This readme.txt file was generated on 2022-01-31 by Data Repository for the University of Minnesota Recommended citation for the data: Estrella, Emma; Davis, Cassandra N; Mody, Isha; DeWitt, Katie; Roy, Aarushi; Yan, Chenwei; Hines, Alexander; Hammell, Abbey E; Mohr, Alicia H; Ronning, Emily. (2022). Fall 2021 University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts First-Year Student Survey 2. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Fall 2021 University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts First-Year Student Surveys 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Estrella, Emma Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Davis, Cassandra N Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Mody, Isha Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate Investigator Contact Information Name: DeWitt, Katie Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Roy, Aarushi Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Yan, Chenwei Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate Investigator Contact Information Name: Hines, Alexander Institution: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Hammell, Abbey E Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Hofelich Mohr, Alicia Institution: University of Minnesota Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Ronning, Emily Institution: University of Minnesota Email: 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2022-01-07 4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) Survey 1: 2021-09-26 to 2021-10-07; Survey 2: 2021-11-12 to 2021-11-28 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Online 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: NA 7. Overview of the data (abstract): This data is from two surveys distributed to first-year students in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota. The surveys include questions about the value based on one's identity, comfortability with various tasks related to transitioning to college, sense of belonging in various campus communities, and demographic identifiers. Survey 1 was sent at the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester, and Survey 2 was sent at the end. The aim of these surveys were to better understand the first-year experience for students, including the transition to college and campus climate. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: NA 3. Was data derived from another source? No If yes, list source(s): 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: F21_OSE_Student_Survey_1_data.csv Short description: De-identified survey data from survey 1 B. Filename: F21_OSE_Student_Survey_1_questions.pdf Short description: Questions from survey 1 C. Filename: F21_OSE_Student_Survey_2_data.csv Short description: De-identified survey data from survey 2 D. Filename: F21_OSE_Student_Survey_2_questions.pdf Short description: Questions from survey 2 E. Filename: F21_OSE_Student_survey_recodes.csv Short description: Recoding information for demographic data F. Filename: Readme.txt Short description: Readme document 2. Relationship between files: The two data CSV files contain individual level survey responses, while the pdfs contain the questions and formatting in the Qualtrics survey. Demographic variables were recoded to collapse categories, and the logic for those recodes are in the recodes CSV document. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Data were collected using the online survey platform, Qualtrics. 2. Methods for processing the data: Data were exported from Qualtrics. Respondents were assigned a unique respondent ID and shuffled into a random order by the Liberal Arts Technologies and Innovation Services (LATIS). 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: NA 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts' Office of Student Experience, LATIS. 8. De-identification: These survey responses represent a sample of the CLA FYE population. The demographic variables were recorded (see included recode document) to reduce disclosure risk. Any "Prefer not to respond" response selections were recoded as missing. Local suppression was also for the demographic variables used to meet 2-anonymity for each datasets. This was done using the sdcMicro_5.6.1 package in R 4.2.0 on macOS Big Sur 11.6.6. The sdcMicro suppression reports are below. Survey 1: The input dataset consists of 1180 rows and 22 variables. --> Categorical key variables: Demo_1_race_recoded, Demo_1_ethnicity_recoded, Demo_2_recoded, Demo_3, Demo_4_recoded, IS_FGEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Information on categorical key variables: Infos on 2/3-Anonymity: Number of observations violating - 2-anonymity: 0 (0.000%) | in original data: 83 (7.034%) - 3-anonymity: 30 (2.542%) | in original data: 127 (10.763%) - 5-anonymity: 106 (8.983%) | in original data: 190 (16.102%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Local suppression: KeyVar | Suppressions (#) | Suppressions (%) Demo_1_race_recoded | 16 | 1.356 Demo_1_ethnicity_recoded | 0 | 0.000 Demo_2_recoded | 10 | 0.847 Demo_3 | 3 | 0.254 Demo_4_recoded | 56 | 4.746 IS_FGEN | 0 | 0.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Survey 2: The input dataset consists of 869 rows and 29 variables. --> Categorical key variables: Demo_1_race_recode, Demo_1_ethnicity_recode, Demo_2_recode, Demo_3, Demo_4_recode, IS_FGEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Infos on 2/3-Anonymity: Number of observations violating - 2-anonymity: 0 (0.000%) | in original data: 56 (6.444%) - 3-anonymity: 8 (0.921%) | in original data: 94 (10.817%) - 5-anonymity: 66 (7.595%) | in original data: 127 (14.614%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Local suppression: KeyVar | Suppressions (#) | Suppressions (%) Demo_1_race_recode | 7 | 0.806 Demo_1_ethnicity_recode | 0 | 0.000 Demo_2_recode | 8 | 0.921 Demo_3 | 2 | 0.230 Demo_4_recode | 39 | 4.488 IS_FGEN | 0 | 0.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: F21_OSE_Student_Survey_1_data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 22 2. Number of cases/rows: 1181 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: 999 Definition: This item was automatically skipped for this participant. 4. Variable List A. Name: RESPONDENT_ID Description: Each respondent's Internet ID/x500 has been replaced with a 14-digit number called RESPONDENT_ID. This ID can be matched to the same respondent in future surveys if needed. A few of the respondents in the attached dataset submitted more than one response, so each response from the same person has the same RESPONDENT_ID. B. Name: FINISHED Description: Details whether the response was submitted or closed. “TRUE” indicates the respondent reached an end point in their survey (hitting the last Next/Submit button, being screened-out with Skip or Branch Logic, etc.). “FALSE” indicates the respondent left their survey before reaching an end point and the response was instead closed manually or due to session expiration. C. Name: Comfort_1 Description: How comfortable are you with interacting with other students in an academic setting (e.g., forming study groups, participating in small group discussions, etc.)? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] D. Name: Comfort_2 Description: How comfortable are you with developing personal relationships with other students in your classes? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] E. Name: Comfort_3 Description: How comfortable are you with contributing to classroom discussions? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] F. Name: Comfort_4 Description: How comfortable are you with asking a question in class? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] G. Name: Comfort_5 Description: How comfortable are you with interacting with your course instructors in an academic setting (e.g., asking questions about course content, emailing instructors, etc.)? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] H. Name: Comfort_6 Description: How comfortable are you with talking with your course instructors about problems you have? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] I. Name: Comfort_7 Description: How comfortable are you with talking with your peer instructor (e.g., TA, Section Leader) about problems you have? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] J. Name: Belong_1 Description: To what degree do you feel like you belong in the general University of Minnesota community? [Do not belong, Slightly belong, Mostly belong, Completely belong] K. Name: Belong_2 Description: To what degree do you feel like you belong in the College of Liberal Arts community specifically? [Do not belong, Slightly belong, Mostly belong, Completely belong] L. Name: Belong_3 Description: To what degree do you feel like you belong in your CLA 1001/CLA1005/MLK1001 section community? [Do not belong, Slightly belong, Mostly belong, Completely belong] M. Name: Identity_1 Description: How valued do you feel people who share your gender are within the University of Minnesota community? [Not at all valued, Slightly valued, Moderately valued, Highly valued] N. Name: Identity_2 Description: How valued do you feel people who share your race and/or ethnicity are within the University of Minnesota community? [Not at all valued, Slightly valued, Moderately valued, Highly valued] O. Name: Identity_3 Description: How valued do you feel people who share your sexual orientation (e.g., straight, gay, bisexual) are within the University of Minnesota community? [Not at all valued, Slightly valued, Moderately valued, Highly valued] P. Name: Mentor_1 Description: How much is your CLA Section Leader a mentor to you? [Not at all a mentor, Hardly a mentor, Somewhat a mentor, Very much a mentor] Q. Name: Demo_1_race_recoded Description: Demographic question for race, recoded to minimize identifiability. R. Name: Demo_1_ethnicity_recoded Description: Demographic question for ethnicity, recoded to minimize identifiability. S. Name: Demo_2_recoded Description: Demographic question for gender, recoded to minimize identifiability. T. Name: Demo_3 Description: Demographic question for transgender identity. U. Name: Demo_4_recoded Description: Demographic question for sexual orientation, recoded to minimize identifiability. V. Name: IS_FGEN Description: Describes whether student is a first-generation college student (Y=yes, N=no). ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: F21_OSE_Student_Survey_2_data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 29 2. Number of cases/rows: 870 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: 999 Definition: This item was automatically skipped for this participant. 4. Variable List A. Name: RESPONDENT_ID Description: Each respondent's Internet ID/x500 has been replaced with a 14-digit number called RESPONDENT_ID. This ID can be matched to the same respondent in future surveys if needed. A few of the respondents in the attached dataset submitted more than one response, so each response from the same person has the same RESPONDENT_ID. B. Name: FINISHED Description: Details whether the response was submitted or closed. “TRUE” indicates the respondent reached an end point in their survey (hitting the last Next/Submit button, being screened-out with Skip or Branch Logic, etc.). “FALSE” indicates the respondent left their survey before reaching an end point and the response was instead closed manually or due to session expiration. C. Name: Comfort_1 Description: How comfortable are you with interacting with other students in an academic setting (e.g., forming study groups, participating in small group discussions, etc.)? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] D. Name: Comfort_2 Description: How comfortable are you with developing personal relationships with other students in your classes? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] E. Name: Comfort_3 Description: How comfortable are you with contributing to classroom discussions? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] F. Name: Comfort_4 Description: How comfortable are you with asking a question in class? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] G. Name: Comfort_5 Description: How comfortable are you with interacting with your course instructors in an academic setting (e.g., asking questions about course content, emailing instructors, etc.)? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] H. Name: Comfort_6 Description: How comfortable are you with talking with your course instructors about problems you have? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] I. Name: Comfort_7 Description: How comfortable are you with talking with your peer instructor (e.g., TA, Section Leader) about problems you have? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] J. Name: Comfort_8 Description: How comfortable are you with managing different areas of your life (e.g., classes, social life, work, etc.)? [Not at all comfortable, Slightly comfortable, Mostly comfortable, Extremely comfortable] K. Name: Belong_1 Description: To what degree do you feel like you belong in the general University of Minnesota community? [Do not belong, Slightly belong, Mostly belong, Completely belong] L. Name: Belong_2 Description: To what degree do you feel like you belong in the College of Liberal Arts community specifically? [Do not belong, Slightly belong, Mostly belong, Completely belong] M. Name: Belong_3 Description: To what degree do you feel like you belong in your CLA 1001/CLA1005/MLK1001 section community? [Do not belong, Slightly belong, Mostly belong, Completely belong] N. Name: Identity_1 Description: How valued do you feel people who share your gender are within the University of Minnesota community? [Not at all valued, Slightly valued, Moderately valued, Highly valued] O. Name: Identity_2 Description: How valued do you feel people who share your race and/or ethnicity are within the University of Minnesota community? [Not at all valued, Slightly valued, Moderately valued, Highly valued] P. Name: Identity_3 Description: How valued do you feel people who share your sexual orientation (e.g., straight, gay, bisexual) are within the University of Minnesota community? [Not at all valued, Slightly valued, Moderately valued, Highly valued] Q. Name: Discrimination_1 Description: If you witnessed or experienced discrimination or bias at the University of Minnesota, would you know where to report it? [Yes, No] R. Name: Discrimination_2 Description: The CLA 1001/CLA 1005/MLK 1001 curriculum provides an adequate opportunity to learn about the social, historical, and intellectual contributions of a variety of people (e.g., people from different races and ethnicities, sexual identities, individuals with disabilities, etc.). [Yes, No] S. Name: Mentor_1 Description: How much is your CLA Section Leader a mentor to you? [Not at all a mentor, Hardly a mentor, Somewhat a mentor, Very much a mentor] T. Name: LATIS_1 Description: Approximately how many of your courses used Canvas? [0, 1, 2, 3+] U. Name: LATIS_2 Description: In general, how relevant were your Canvas course(s) to your learning experience this semester? [Not at all relevant, Somewhat relevant, Very relevant] V. Name: LATIS_3 Description: This semester, how frequently did the organization of your Canvas course site(s) make it more difficult for you to engage with course materials? [Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often] W. Name: LATIS_4 Description: This semester, how frequently did the organization of your Canvas course site(s) make it easier for you to engage with course materials? [Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often] X. Name: Demo_1_race_recode Description: Demographic question for race, recoded to minimize identifiability. Y. Name: Demo_1_ethnicity_recode Description: Demographic question for ethnicity, recoded to minimize identifiability. Z. Name: Demo_2_recode Description: Demographic question for gender, recoded to minimize identifiability. AA. Name: Demo_3 Description: Demographic question for transgender identity. AB. Name: Demo_4_recode Description: Demographic question for sexual orientation, recoded to minimize identifiability. AC. Name: IS_FGEN Description: Describes whether student is a first-generation college student. [Y=yes, N=no]