///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// General Information////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title of Dataset: Wigner-Seitz Cell Generation and Calculations in Matlab Author Information: Lindsay, Aaron P. (linds573@umn.edu) Mueller, Andreas J. (muel0467@umn.edu) Mahanthappa, Mahesh K. Lodge, Timothy P. Bates, Frank S. (bates001@umn.edu) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, United States Funding Information: NSF DMR-1801993 and GRFP-00039202 License: GNU General Public License Recommended citation for the data: Lindsay, Aaron P; Mueller, Andreas J; Mahanthappa, Mahesh K; Lodge, Timothy P; Bates, Frank S. (2021). Wigner-Seitz Cell generation and calculations in MATLAB. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, https://doi.org/10.13020/5bdw-8r09. Referenced by Lindsay, A. P. Structure and Dynamics of Compositionally Asymmetric Block Polymers and their Blends. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2021. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Overview //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This series of codes was developed to generate publication-quality Wigner-Seitz cells for a variety of structures. The main algorithm (VoronoiTesselation.m) is generalized, allowing specification of lattice positions and parameters or the upload of these values from a .xtl file exported from Vesta. Added is the ability to determine various cell parameters, including the coordination number, area/volume, and the second-moment volume, which is proportional to the stretching moment for polymer chains stretched from the cell center to the cell edges. A simple algorithm for simulation of 2D diffraction patterns is also included (diffraction.m). Instructions are included in each of the codes.