Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map M-132 Maps of bedrock geology and superimposed magnetic on gravity (SMOG) anomaly for east-central Minnesota. Digital products ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Export (.e00) files for the Arc/Info coverages created for this project are all contained in the .zip file "m132.zip". Textfile "index.txt" lists and describes the coverages included in m132.zip. All covers are registered in UTM coordinates, zone 15, NAD83 projection. Freeware versions of software to extract the zipped files are readily available for almost any platform (pc, Unix, Mac,..) for download via the web. A pdf version of the map plate is included in this directory as "m132.pdf". The pdf map should be viewed using Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher for best results. If necessary, download this file in binary, not ASCII. Also available on paper as a plotter map; contact the MGS Map Sales office at 612-627-4780, ex. 238. WHEN PRINTING, LEVEL 2 POSTSCRIPT PRINT METHOD MAY NEED TO BE SELECTED FROM OPTIONS IN THE PRINT DIALOG BOX. There also have been problems when printing to large format plotters from Windows if the host machine prints using another networked computer as a spooler. The large maps usually fail to print. This problem has been solved by creating a port that accesses the plotter over a network directly without using an intermediate computer. Any questions concerning the printing of map m132.pdf should be directed to: Rich Lively Minnesota Geological Survey 612-627-4780, ext. 211 lively@umn.edu