This readme.txt file was generated on <2024/11/14> by Willian Righi Assis Recommended citation for the data: Assis, Willian; Yang, Judy Q. (2024). Data supporting the manuscript Role of microbial mats in bed evolution and the formation of sedimentary structures. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM), ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Data supporting the manuscript Role of Microbial Mats in Bed Evolution and the Formation of Sedimentary Structures. 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name:Willian Righi Assis Institution: Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Address: 2 3rd Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-0252-1841 Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Judy Q. Yang Institution: Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Address: 2 3rd Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-6272-1266 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2024-12-05 4. Date of data collection: 2024-06-01 to 2024-09-01 5. Geographic location of data collection : Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This study is supported by Office of Navy Research grant N00014-23-1-2559 and National Science Foundation CAREER Award EAR-2236497 7. Overview of the data (abstract): This dataset contains the data collected and presented in the manuscript "Role of Microbial Mats in Bed Evolution and the Formation of Sedimentary Structures." It includes the bed topographies along the centerline of the channel for each tested case. Additionally, it contains the matlab codes used to process the data. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Manuscript submitted 3. Was data derived from another source? Yes If yes, list source(s): Matlab codes were taken and modified from Lee, J., Musa, M., & Guala, M. (2021). Scale-dependent bedform migration and deformation in the physical and spectral domains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126 (5), e2020JF005811 and Lee, J., Singh, A., & Guala, M. (2022). Reconstructing sediment transport by migrating bedforms in the physical and spectral domains. Water Resources Research, 58 (7), e2022WR031934. 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. Yes. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Short description: It contains 7 folders (HighFlowRegime_Abiotic, HighFlowRegime_Biofilm, LowFlowRegime_Abiotic, LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest, LowFlowRegime_Biofilm, LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch, and LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Test). In each folder, there is a matlab file with the longitudinal Direction, bed topography and time interval. B. Filename: Short description: It contains the matlab codes used to process the data. The files were extracted and modified from Lee, J., Musa, M., & Guala, M. (2021). Scale-dependent bedform migration and deformation in the physical and spectral domains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126 (5), e2020JF005811 and Lee, J., Singh, A., & Guala, M. (2022). Reconstructing sediment transport by migrating bedforms in the physical and spectral domains. Water Resources Research, 58 (7), e2022WR031934. 2. Relationship between files: These two zip files contain the data processed. There are .mat files with the bedforms data for abiotic and biotic cases. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The data was collected in the tilting sediment-recirculating flume located at SAFL. We used the JSR Ultrasonic DPR300 Pulser/Receiver to acquire bed topography every 1cm in the center line of the channel. The raw data was saved in CSV files, and the data processing performed was done using MatLab. 2. Methods for processing the data: From the raw data (profiles of the bed), we calculated the mean value and subtracted each point for the average. To calculate the morphodynamics of the bedforms, we used the code presented in Lee, J., Musa, M., & Guala, M. (2021). Scale-dependent bedform migration and deformation in the physical and spectral domains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126 (5), e2020JF005811 and Lee, J., Singh, A., & Guala, M. (2022). Reconstructing sediment transport by migrating bedforms in the physical and spectral domains. Water Resources Research, 58 (7), e2022WR031934. In the folder "Data", there is a readme.txt file where you can find all the information for each one of the .mat files uploaded. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: MATLAB 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Willian Righi Assis (data collection, processing, analysis, submission) Judy Yang (analysis, submission) ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Data supporting the manuscript "Role of microbial mats in bed evolution and the formation of sedimentary structures" ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 (X position, Z position and time) 2. Number of cases/rows: We have 7 uploaded cases: 1.HighFlowRegime_Abiotic 2.HighFlowRegime_Biofilm 3.LowFlowRegime_Abiotic 4.LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest 5.LowFlowRegime_Biofilm 6.LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch 7.LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Retest In each one of the dataset, we have saved three variables: time of each swath (in hours); longitudinal position in each ping (in meters); height of the topography, where each line represents one longitudinal scan (in centimeters) 3. Missing data codes: NA 4. Variable List a) Name: Time_HighFlowRegime_Abiotic Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the High flow regime test for abiotic case. Name: X_HighFlowRegime_Abiotic Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the High flow regime test for abiotic case. Name: Z_HighFlowRegime_Abiotic Description: bed height (in cm) for the High flow regime test for abiotic case. b) Name: Time_HighFlowRegime_Biofilm Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the High flow regime test for biofilim case. Name: X_HighFlowRegime_Biofilm Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the High flow regime test for biofilm case. Name: Z_HighFlowRegime_Biofilm Description: bed height (in cm) for the High flow regime test for biofilm case. c) Name: Time_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the low flow regime test for abiotic case. Name: X_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the low flow regime test for abiotic case. Name: Z_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic Description: bed height (in cm) for the low flow regime test for abiotic case. d) Name: Time_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the low flow regime retest for abiotic case. Name: X_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the low flow regime retest for abiotic case. Name: Z_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest Description: bed height (in cm) for the low flow regime retest for abiotic case. e) Name: Time_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the low flow regime test for the biofilm case. Name: X_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the low flow regime test for the biofilm case. Name: Z_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm Description: bed height (in cm) for the low flow regime test for the biofilm case. f) Name: Time_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the low flow regime test for patch case. Name: X_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the low flow regime test for patch case. Name: Z_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch Description: bed height (in cm) for the low flow regime test for patch case. g) Name: Time_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Retest Description: time (in hours) of each swath for the low flow regime retest for biofilm case. Name: X_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Retest Description: longitudinal Direction (in meters) for the low flow regime retest for biofilm case. Name: Z_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Retest Description: bed height (in cm) for the low flow regime retest for biofilm case. -------------------------------- DATA TREE ------------------------------- +---Data | \---Data | | readme.txt | | | +---1.HighFlowRegime_Abiotic | | Data_HighFlowRegime_Abiotic.mat | | | +---2.HighFlowRegime_Biofilm | | Data_HighFlowRegime_Biofilm.mat | | | +---3.LowFlowRegime_Abiotic | | Data_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic.mat | | | +---4.LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest | | Data_LowFlowRegime_Abiotic_Retest.mat | | | +---5.LowFlowRegime_Biofilm | | Data_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm.mat | | | +---6.LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch | | Data_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Patch.mat | | | \---7.LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Retest | Data_LowFlowRegime_Biofilm_Retest.mat | \---MatLab_Codes \---MatLab_Codes \---MatLab_Codes \---Codes AveragingSlope.m BedformCharacteristics.m DetermineReferencePoints.m DividingProfiles_1D.m Example.mat fftf.m MovingAverage.m PDF_curve.m readme.txt rmneg.m SlipFaceAngle.m STEP1_MovingAverage.m STEP2_FFTfilter.m STEP3_BedformCharacteristics.m Track1.m