial_type 'C3' = Perceptual salience test; a choice test between A-A- and B-B- Trial_type 'C1' = Pulse rate and timing test; a choice test between A-A- , AA--, AAAA, and BBBB Trial_type 'T1' = Auditory streaming test; a choice between AAAA, BBBB, ABAB and AABB Fourth column is SPL. This signifies the SPL of the stimuli in a given tests type (it could be either 80 or 100 dB). Fifth column is Response. A Response of 'yes' means that the subject responded by making a choice. A Response of 'no' means that the subjects failed to chose one alternative. Sixth column is Choice. This column signfied which alternative a subject chose. Note that this column will have an empty value for rows in which the Response was 'no'. Seventh column is the Latency (sec). This column signifies how long a subject took to make a choice (units = seconds). Note that this column will have empty values for rows in which the Response value was 'no'. Any empty latency values for when the response is 'yes' signify that the experimenter did not record latency data.