This readme.txt file was generated on 2015/08/18 by Katherine Gerwig GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Promotional Practices for Research Data Repositories 2. File Information: A. Filename: DR_promo_responses B. Short description: 1 Excel and 1 CSV file containing responses to an online survey C. Filename: DR_affiliation_piechart D. Short description: Pie chart generated from the survey responses to: "What kind of data repository are you affiliated with?" Shows percentages. E. Filename: DR_promo_barchart F. Short description: Bar chart generated from the survey responses to: "How do you promote the data repository?" G. Filename: DR_promo_survey H. Short description: Image of the complete Google form survey. 3. Principal Investigator Contact Information A. Name: Katherine Gerwig B. Institution: Metropolitan State University C. Address: Library and Information Services, 700 East 7th Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106 D. Email: 4. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information A. Name: Lisa Johnston B. Institution: University of Minnesota C. Address: University of Minnesota Libraries, 108 Walter Library, Minneapolis, MN 55455 D. Email: 5. Date of data collection: 2015/07/08 - 2015/07/23 6. Date files were created: 2015/08/18 7. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Google form was embedded or linked to email sent out to 2 library related research data management listservs ( and The survey was left open for 2 weeks. Responses were collected via linked spreadsheet. A total of 36 responses was collected with 17 agreeing to phone interviews. 2. Methods for processing the data: Data was transferred to Excel spreadsheet and percentages were calculated using Excel. Deidentification: For these files all information was deleted from question 4 (email addresses), and institutional identifiers were deleted from responses to question 3. E-mail text used to schedule follow-up interviews: Hello _____, Thank you so much for your response to the survey on data repository promotional practices! I am a student in the School of Library and Information Studies at the the University of Wisconsin - Madison. As part of a practicum placement with the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, I am working with Lisa Johnston to research promotional practices of data repositories. I am contacting you because you indicated that you might be available for a brief phone or email interview to gain more detailed information on how you are promoting your data repository. Would any half hour between __ and __ Wednesday, August __ work for you? If not, please recommend a time.? The interview will take no longer than 30 minutes. Thank you for your contribution to this research project Sincerely, Katherine Gerwig DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1. Column headings for tabular data: Column headings correspond directly to survey questions: A. Timestamp B. What kind of repository are you affiliated with? (Choose all that apply) C. How do you currently promote the data repository? (Choose all that apply) D. Tell us more about your approach. E. If we may contact you for a brief follow-up interview, please include your name and email. 2. Codes or symbols used to record missing data A. Code/symbol: blank space = no answer given 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: The final question asks for contact information in order to conduct phone interviews. These interviews are in progress. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC:BY 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: 4. Recommended citation for the data: Gerwig, K., & Johnston, L. (2015). Data Repository Promotional Practices [Data set]. Credits: Template provided by the University of Minnesota Libraries,