This readme.txt file was generated on 2021-11-12 by Wesley J. Glisson ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Phenology data for watermilfoil taxa Myriophyllum spicatum, M. sibiricum, and M. spicatum x M. sibiricum in Minnesota, USA, 2017-2018 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Wesley J. Glisson Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 135 Skok Hall, 2003 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul, MN 55108 Email: ORCID: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Daniel J. Larkin Institution: University of Minnesota Address: 135 Skok Hall, 2003 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul, MN 55108 Email: ORCID: 3. Date of data collection: Data collected 2017-05-31 through 2018-11-07 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area, Minnesota, USA. Please see Glisson and Larkin (2021), referenced below, for exact geographic coordinates of each study lake. 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Funding was provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center (Cooperative Agreement No. W912HZ-16-2-0011), and the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Glisson WJ, Verhoeven MR, Larkin DJ (2020) A new device for sampling submersed aquatic plants using underwater video. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 58:76–82 Glisson WJ, Larkin DJ (2021) Hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum × Myriophyllum sibiricum) exhibits traits associated with greater invasiveness than its introduced and native parental taxa. Biological Invasions 23(8): 2417–2433. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: NA 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: NA 5. Was data derived from another source? No 6. Recommended citation for the data: Glisson, Wesley J; Larkin, Daniel J. (2021). Phenology data for watermilfoil taxa Myriophyllum spicatum, M. sibiricum, and M. spicatum x M. sibiricum in Minnesota, USA, 2017 - 2018. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: myriophyllum_biomassData.csv Short description: Data for Myriophyllum biomass and rake density measured at all Myriophyllum phenology sampling locations in October 2018. B. Filename: myriophyllum_surfaceData.csv Short description: Data collected from the water's surface at Myriophyllum phenology sampling locations 2017 - 2018. C. Filename: myriophyllum_stemcountData.csv Short description: Data collected with the underwater video sampling device at Myriophyllum phenology sampling locations 2017 - 2018. 2. Relationship between files: Data across files can be linked by "siteID", described below for each data file. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: NA 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: For a description of the methods used for collection/generation of data please see: Glisson WJ, Verhoeven MR, Larkin DJ (2020) A new device for sampling submersed aquatic plants using underwater video. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 58:76–82 Glisson WJ, Larkin DJ (2021) Hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum × Myriophyllum sibiricum) exhibits traits associated with greater invasiveness than its introduced and native parental taxa. Biological Invasions 23(8): 2417–2433. 2. Methods for processing the data: All data are in raw form and any alterations are described below for each data file. Further processing prior to statistical analysis is described in in the manuscripts referenced above. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: NA 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: For a description of the environmental/experimental conditions please see: Glisson WJ, Verhoeven MR, Larkin DJ (2020) A new device for sampling submersed aquatic plants using underwater video. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 58:76–82 Glisson WJ, Larkin DJ (2021) Hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum × Myriophyllum sibiricum) exhibits traits associated with greater invasiveness than its introduced and native parental taxa. Biological Invasions 23(8): 2417–2433. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: All data were checked for accuracy and consistency upon entry and analysis. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Both authors contributed to these steps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: myriophyllum_biomassData.csv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 7 2. Number of cases/rows: 41 (including column headers) 3. Missing data codes: No missing data. 4. Variable List A. Name: lake Description: The lake where the sample was collected. B. Name: siteID Description: The combination of lake, cumulative sampling period ("sp_"), and site number ("S_"). Sampling periods are ~1-week time windows within which all lakes were sampled. Each lake contained 5 sites (point locations), S1-S5. A additional site (S6) was added to Orchard Lake to replace site S1 (explanation in Glisson and Larkin [2021] above). C. Name: subsampleID Description: The number associated with the location of the subsample around the boat. p1 = pole 1, p2 = pole 2, etc. D. Name: site_subsampleID Description: The combination of lake, cumulative sampling period, site number, and subsampleID. E. Name: taxon Description: The taxon of the sample (all samples from a lake are of the same taxon): EWM = Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum); HWM = hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum x Myriophyllum sibiricum); NWM = northern watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum). F. Name: rake_density Description: The rake-density abundance for the sample (on a scale of 1-3). G. Name: weight_g Description: The wet weight (grams) of the sample. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: myriophyllum_surfaceData.csv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 28 2. Number of cases/rows: 627 (including column headers) 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: Data were either not applicable (e.g., flower heads during winter sampling, ice thickness during summer sampling, etc.) or were not collected for the given variable (see explanations in the notes column). 4. Variable List A. Name: date Description: Date of data collection. Format: MM/DD/YYYY B. Name: year Description: Year of data collection. C. Name: sampling_period Description: Sampling period during which the data were collected. Sampling periods are ~1-week time windows within which all lakes were sampled. Values are year-specific. D. Name: sampling_period_cumulative Description: Cumulative sampling period (over the course of the study) during which the data were collected. E. Name: time_24hr Description: The 24-hour time at which sampling for the specified lake began. F. Name: lake Description: The lake where sampling occured. G. Name: site_number Description: The site (point location) where sampling occured on a lake. Each lake contained 5 sites, S1-S5. A additional site (S6) was added to Orchard Lake to replace site S1 (explanation in Glisson and Larkin [2021] above). H. Name: siteID Description: The combination of lake, cumulative sampling period, and site number. I. Name: taxon Description: The taxon associated with the sample (all samples from a lake are of the same taxon): EWM = Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum); HWM = hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum x Myriophyllum sibiricum); NWM = northern watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum). J. Name: surface_cover_class Description: Cover class for surface cover (i.e., surface matting) of the Myriophyllum at a site, measured in a 5-m radius from the center of the boat. Cover was assessed via an arcsine-squareroot cover class system using the following values: 1 = 0–1%, 2 = >1–5%, 3 = >5–25%, 4 = >25–50%, 5 = >50–75%, 6 = >75–95%, 7 = >95–99%, 8 = >99–100%. K. Name: flower_heads_original Description: The number of Myriophyllum flower heads originally recorded at a site, measured in a 5-m radius from the center of the boat. These values include ranges (e.g., 50-75) that were subsequently changed to midpoints for analysis (see variable below). L. Name: flower_heads Description: The number of Myriophyllum flower heads at a site used for statistical analysis. These values are either the same as those in the previous column (flower_heads_original), or if a range of values was recorded for flower_heads_original, then the midpoint of the range. M. Name: ice_thickness_m Description: Thickness of ice (meters) for winter (under ice) Myriophyllum sampling. N. Name: depth_P1_m Description: Water depth (meters) measured at supsample point 1 with a metal pole. This supsample location is diagonally opposite of supsample point 3. O. Name: depth_P3_m Description: Water depth (meters) measured at supsample point 3 with a metal pole. This supsample location is diagonally opposite of supsample point 1. P. Name:secchi_depth_m Description: Secchi depth (meters) measured with a standard 20-cm black and white Secchi disc. Q. Name: secchi_on_bottom Description: Did the Secchi disc reach the lake bottom while still visible? 1 = yes, 0 = no. R. Name: temp_c Description: Water temperature (degrees Celsius) measured 0.5 m below the water's surface. S. Name: pH Description: pH measured 0.5 m below the water's surface. T. Name: conductivity_microS_cm Description: Conductivity (µS/cm) measured 0.5 m below the water's surface. U. Name: do_perc Description: Dissolved oxygen (percent saturation) measured 0.5 m below the water's surface. V. Name: do_mg_L Description: Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) measured 0.5 m below the water's surface. W. Name: p1_depth_interval_start_m Description: The starting depth interval (in 0.5-m increments) of the video subsample at the p1 subsample location. This is the height at which the video subsample recording began. This value matches that of depth_interval_start_m for the associated record (as specified by site_subsampleID) in the myriophyllum_stemcountData.csv data file below. X. Name: p2_depth_interval_start_m Description: The starting depth interval (in 0.5-m increments) of the video subsample at the p2 subsample location. This is the height at which the video subsample recording began. This value matches that of depth_interval_start_m for the associated record (as specified by site_subsampleID) in the myriophyllum_stemcountData.csv data file below. Y. Name: p3_depth_interval_start_m Description: The starting depth interval (in 0.5-m increments) of the video subsample at the p3 subsample location. This is the height at which the video subsample recording began. This value matches that of depth_interval_start_m for the associated record (as specified by site_subsampleID) in the myriophyllum_stemcountData.csv data file below. Z. Name: p4_depth_interval_start_m Description: The starting depth interval (in 0.5-m increments) of the video subsample at the p4 subsample location. This is the height at which the video subsample recording began. This value matches that of depth_interval_start_m for the associated record (as specified by site_subsampleID) in the myriophyllum_stemcountData.csv data file below. AA. Name: num_video_samples Description: The total number of video subsamples collected at each site during a sampling visit. AB. Name: notes Description: Descriptive notes associated with the data. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: myriophyllum_stemcountData.csv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 18 2. Number of cases/rows: 19,713 (including column headers) 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: See variable list below for explanations of variable-specific NA values. 4. Variable List A. Name: date Description: Date of data collection. Format: MM/DD/YYYY B. Name: year Description: Year of data collection. C. Name: sampling_period_cumulative Description: Cumulative sampling period (over the course of the study) during which the data were collected. Sampling periods are ~1-week time windows within which all lakes were sampled. D. Name: lake Description: The lake where sampling occured. E. Name: site_number Description: The site (point location) where sampling occured on a lake. Each lake contained 5 sites, S1-S5. A additional site (S6) was added to Orchard Lake to replace site S1 (explanation in Glisson and Larkin [2021] above). F. Name: siteID Description: The combination of lake, cumulative sampling period, and site number. G. Name: taxon Description: The taxon associated with the subsample (all subsamples from a lake are of the same taxon): EWM = Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum); HWM = hybrid watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum x Myriophyllum sibiricum); NWM = northern watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum). H. Name: subsampleID Description: The number associated with the location of the subsample around the boat. p1 = pole 1, p2 = pole 2, etc. I. Name: site_subsampleID Description: The combination of lake, cumulative sampling period, site number, and subsampleID. J. Name: depth_pole_m Description: Water depth (meters) measured with a metal pole at the specified subsample location. These depths were measured at subsample locations 1 (p1) and 3 (p3), diagonally opposite of each other off the side of the boat. Values for other subsample locations are recorded as "NA". For winter (under ice) sampling, p2 and p4 were not sampled, and these are also recorded as "NA". K. Name: depth_interval_start_m Description: The depth interval (in 0.5-m increments) at which the video recording began at the subsample location. This depth interval was chosen such that any Myriophyllum stems at the water's surface would be included in the Myriophyllum stem measurements. These values correspond to the values in columns W-Z in the myriophyllum_surfaceData.csv data file (i.e., p1_depth_interval_start_m, p2_depth_interval_start_m...). For winter (under ice) sampling, subsamples p2 and p4 were not sampled; values for these subsamples are recorded as "NA". L. Name: depth_interval_m Description: The depth interval (in 0.5-m increments) at which Myriophyllum stems and cover were measured. Only depth intervals at or below the depth_interval_start_m value were examined. M. Name: depth_interval_integer_m Description: The integer value of depth_interval_m. N. Name: stems Description: The number of clearly visible Myriophyllum stems located between the camera and a 30-cm by 70-cm sampling window positioned 62 cm in front of the camera. Values of NA for this variable pertain to: 1) depth intervals (depth_interval_m) greater than the depth_interval_start_m, 2) depth intervals for which the view was obstructed and/or water clarity was too low to observe Myriophyllum, and 3) the bottom-most depth intervals (e.g., 0.0 m) which were typically not reachable by the sampling device (due to the sparsity of data, the 0.0 m interval was removed prior to analysis of stem data in Glisson and Larkin [2021] referenced above). O. Name: stem_cover_class Description: Vertical coverage of Myriophyllum located between the camera and a 30-cm by 70-cm sampling window positioned 62 cm in front of the camera. Cover was assessed via an arcsine-squareroot cover class system using the following values: 1 = 0–1%, 2 = >1–5%, 3 = >5–25%, 4 = >25–50%, 5 = >50–75%, 6 = >75–95%, 7 = >95–99%, 8 = >99–100%. Values of NA for this variable pertain to: 1) depth intervals (depth_interval_m) greater than the depth_interval_start_m, 2) depth intervals for which the view was obstructed and/or water clarity was too low to observe Myriophyllum, and 3) the bottom-most depth intervals (e.g., 0.0 m) which were typically not reachable by the sampling device (due to the sparsity of data, the 0.0 m interval was removed prior to analysis of stem data in Glisson and Larkin [2021] referenced above). P. Name: obstruction Description: If any object, plant, etc. obstructed the camera's view of the sampling window, this is indicated with "yes". However, the size and nature of the obstruction was not documented and criteria for what constitutes obstruction was not formally defined. Hence, this variable should be interpreted cautiously. Q. Name: assoc_species Description: The scientific names of some of the submersed aquatic plant species observed in the video subsample. These data were not collected consistently across all video subsamples and were not subject to review. R. Name: notes Description: Descriptive notes associated with the data, primarily addressing issues of visibility. As with obstruction, poor visibility was not always specified; hence, these records should not be taken as the only instances of poor visibility.