Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-162 Bedrock geology of the Babbitt Southeast quadrangle, St.Louis and Lake counties, Minnesota J.D.Miller,Jr. and M.J.Severson 2005 scale 1:24,000 The four files contained at this location are: m162.pdf - a pdf version of the final map product m-162babbittnw.zip - a zip file containing the GIS digital products associated with the map index.txt - a listing of the files included in the zip file readme.txt - this readme file questions or concerns about the files located here can be directed to: Tim Wahl or Rich Lively ( tewahl@umn.edu or lively@umn.edu ) Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Ave St.Paul, Minnesota 55115 612-627-4780 questions or comments concerning the geological information or interpretations of the map or data should be directed, of course, to the authors: Jim Miller ( mille066@umn.edu )