The 11 data files in this archive accompany the publication: Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Lee N, Bee MA (in press) Lung-to-ear sound transmission does not improve directional hearing in green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea). Journal of Experimental Biology. Figure1_inflated.xlsx This figure contains the transfer functions of the tympanum's vibration amplitude at intervals of 1 Hz across 12 angles of sound incidence with the lungs in the INFLATED condition. These data are depicted in Row 1 of Figure 1. There are 21 sheets, one for each subject. Figure1_Deflated.xlsx This figure contains the transfer functions of the tympanum's vibration amplitude at intervals of 1 Hz across 12 angles of sound incidence with the lungs in the DEFLATED condition. These data are depicted in Row 2 of Figure 1. There are 21 sheets, one for each subject. Figure1_Reinflated.xlsx This figure contains the transfer functions of the tympanum's vibration amplitude at intervals of 1 Hz across 12 angles of sound incidence with the lungs in the REINFLATED condition. These data are depicted in Row 3 of Figure 1. There are 21 sheets, one for each subject. Figure2_VADs_3Lung*3Frequency.csv This .csv file contains the vibration amplitude differences (VADs) in the three states of lung inflation at the frequencies of 834 Hz, 1558 Hz, and 2730 Hz. Also included are the two angles between which the VAD was computed. These VAD data are depicted in Figure 2 based on computing the marginal means from a repeated measures analysis of variance. There are 21 rows, one for each subject. Figure3a_IVADs_Inflated.xlsx Figure3b_IVADs_Deflated.xlsx Figure3c_IVADs_Reinflated.xlsx These three .xlsx files contain the interpolated interaural vibration amplitude differences (IVADs) shown in panels a, b, and c, respectively, of Figure 3. There are 21 sheets in each file, one for each subject. Figure4and5_IVADs_3Lung*5Angle*3Frequency.csv This .csv file contains the interaural vibration amplitude differences (IVADs) in the three states of lung inflation at angles of 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 degrees, and at the frequencies of 834 Hz, 1558 Hz, and 2730 Hz. These IVAD data are depicted in Figures 4 and 5 based on computing the marginal means from a repeated measures analysis of variance. There are 21 rows, one for each subject. Figure5_IVAD_PolarPlot_Values.csv This .csv file contains the data on interaural vibration amplitude differences (IVADs) as functions of frequency and angle plotted in the polar plots of Figure 5. There are 21 rows, one for each subject. Figure6_IVAD_Differences.xlsx This .xlsx file contains the data on differences in interaural vibration amplitude differences (IVADs) between the inflated and deflated states of lung inflation as functions of frequency (200 to 7500 Hz) and sound incidence angle (30 degree steps). These data are plotted in in the heatmap of Fig. 6A. There are 21 sheets, one for each subject. Figure6_IVAD_PolarPlot_Values.xlsx This .xlsx file contains the data on differences in interaural vibration amplitude differences (IVADs) between the inflated and deflated states of lung inflation for the frequencies of 834 Hz, 1558 Hz, and 2730 Hz. Differences are shown in 1-degree steps from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. These data are plotted in the form of polar plots in Fig. 6B. There are 3 sheets, one for each frequency, and within each sheet there are 21 rows, one for each subject.