This readme.txt file was generated on 20240501 by Audrey Huff ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Sediment mixing and dissolved oxygen and nutrient dynamics in a six week microcosm experiment containing Great Lakes macroinvertebrates 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Audrey Huff Institution: Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage Email: ORCID: Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Ted Ozersky Institution: Large Lakes Observatory, University of Minnesota Duluth Email: 3. Date of data collection 20200816 - 20201114 4. Geographic location of data collection (where data was collected): Sediment used in the experiment were collected from Lake Superior (46.8453 N, -90.7736 W), Diporeia were collected from the western arm of Lake Superior (46.8938 N, -91.8767 W), dreissenid (quagga) mussels were collected from northern Lake Michigan (45.718433 N, -86.342383 W), and oligochaetes were obtained from the Great Lakes Toxicology and Ecology Division (Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth MN). The microcosm experiment was carried out at the University of Minnesota Duluth Large Lakes Observatory. 5. Funding information This work was funded by the University of Minnesota's Water Resources Science graduate program, the University of Minnesota Biology Department Moos Graduate Fellowship, the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research Graduate Fellowship, and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-1737368. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Material may be reused with appropriate attribution. 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Huff, A., Rigdon, M., Zalusky, J., Katsev, S., Ozersky, T. (in review) Invasive Mussels Reduce Community Bioturbation but Do Not Affect Oxygen Penetration or Nutrient Fluxes in Organic-Poor Great Lakes Sediments. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: none 4. Links/relationships to ancillary datasets: none 5. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): no 6. Recommended citation for the data: Huff, A., Huff, A., Zalusky, J., Katsev, S., Ozersky, T. (2024) Sediment mixing and dissolved oxygen and nutrient dynamics in a six week microcosm experiment containing Great Lakes macroinvertebrates. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Luminophore_Data.csv Short description: Contains data on sediment mixing rate as luminophore (microbead) profiles at the end of the six-week experiment. B. Filename: Nutrient_Flux_Data.csv Short description: Contains data on NO2,3 and NH3 flux between the sediment and overlying water of the microcosms, collected weekly throughout the experiment. C. Filename: DO_Data.csv Short description: Contains sediment dissolved oxygen microprofiles for each microcosm, collected weekly throughout the experiment. D. Filename: Pore_Water_Data.csv Short description: Contains pore water profiles for each microcosm collected at the end of the six-week experiment. 2. Relationship between files: Each file contains data from a different sampling technique for the same microcosms, collected either weekly throughout the six-week experiment or at the end of the experiment. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: yes, citation forthcoming 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: See "Methods.pdf" file in this dataset. 2. Methods for processing the data: See "Methods.pdf" file. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: N/A 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: See "Methods.pdf" file. 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: See "Methods.pdf" file. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: N/A 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Audrey Huff, Matt Rigdon, John Zalusky, Sergei Katsev, Ted Ozersky, Julia Agnich, and Sandy Brovold. ------------------------------------------------ DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Luminophore_Data.csv" ------------------------------------------------ 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: 509 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable List A. Name: Analysis_Date Description: Date the sample was processed using microscopy (YYYYMMDD) B. Name: Tub Description: Identification number for the aquarium the sampled microcosm was in during the experiment C. Name: Treat_Type Description: Identification code for treatment type: Control, Dre (dreissenid-only), Dip (Diporeia-only), Olig (oligochaete-only), DreDip (dreissenid and Diporeia), OligDre (oligochaete and dreissenid), OligDip (oligochaete and Diporeia), and ODD (oligochaete, Diporeia, and dreissenid) D. Name: Slice_Depth Description: Depth in microcosm where sediment slice was collected (cm): 0.5 (0-0.5cm), 1 (0.5-1cm), 1.5 (1-1.5cm), 2 (1.5-2cm), or 3 (2-3cm) E. Name: Replicate Description: Replicate number of the subsample collected from dried sediment slice F. Name: Initial_wt Description: Initial weight of freeze-dried sediment slice (g) before removing a subsample G. Name: Final_wt Description: Final weight of freeze-dried sediment slice (g) before removing a subsample H. Name: Subsample_wt Description: Weight of subsample analyzed for luminophores (g), calculated as the difference between initial and final weights of the total dried sediment slice I. Name: Luminophore_Count Description: Total number of luminophores counted (using microscopy) in the sediment slice subsample J. Name: Luminophore_per_g Description: Number of luminophores counted in the subsample, normalized to subsample weight (g-1) K. Name: Luminophore_Count_Core_Total Description: Total number of luminophores counted in all subsamples taken for one entire microcosm L. Name: Luminophore_per_g_Core_Total Description: Number of luminophores counted in all subsamples from one microcosm, normalized to total weight of subsamples from the same microcosm (g-1) M. Name: Percent_of_Total Description: Percent of luminophores found in each subsample (normalized by weight) compared to the total number of luminophores found in the microcosm (normalized by weight), found by dividing "Lumiophore_per_g" by "Luminophore_p_g_Core_Total" N. Name: Comment Description: Specific comments about an individual subsample --------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Nutrient_Flux_Data.csv" --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 13 2. Number of cases/rows:201 3. Missing data codes: BDL (below detection limit) 4. Variable List A. Name: Week Description: Sampling week (of the six-week experiment) B. Name: Replicate Description: Microcosm replicate number C. Name: Treatment Description: Treatment type: Control, Dre (dreissenid-only), Dip (Diporeia-only), Olig (oligochaete-only), DreDip (dreissenid and Diporeia), OligDre (oligochaete and dreissenid), OligDip (oligochaete and Diporeia), and ODD (oligochaete, Diporeia, and dreissenid) D. Name: Vol_mL Description: Volume of overlying water in the microcosm E. Name: NOx_umol Description: Total change in water column NO2- + NO3- concentration (umol) during the six hour incubation F. Name: NH3_umol Description: Total change in water column NH3- concentration (umol) during the six hour incubation G. Name: SRP_umol Description: Total change in water column SRP concentration (umol) during the six hour incubation H. Name: NOx_change_uM Description: Total change in water column NO2- + NO3- concentration normalized to water volume (uM) I. Name: NH3_change_uM Description: Total change in water column NH3- concentration normalized to water volume (uM) J. Name: SRP_change_uM Description: Total change in water column SRP concentration normalized to water volume (uM) K. Name: NOx_umol_h Description: Total change in water column NO2- + NO3- concentration normalized to water volume and incubation time period (6h) (umol*h-1) L. Name: NH3_umol_h Description: Total change in water column NH3- concentration normalized to water volume and incubation time period (6h) (umol*h-1) M. Name: SRP_umol_h Description: Total change in water column SRP concentration normalized to water volume and incubation time period (6h) (umol*h-1) --------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "DO_Data.csv" --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 10 2. Number of cases/rows: 4011 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable List A. Name: Treatment Description: Treatment type: Control, Dre (dreissenid-only), Dip (Diporeia-only), Olig (oligochaete-only), DreDip (dreissenid and Diporeia), OligDre (oligochaete and dreissenid), OligDip (oligochaete and Diporeia), and ODD (oligochaete, Diporeia, and dreissenid) B. Name: Replicate Description: Microcosm replicate number C. Name: Duplicate Description: Duplicate identification (a or b) if duplicate measurements were taken from one microcosm. If no duplicate (b) measurement was taken, that microcosm only has an "a" duplicate D. Name: Week Description: Sampling week during the six-week experiment E. Name: Date Description: Sampling date (MM/DD/YYYY) F. Name: o2_mv Description: Oxygen concentration (millivolts) G. Name: o2_PyroSci Description: Oxygen concentration (raw, pyroscience sensor) H. Name: o2_umol Description: Oxygen concentration (umol) I. Name: Depth Description: Depth in sediment column where sample was taken (mm), with 0 representing sediment-water interface J. Name: OPD Description: Estimated maximum oxygen penetration depth in microcosm (mm) --------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: "Pore_Water_Data.csv" --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 10 2. Number of cases/rows: 193 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable List A. Name: Replicate Description: Microcosm replicate number B. Name: Treatment Description: Treatment type: Control, Dre (dreissenid-only), Dip (Diporeia-only), Olig (oligochaete-only), DreDip (dreissenid and Diporeia), OligDre (oligochaete and dreissenid), OligDip (oligochaete and Diporeia), and ODD (oligochaete, Diporeia, and dreissenid) C. Name: Depth Description: Depth of pore water sample in sediment (cm) D. Name: NOx_mg_L Description: NO2- + NO3- concentration in pore water (mg*L-1) E. Name: NH3_mg_L Description: NH3- concentration in pore water (mg*L-1) F. Name: SRP_mg_L Description: SRP concentration in pore water (mg*L-1) G. Name: NOx_umol_L Description: NO2- + NO3- concentration in pore water (umol*L-1) H. Name: NH3_umol_L Description: NH3- concentration in pore water (umol*L-1) I. Name: SRP_umol_L Description: SRP concentration in pore water (umol*L-1) J. Name: Comments Description: Comments